
时间:2013-10-06 07:15:16

标签: c# winforms forms resize splitcontainer





有没有办法做到这一点? (可以以任何方式覆盖Resize的行为)。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)





  • WM_RESIZING:在用户启动时发送到窗口并继续调整大小。调整大小时LParam保持当前窗口的RECT结构。我们阅读此信息以正确呈现指示性边框。然后我们需要将此RECT修改为窗口的当前Bounds以丢弃默认的调整大小效果(大小和位置立即更改)。
  • WM_EXITSIZEMOVE:在调整大小或移动结束时发送到窗口。我们需要抓住此消息,根据透明图层的SizeLocation分配窗口的SizeLocation,然后隐藏图层。< / LI>

现在问题完全是可解决的。这是我制作的演示代码。请注意,这里有一个非常讨厌的无法解决且难以理解的错误,当你调整Top-Left角的大小时,Size在释放鼠标后正确更新,但Location设置了偏移量。我调试但没有运气。在某些时候,TopLeft会跳转到无明确原因的意外值。 然而,所有边(左,上,右,下)和其他角落调整大小都可以。事实上,Top-Left corner的调整很难由用户完成,所以我认为这个解决方案是可以接受的。

//Must add using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
        //Sizing border initialization
        SizingBorderWidth = 3;
        SizingBorderStyle = DashStyle.Custom;
        SizingBorderColor = Color.Orange;
        //layer initialization
        layer.Owner = this;//especially this one.
        layer.Width = Width + SizingBorderWidth * 2;
        layer.Height = Height + SizingBorderWidth * 2;                         
        //Paint the border when sizing
        layer.Paint += (s, e) => {
            using (Pen p = new Pen(SizingBorderColor) { Width = SizingBorderWidth }) {
                if (Use3DSizingBorder) {
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(e.Graphics, sizingRect.Left, sizingRect.Top, sizingRect.Width, sizingRect.Height, Border3DStyle.Bump, Border3DSide.All);
                else {
                    p.DashStyle = SizingBorderStyle;
                    p.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
                    if(p.DashStyle == DashStyle.Custom)
                       p.DashPattern = new float[] { 8f, 1f, 1f, 1f };//length of each dash from right to left
                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p, sizingRect);
        //Bind the Location of the main form and the layer form together
        LocationChanged += (s, e) => {
            Point p = Location;
            p.Offset(-SizingBorderWidth, -SizingBorderWidth);
            layer.Location = p;
        //Set the intial Location of layer
        Load += (s, e) =>{                
            Point p = Location;
            p.Offset(-SizingBorderWidth, -SizingBorderWidth);
            layer.Location = p;
    //Set this to true to use 3D indicative/preview border
    public bool Use3DSizingBorder { get; set; }
    //Change the indicative/preview border thickness
    public int SizingBorderWidth { get; set; }
    //Change the indicative/preview border style
    public DashStyle SizingBorderStyle { get; set; }
    //Change the indicative/preview border color
    public Color SizingBorderColor { get; set; }
    //hold the current sizing Rectangle
    Rectangle sizingRect;
    bool startSizing;
    bool suppressSizing;
    //This is a Win32 RECT struct (don't use Rectangle)
    public struct RECT
        public int left, top, right, bottom;
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
        if (m.Msg == 0x214&&!suppressSizing)//WM_SIZING = 0x214
            RECT rect = (RECT) m.GetLParam(typeof(RECT));
            int w = rect.right - rect.left;
            int h = rect.bottom - rect.top;
            sizingRect = new Rectangle() {X = SizingBorderWidth/2, Y = SizingBorderWidth/2, 
                                          Width = w, Height = h};
            layer.Left = rect.left-SizingBorderWidth;
            layer.Top = rect.top-SizingBorderWidth;
            layer.Width = w+2*SizingBorderWidth;
            layer.Height = h+2*SizingBorderWidth;
            if (!startSizing)
                startSizing = true;
            //Keep the current position and size fixed
            rect.right = Right;
            rect.bottom = Bottom;
            rect.top = Top;
            rect.left = Left;
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(rect, m.LParam, true);
        if (m.Msg == 0x232)//WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x232
            layer.Visible = false;
            BeginInvoke((Action)(() => {
                suppressSizing = true;
                Left = layer.Left + SizingBorderWidth;
                Top = layer.Top + SizingBorderWidth;
                Width = layer.Width - 2 * SizingBorderWidth;
                Height = layer.Height - SizingBorderWidth * 2;
                suppressSizing = false;
            startSizing = false;
        base.WndProc(ref m);            
    //Here is the layer I mentioned before.
    NoActivationForm layer = new NoActivationForm();
public class NoActivationForm : Form {
    public NoActivationForm() {
        //The following initialization is very important
        TransparencyKey = BackColor;
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
        ShowInTaskbar = false;
        StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;            
    protected override bool ShowWithoutActivation {
        get { return true; }


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编辑:(此编辑由Hodaya Shalom建议,OP(奇怪:):




int _top = layer.Top + SizingBorderWidth;
int _left = layer.Left + SizingBorderWidth;
int _width = layer.Width - 2 * SizingBorderWidth;
int _height = layer.Height - SizingBorderWidth * 2;
BeginInvoke((Action)(() => {
    suppressSizing = true;
    Left = _left;
    Top = _top;
    Width =_width;
    Height =_height;
    suppressSizing = false;