
时间:2008-10-09 16:13:12

标签: .net assemblies versions


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:33)

我找到了以下in this article

using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;


// Get current and updated assemblies
AssemblyName currentAssemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(currentAssemblyPath);
AssemblyName updatedAssemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(updatedAssemblyPath);

// Compare both versions
if (updatedAssemblyName.Version.CompareTo(currentAssemblyName.Version) <= 0)
    // There's nothing to update

// Update older version
File.Copy(updatedAssemblyPath, currentAssemblyPath, true);

答案 1 :(得分:11)

根据文件的不同,一个选项可能是FileVersionInfo - 即

FileVersionInfo fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(path)
string ver = fvi.FileVersion;



答案 2 :(得分:9)



这仅适用于文件   包含程序集清单。这个   方法导致文件打开   并关闭,但装配不是   添加到此域。

答案 3 :(得分:2)

仅供记录:以下是如何在C#.NET Compact Framework中获取文件版本。它基本上来自OpenNETCF,但相当短,并且可以通过copy'n'pasted来实现。希望它会有所帮助...

public static Version GetFileVersionCe(string fileName)
    int handle = 0;
    int length = GetFileVersionInfoSize(fileName, ref handle);
    Version v = null;
    if (length > 0)
        IntPtr buffer = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(length);
        if (GetFileVersionInfo(fileName, handle, length, buffer))
            IntPtr fixedbuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
            int fixedlen = 0;
            if (VerQueryValue(buffer, "\\", ref fixedbuffer, ref fixedlen))
                byte[] fixedversioninfo = new byte[fixedlen];
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(fixedbuffer, fixedversioninfo, 0, fixedlen);
                v = new Version(
                    BitConverter.ToInt16(fixedversioninfo, 10), 
                    BitConverter.ToInt16(fixedversioninfo,  8), 
                    BitConverter.ToInt16(fixedversioninfo, 14),
                    BitConverter.ToInt16(fixedversioninfo, 12));
    return v;

[DllImport("coredll", EntryPoint = "GetFileVersionInfo", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool GetFileVersionInfo(string filename, int handle, int len, IntPtr buffer);
[DllImport("coredll", EntryPoint = "GetFileVersionInfoSize", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int GetFileVersionInfoSize(string filename, ref int handle);
[DllImport("coredll", EntryPoint = "VerQueryValue", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool VerQueryValue(IntPtr buffer, string subblock, ref IntPtr blockbuffer, ref int len);

答案 4 :(得分:0)

乔尔回答的 .netcore 更新,使用 AssemblyLoadContext

using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Loader;


// Get current and updated assemblies
AssemblyName currentAssemblyName = AssemblyLoadContext.GetAssemblyName(currentAssemblyPath);
AssemblyName updatedAssemblyName = AssemblyLoadContext.GetAssemblyName(updatedAssemblyPath);

// Compare both versions
if (updatedAssemblyName.Version.CompareTo(currentAssemblyName.Version) <= 0)
    // There's nothing to update

// Update older version
File.Copy(updatedAssemblyPath, currentAssemblyPath, true);

我发现这在分析由 Windows 服务运行(和锁定)的 DLL 时很有用,这是创建单独的 AppDomain 的更简洁的替代方法。