
时间:2010-04-22 20:29:00

标签: asp.net updatepanel ajaxcontroltoolkit modalpopupextender validationsummary



  1. 用户单击某个按钮,会根据单击的按钮显示带有动态内容的“模态弹出窗口”。 (此功能正常工作。按钮包含在UpdatePanels中,部分页面回发调用ModalPopup上的.Show())
  2. ModalPopup中的“保存”按钮会导致客户端验证,然后导致整页回发,因此整个ModalPopup消失。 (ModalPopup可能会以另一种方式消失 - ModalPopup只需在成功保存操作后消失)
  3. 如果在保存操作期间代码隐藏中发生错误,则会将消息添加到ValidationSummary(包含在ModalPopup中)中,并再次显示ModalPopup。
  4. 当将ValidationSummary添加到PopupPanel时,在第二个PopupPanel中的“保存”按钮导致整页回发后,ModalPopups不再正确显示。 (第一个面板继续正常工作)两个PopupPanel都显示,并且两个都不是“弹出”,它们以串联方式显示。


    编辑:每个弹出窗口的功能都不同 - 这就是为什么必须有两个不同的ModalPopup。


    function(){   Array.remove(Page_ValidationSummaries,document.getElementById(VALIDATION_SUMMARY_ID)); } (function(){   var fn = function(){     AjaxControlToolkit.ModalPopupBehavior.invokeViaServer(“MODAL_POPUP_ID”,true);     Sys.Application.remove_load(FN);   };   Sys.Application.add_load(FN); })不是函数


    错误状态图像(单击“PostBack Popup2”按钮后) alt text


    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
        <asp:UpdatePanel ID="Popup1ShowButtonUpdatePanel" runat="server">
                <%--This button will cause a partial page postback and pass a parameter to the Popup1ModalPopup in code behind
                and call its .Show() method to make it visible--%>
                <asp:Button ID="Popup1ShowButton" runat="server" Text="Show Popup1" OnClick="Popup1ShowButton_Click"
                    CommandArgument="1" />
        <%--Hidden Control is used as ModalPopup's TargetControlID .Usually this is the ID of control that causes the Popup,
            but we want to control the modal popup from code behind --%>
        <asp:HiddenField ID="Popup1ModalPopupTargetControl" runat="server" />
        <ajax:ModalPopupExtender ID="Popup1ModalPopup" runat="server" TargetControlID="Popup1ModalPopupTargetControl"
            PopupControlID="Popup1PopupControl" CancelControlID="Popup1CancelButton">
        <asp:Panel ID="Popup1PopupControl" runat="server" CssClass="ModalPopup" Style="width: 600px;
            background-color: #FFFFFF; border: solid 1px #000000;">
            <%--This button causes validation and a full-page post back.  Full page postback will causes the ModalPopup to be Hid.
                If there are errors in code behind, the code behind will add a message to the ValidationSummary,
                and make the ModalPopup visible again--%>
            <asp:Button ID="Popup1PostBackButton" runat="server" Text="PostBack Popup1" OnClick="Popup1PostBackButton_Click" />&nbsp;
            <asp:Button ID="Popup1CancelButton" runat="server" Text="Cancel Popup1" />
            <asp:UpdatePanel ID="Popup1UpdatePanel" runat="server">
                    <%--*************ISSUE HERE***************
                    The two ValidationSummary's are causing an issue.  When the second ModalPopup's PostBack button is clicked,
                    Both ModalPopup's become visible, but neither are "Popped-Up".
                    If ValidationSummary's are removed, both ModalPopups Function Correctly--%>
                    <asp:ValidationSummary ID="Popup1ValidationSummary" runat="server" />
                    <%--Will display dynamically passed paramter during partial page post-back--%>
                    Popup1 Parameter:<asp:Literal ID="Popup1Parameter" runat="server"></asp:Literal><br />
            &nbsp;<br />
            &nbsp;<br />
            &nbsp;<br />
        &nbsp;<br />
        &nbsp;<br />
        &nbsp;<br />
        <asp:UpdatePanel ID="Popup2ShowButtonUpdatePanel" runat="server">
                <%--This button will cause a partial page postback and pass a parameter to the Popup2ModalPopup in code behind
                and call its .Show() method to make it visible--%>
                <asp:Button ID="Popup2ShowButton" runat="server" Text="Show Popup2" OnClick="Popup2ShowButton_Click"
                    CommandArgument="2" />
        <%--Hidden Control is used as ModalPopup's TargetControlID .Usually this is the ID of control that causes the Popup,
            but we want to control the modal popup from code behind --%>
        <asp:HiddenField ID="Popup2ModalPopupTargetControl" runat="server" />
        <ajax:ModalPopupExtender ID="Popup2ModalPopup" runat="server" TargetControlID="Popup2ModalPopupTargetControl"
            PopupControlID="Popup2PopupControl" CancelControlID="Popup2CancelButton">
        <asp:Panel ID="Popup2PopupControl" runat="server" CssClass="ModalPopup" Style="width: 600px;
            background-color: #FFFFFF; border: solid 1px #000000;">
            <%--This button causes validation and a full-page post back.  Full page postback will causes the ModalPopup to be Hid.
                If there are errors in code behind, the code behind will add a message to the ValidationSummary,
                and make the ModalPopup visible again--%>
            <asp:Button ID="Popup2PostBackButton" runat="server" Text="PostBack Popup2" OnClick="Popup2PostBackButton_Click" />&nbsp;
            <asp:Button ID="Popup2CancelButton" runat="server" Text="Cancel Popup2" />
            <asp:UpdatePanel ID="Popup2UpdatePanel" runat="server">
                    <%--*************ISSUE HERE***************
                    The two ValidationSummary's are causing an issue.  When the second ModalPopup's PostBack button is clicked,
                    Both ModalPopup's become visible, but neither are "Popped-Up".
                    If ValidationSummary's are removed, both ModalPopups Function Correctly--%>
                    <asp:ValidationSummary ID="Popup2ValidationSummary" runat="server" />
                    <%--Will display dynamically passed paramter during partial page post-back--%>
                    Popup2 Parameter:<asp:Literal ID="Popup2Parameter" runat="server"></asp:Literal><br />
            &nbsp;<br />
            &nbsp;<br />
            &nbsp;<br />


    protected void Popup1ShowButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button btn = sender as Button;
            //Dynamically pass parameter to ModalPopup during partial page postback
            Popup1Parameter.Text = btn.CommandArgument;
        protected void Popup1PostBackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if there is an error, add a message to the validation summary and
            //show the ModalPopup again
            //TODO: add message to validation summary
            //show ModalPopup after page refresh (request/response)
        protected void Popup2ShowButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button btn = sender as Button;
            //Dynamically pass parameter to ModalPopup during partial page postback
            Popup2Parameter.Text = btn.CommandArgument;
        protected void Popup2PostBackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //***********After This is when the issue appears**********************
            //if there is an error, add a message to the validation summary and
            //show the ModalPopup again
            //TODO: add message to validation summary
            //show ModalPopup after page refresh (request/response)

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)





public class AjaxValidationSummary : ValidationSummary
  protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), this.ClientID, ";", true);

答案 1 :(得分:1)

将所有<asp:ValidationSummary控件放在文档的末尾。 错误将被解决。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您是否选择了每个弹出窗口的不同“ValidationGroup”(ValidationSummary +验证器)?

答案 3 :(得分:0)

似乎在模板弹出扩展器中有错误,在面板中有验证摘要。为了避免这种情况总是将验证摘要模式弹出扩展器和面板放在代码的底部。 在页面底部添加相应的代码

                  &lt;% - 此按钮会导致验证并返回整页回复。全页回发将导致ModalPopup成为Hid。             如果后面的代码有错误,后面的代码会向ValidationSummary添加一条消息,             并使ModalPopup再次可见 - %&gt;                                                         &lt;% - *************在这里发表***************                 两个ValidationSummary正在引发一个问题。当单击第二个ModalPopup的PostBack按钮时,                 两个ModalPopup都可见,但两者都不是“Popped-Up”。                 如果删除了ValidationSummary,则两个ModalPopups功能正确 - %&gt;                                  &lt;% - 在部分页面回发期间将显示动态传递的参数 - %&gt;                 Popup1参数: