
时间:2012-10-31 06:31:55

标签: c# wpf 3d computational-geometry


Full Geometry

...用飞机切割。切割后,算法识别沿切割平面的所有唯一轮廓,并以CW或CCW缠绕顺序填充线段列表。任何简单的多边形都易于使用Cutting Ears算法进行三角测量和渲染,如下所示:

Cut Plane Image enter image description here



编辑:查看已接受的答案;我正在使用Poly2Tri的C#实现,这是一个受约束的Delaunay三角剖分。然而,(图像不按比例)Poly2Tri算法(中心)失败了780段折线,而Cutting Ears(右)没有,直到我剥离了他们的精度输入,提供单精度值upcast as double而不是double 。它现在产生与Cutting Ears不同的三角剖分,但是尊重外折线的边界。

ComplexPoly ComplexCDT ComplexEars

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Constrained Delaunay of a zone

答案 1 :(得分:0)

在SketchUp和3DSMax之间制作导出/导入插件时,必须解决完全相同的问题。 Sketchup使用概念或外部和内部循环,而3DS Max是纯几何。


foreach point in outerLoop
    // Loop over all other point to find the nearest valid one
    foreach otherPoint in both outerLoop and all innerLoops where otherPoint is not point
        if otherPoint is adjacent to point
            reject otherPoint 

        if distance between point and otherPoint is bigger than previous distance
            reject otherPoint 

        // Test is vector is point outside the geometry in case of convexe shapes
        if cross product of vector from (point - adjacent point) and (point - nearest point) is pointing away from cross product of vectors of (point - both adjacents point)
            reject otherPoint 

        nearestPoint = otherPoint

    for the two adjacentPoint of nearestPoint
        if adjacentPoint is also adjacent to point
            make triangle(point, adjacentPoint, nearestPoint)
        if cross product of vector from (point - adjacent point) and (point - nearest point) is pointing in the same direction as cross product of vectors of (point - both adjacents point)
            make triangle(point, adjacentPoint, nearestPoint)

repeat the above for innerLoops point while only checking against other innerLoops

make triangle function should check if the triangle already exist from previous iteration.

