C ++“Unhandled Exception”实现自定义异常处理程序

时间:2014-02-27 15:58:52

标签: c++ exception-handling





我希望我的自定义异常处理程序能够捕获用户的出现   但是,没有输入字符串或搜索字符,这是完美的   合法的字符串或字符包含空格,换行符   字符或空值。因此,捕获块永远不会   即使我的validateInput方法检测到错误,也执行   值并尝试抛出异常(请注意catch块   从未执行过,因此永远不会为此创建异常对象   扔进去/允许)。


这相当于我的问题从未出现过任何问题   编码,我只需要移动函数调用“result =   CountCharacter :: count(stringIn,charIn);“进入try块这样   可能发生异常并且catch块运行并创建一个   “CountCharacterException”对象。



我对寻求帮助有点怀疑,因为我喜欢自己解决问题,唉,我陷入困境,无法表达出能产生有意义结果的谷歌搜索。我是一名大学生,这是我一直在做的C ++家庭作业,因此,我正在寻求理解我所犯的错误,而不仅仅是解决方案,以解决问题。





未处理的异常:System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException:   外部组件引发的异常。在   CountCharacter.count的_CxxThrowException(Void *, s _ThrowInfo *)(basic_string \,std :: alloc   ator> * s,SByte a)in   (省略文件目录)countcharacter.h:第14行   main()in   (省略文件目录)testcountcharacter.cpp:第62行   _mainCRTStartup()



/* Filename:        CountCharacter.h
 * Last Modified:   26 February 2014
 * Author:          
 * Email:           
 * Course:          CIS354 - Algorithms and Data Structures
 * CountCharacter.h defines the static methods implemented in CountCharacter.cpp,
 * which, includes two fields for tracking found search characters (frequency) and
 * the current position of the search character (found), a recursive method count
 * that is overloaded to find said search character, and a method for validating that
 * that a user entered data (validateInput) that calls upon an exception handler
#include "CountCharacterException.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class CountCharacter
    static int count(const string& s, char a);
    static int frequency; // Track number of search character occurances
    static int found; // Store current position of character search matches
    static bool valid; // Stores whether a match was found
    static bool validateInput(const string& s, char a); // Determine if required inputs are present
    static int count(const string& s, char a, int pos); // Recursive helper function
}; // end CountCharacter Class



/* Filename:        CountCharacter.cpp
 * Last Modified:   26 February 2014
 * Author:          
 * Email:           
 * Course:          CIS354 - Algorithms and Data Structures
 * CountCharacter.cpp is the implementation of CountCharacter.h
#include "CountCharacter.h"

    int CountCharacter::frequency = 0;
    int CountCharacter::found = 0;
    bool CountCharacter::valid = false;

int CountCharacter::count(const string& s, char a)
    if( !validateInput( s, a ) )
        throw CountCharacterException( s, a );
        count( s, a, 0 );
    return frequency;
} // end recursive count function

int CountCharacter::count(const string& s, char a, int pos)
    found = s.find_first_of( a, pos );

    if(found != std::string::npos)
        count( s, a , found + 1);
        return frequency;
} // end count helper function

bool CountCharacter::validateInput(const string& s, char a)
    if( (!s.empty()) && (a != '\0') && (a != '\n'))
        valid = true;

    return valid;
} // end validateInput() method


/* Filename:        TestCountCharacter.cpp
 * Last Modified:   26 February 2014
 * Author:          
 * Email:           
 * Course:          CIS354 - Algorithms and Data Structures
 * TestCountCharacter.cpp is a test-harness programm for CountCharacter.h. It prints a
 * header from SignatureBlock.h, and two brief prompts to allow a user to 
 * test implementation of the character counting functionality provided by
 * CountCharacter.h
#include "CountCharacter.h"
#include "SignatureBlock.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    string stringIn; // User-entered string
    char charIn; // User-entered search character
    int result; // Stores whether character match was found

    SignatureBlock::printHeader(); // Print Signature Block

        // Get a string and search character from user
            cout << "\nEnter a string: ";
            getline( cin, stringIn );

            cout << "\nEnter a character: ";
            // Using getchar() instead of "cin >> charIn", to allow for user to NOT enter a search
            // character, and thus allow exception handling to be tested
            charIn = getchar();
            // Discard any remaining characters in the input stream. NOTE: this will be relevant
            // once the exception handling is properly working, and I place the try...catch block
            // in a do...while loop to continue prompting until valid input is received
            cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
        catch( CountCharacterException& inputException)
            cout << inputException.what();
            cout << "A search string, and a character to search for, must be entered.\n"
                 << "You entered String: \"" << inputException.getStringIn() << "\" and Character: \"" << inputException.getCharIn() << "\".\n" << endl;

    // Call static method count with user-entered string and search character
    result = CountCharacter::count( stringIn, charIn );

    // If a character match was found
    if( result > 0 )
        cout << "\nCharacter \"" << charIn << "\" was found (" << result << ") times.\n" << endl;
    // No character match was found
        cout << "\nCharacter \"" << charIn << "\" was not found.\n" << endl;

    return 0;


/* Filename:        CountCharacterException.h
 * Last Modified:   26 February 2014
 * Author:          
 * Email:           
 * Course:          CIS354 - Algorithms and Data Structures
 * CountCharacterException.h is a custom inline exception class for CountCharacter.h
 * that extends the standard invalid_argument class to make use of the what()
 * function in the exception class. It receives inputs of the user-entered
 * string and search character, as well as functions to return said fields; and throws
 * an error message as defined in the base classe's constructor (line 23)
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class CountCharacterException : public invalid_argument
    CountCharacterException( const string& stringIn, char charIn) : invalid_argument("Invalid Input: ")
        this->stringIn = stringIn;
        this->charIn = charIn;
// Accessor method for user-entered search string
string getStringIn() const
    return stringIn;
} // end getString() method

// Accessor method for user-entered search character
char getCharIn() const
    return charIn;
} // end getCharIn() method
    string stringIn;
    char charIn;
}; // end CountCharacterException class


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