
时间:2014-06-09 20:20:50

标签: actionscript-3 video actionscript zoom drag


我找不到任何例子如何做到这一点。如果有人知道Actionscript 3我很感激,如果你能帮助我,谢谢。

 var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
 cam.setQuality(0, 85);

 cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);

 var mic:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
 mic.gain = 50;
 mic.rate = 11;
 mic.setSilenceLevel(0, 2000);

 mic.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, micStatus);

 var vid:Video = new Video();
 vid.width = cam.width;
 vid.height = cam.height;
 vid.x = 15;
 vid.y =30;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    vid.addEventListener(MOUSECLICK, function1)

        removeEventListener(MOUSECLICK, function1) 
        stage.addEventListener(MOUSE_MOVE, function2)

       vid.addEventListener(MOUSECLICK, function3)

       vid.removeEventListener(MOUSECLICK, function3)
       stage.removeEventListener(MOUSE_MOVE, function2)

其余的很简单 - 只需使用好的代码。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

最好使用某种边界"你说的元素 - 一个悬停视频的简单精灵。您可以使用某种颜色制作,也可以根据需要使用透明 - 没有区别。你甚至可以做一个'#34; draggable"符号。然后使用此代码:

var draggable:Sprite = new Sprite();, 0); // transparent
draggable.drawRect(vid.x, vid.y, vid.width, vid.height); // adjust it to fit your video

draggable.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
draggable.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
draggable.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);

private var _dragging:Boolean;
private var _initialSize:Rectangle;
private var _initialMouse:Point;

private function onMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void { // begin dragging
    // get initial coordinates and dimension
    _initialSize = new Rectangle(vid.x, vid.x, vid.width, vid.height);
    // get the initial point where the mouse is
    // to calculate the difference and so adjust the width/height of the vid
    _initialMouse = new Point(e.mouseX, e.mouseY);

    _dragging = true;

private function onMouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void { // dragging stopped
    _dragging = false;

private function onMouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
    if (!_dragging) // no drag, no scale

    // calculate the difference between the starting X position of the mouse
    // and the current X position of the mouse. then add this difference
    // to the initial width
    // example: if initial width was 100, and initial mouse was clicked at 50
    // after a few frames the current mouse x (e.mouseX) would be 70
    // and the calc would be: 100 + (70 - 50) = 120;
    vid.width = _initialSize.width + (e.mouseX - _initialMouse.x);

    // adjust the size of the draggable element also,
    // so you can have it the same size and click it next time properly
    // if you use a "draggable" type of button at the bottom of the video
    // then adjust the position, not the size
    draggable.width = vid.width;

    // do the same on y axis :)
    // or if you want to preserve the aspect ration, you need to calculate it
    // using the _initialSize variable. I'll leave this to you so you can
    // put some effort and feel great when you achieve your goal :)
    // just calculate the percentage difference from the width (divide)
    // and then multiply the height with the same factor.. Good luck!
