
时间:2009-12-09 23:40:02

标签: c++ multithreading singleton


我正在尝试编写一个线程安全的懒惰单例以备将来使用。这是我能想到的最好的。有人能发现任何问题吗?关键假设是静态初始化在动态初始化之前发生在单个线程中。 (这将用于商业项目,公司不使用提升:(,生活将是轻而易举的事情:)



There are two difficulties when implementing the singleton pattern:

Problem (a):  The "global variable instantiation fiasco". TODO: URL
This is due to the unspecified order in which global variables are initialised. Static class members are equivalent
to a global variable in C++ during initialisation.

Problem (b):  Multi-threading.
Care must be taken to ensure that the mutex initialisation is handled properly with respect to problem (a).


Things achieved, maybe:

*) Portable

*) Lazy creation.

*) Safe from unspecified order of global variable initialisation.

*) Thread-safe.

*) Mutex is properly initialise when invoked during global variable intialisation:

*) Effectively lock free in instance().



Platform dependent mutex implementation

class Mutex
 void lock();
 void unlock();


Threadsafe singleton 

class Singleton
public:  // Interface
 static Singleton* Instance();

private:  // Static helper functions

 static Mutex* getMutex();

private:  // Static members

 static Singleton* _pInstance;

 static Mutex* _pMutex;

private:  // Instance members

 bool* _pInstanceCreated;  // This is here to convince myself that the compiler is not re-ordering instructions.

private:  // Singletons can't be coppied

 explicit Singleton();
 ~Singleton() { }


We can't use a static class member variable to initialised the mutex due to the unspecified
order of initialisation of global variables.

Calling this from 

Mutex* Singleton::getMutex()
 static Mutex* pMutex = 0;  // alternatively:  static Mutex* pMutex = new Mutex();
 if( !pMutex )
  pMutex = new Mutex();  // Constructor initialises the mutex: eg. pthread_mutex_init( ... )

 return pMutex;


This static member variable ensures that we call Singleton::getMutex() at least once before
the main entry point of the program so that the mutex is always initialised before any threads
are created.

Mutex* Singleton::_pMutex = Singleton::getMutex();

Keep track of the singleton object for possible deletion.

Singleton* Singleton::_pInstance = Singleton::Instance();

Read the comments in Singleton::Instance().

Singleton::Singleton( bool* pInstanceCreated )
 fprintf( stderr, "Constructor\n" );

 _pInstanceCreated = pInstanceCreated; 

Read the comments in Singleton::Instance().

void Singleton::setInstanceCreated()
 _pInstanceCreated = true;


Fingers crossed.

Singleton* Singleton::Instance()

 'instance' is initialised to zero the first time control flows over it. So
 avoids the unspecified order of global variable initialisation problem.

 static Singleton* instance = 0;

 When we do:

  instance = new Singleton( instanceCreated );

 the compiler can reorder instructions and any way it wants as long
 as the observed behaviour is consistent to that of a single threaded environment ( assuming
 that no thread-safe compiler flags are specified). The following is thus not threadsafe:

 if( !instance )
  if( !instance )
   instance = new Singleton( instanceCreated );

 Instead we use:

  static bool instanceCreated = false;

 as the initialisation indicator.
 static bool instanceCreated = false;


 Double check pattern with a slight swist.

 if( !instanceCreated )
  if( !instanceCreated )
   The ctor keeps a persistent reference to 'instanceCreated'.

   In order to convince our-selves of the correct order of initialisation (I think
   this is quite unecessary
   instance = new Singleton( instanceCreated );

   Set the reference to 'instanceCreated' to true.

   Note that since setInstanceCreated() actually uses the non-static
   member variable: '_pInstanceCreated', I can't see the compiler taking the
   liberty to call Singleton's ctor AFTER the following call. (I don't know
   much about compiler optimisation, but I doubt that it will break up the ctor into
   two functions and call one part of it before the following call and the other part after.

   The double check pattern should now work.

 return instance;

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

答案 1 :(得分:4)



struct Singleton {
    static Singleton *GetInstance() {
        pthread_once(&control, doInit);
        return instance;

    static void doInit() {
        // slight problem: we can't throw from here, or fail
        try {
            instance = new Singleton();
        } catch (...) {
            // we could stash an error indicator in a static member,
            // and check it in GetInstance.

    static pthread_once_t control;
    static Singleton *instance;

pthread_once_t Singleton::control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
Singleton *Singleton::instance = 0;


答案 2 :(得分:2)

如果您希望深入讨论单身人士,关于他们的生命周期和线程安全问题的各种政策,我只能推荐一个好的读物:“Modern C++ Design”由Alexandrescu撰写。



答案 3 :(得分:1)


Keep track of the singleton object for possible deletion.

Singleton* Singleton::_pInstance = Singleton::Instance();


答案 4 :(得分:0)

Meyers& amp; Alexandrescu,Singleton是特定目标:C++ and the Perils of Double-Checked Locking。这是一个棘手的问题。