
时间:2013-03-15 11:30:18

标签: linq

场景:View应该包含所有利润的总和,所有成本的总和以及余额=利润 - 成本

public ProfitAndCostViewModel getTotalBalance()
        var totalProfit = db.Profits.Where(p=>p.IdUser.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).Sum(p=>p.Value);

        var totalCost = db.Costs.Where(c=>c.IdUser.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).Sum(c=>c.Value);

        var balance = totalProfit - totalCost ;
        return new ProfitAndCostViewModel { FinalBalance = balance };


 public ActionResult Index()

      var pcv = new ProfitAndCostViewModel();
          pcv.ProfModel =getProfitSum();
            pcv.CostModel =getCostSum();
            pcv.TOTALBALANCE = getTotalBalance();
             return View(pcv);



@model WHFM.ViewModels.ProfitAndCostViewModel

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

public ProfitAndCostViewModel getTotalBalance()
    var totalProfit = db.Profits.Where(p=>p.IdUser.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).Sum(p=>p.Value);

    var totalCost = db.Costs.Where(c=>c.IdUser.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).Sum(c=>c.Value);

    var balance = totalProfit - totalCost ;
    return new ProfitAndCostViewModel{ FinalBalance = balance};


如果你想拥有多对多的用户平衡输出(IEnumerable of ProfitAndCostViewModel),那么试试:

 public IEnumerable<ProfitAndCostViewModel> getTotalBalance()
    var result = from p in db.Profits
                       group p by p.IdUser.UserId
                       into g
                       join c in db.Costs on g.Key equals c.IdUser.UserId
                       group new {g,c} by g.Key into h
                       select new ProfitAndCostViewModel
                               FinalBalance = h.Select(x=>x.g.Sum(y=>y.Value)).First() - h.Sum(x=>x.c.Value),
                                                       UserId = h.Key

    return result;


答案 1 :(得分:1)


场景:View应该包含所有利润的总和,所有成本的总和以及余额=利润 - 成本

public double getProfitSum()
    return db.Profits.Where(p=>p.IdUser.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).Sum(p=>p.Value);

public double getCostSum()
    return db.Costs.Where(c=>c.IdUser.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).Sum(c=>c.Value);


 public ActionResult Index()

      var pcv = new ProfitAndCostViewModel();
      pcv.ProfModel = getProfitSum();  //This should be a double
      pcv.CostModel =getCostSum();   //This should be a double
      return View(pcv);       


public class ProfitAndCostViewModel
    public double ProfModel {get;set;}
    public double CostModel {get;set;}
    public FinalBalance {get{ return ProfModel - CostModel;} }


@model WHFM.ViewModels.ProfitAndCostViewModel
@Model.FinalBalance - This show now be correct

答案 2 :(得分:0)

public IEnumerable<ProfitAndCostViewModel> getTotalBalance()
    var total = from p in db.Profits
                join c in db.Costs on p.IdUser.UserId equals c.IdUser.UserId
                group new { p, c } by p.IdUser.UserId into g
                select new ProfitAndCostViewModel
                    FinalBalance = g.Sum(i => i.p.Value) - g.Sum(i => i.c.Value);
    return total;        

答案 3 :(得分:0)


 public IEnumerable<ProfitAndCostViewModel> getTotalBalance()
     var total = from p in db.Profits
                 join c in db.Costs on p.IdUser.UserId equals c.IdUser.UserId
                 where p.IdUser.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                 group new { p, c } by p.IdUser.UserId into g
                 select new ProfitAndCostViewModel
                    FinalBalance = g.Sum(i => i.p.Value) - g.Sum(i => i.c.Value)
     return total;       