SQL Server 2005睡眠SPID阻止另一个SPID

时间:2010-04-28 21:51:33

标签: sql sql-server blocking

我发现许多睡眠过程是我的SQL Server数据库,看起来其中一个睡眠SPID正在阻止另一个进程,而且该进程也被暂停...


1。)睡眠过程如何阻止另一个过程? 2.)我看到许多睡眠过程......这是正常的吗?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


其他频繁锁定是数据库会话锁定,它是使用数据库的连接持有的共享锁定。维护连接的简单操作将保持锁定,但通常这只与尝试获取数据库X锁定的操作冲突,如ALTER DATABASE DDL。


答案 1 :(得分:2)







这是list of process states

Status      Meaning
Background  The SPID is running a background task, such as deadlock detection.
Sleeping    The SPID is not currently executing. This usually indicates that the 
            SPID is awaiting a command from the application.
Running     The SPID is currently running on a scheduler.
Runnable    The SPID is in the runnable queue of a scheduler and waiting to get 
            scheduler time.
Sos_scheduler_yield The SPID was running, but it has voluntarily yielded its 
            time slice on the scheduler to allow another SPID to acquire 
            scheduler time.
Suspended   The SPID is waiting for an event, such as a lock or a latch.
Rollback    The SPID is in rollback of a transaction.
Defwakeup   Indicates that the SPID is waiting for a resource that is in the 
            process of being freed. The waitresource field should indicate the 
            resource in question.