
时间:2013-07-02 16:47:29

标签: vim

我喜欢vim中的'.命令。来自:help '.

'.   `.




如果您想看到它,autocmd :w上的内容就是function! UpdateHeader() let b:winview = winsaveview() " This is where I'd put the command to ignore future movements "The periods concatenate all the arguments into one command. "Silent! suppresses errors, usually 'pattern not found' "The 1,6g means search only lines 1 thru 6 "Search for File Name: followed by anything "'s'ubstitute "Substitute in 'File Name: ' and the results of the expand command, on the "current filename execute "silent! 1," . 6 . "g/File Name:.*/s//File Name: " . expand("%") execute "silent! 1," . 6 . "g/Last Modified:.*/s//Last Modified: " . strftime("%d-%m-%Y") " This is where I'd put the command to start remembering movements again call winrestview(b:winview) endfunction


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

您可以在:keepjumps {command}中使用autocmd

请参阅:help :keepjumps

答案 1 :(得分:3)

:lockmarks <command>中尝试autocmd。对此的帮助表明'.是命令不会改变的事情之一。

答案 2 :(得分:1)


" This is where I'd put the command to ignore future movements
" go to the mark and label it as z

" This is where I'd put the command to start remembering movements again
" return to your mark and create a fake edit there to reset the most recent edit mark
`zi <Esc>x