
时间:2010-06-28 12:24:56

标签: qt symbian

在E63或类似的智能手机上,可以有三个软键(左右一个总是命名为“OK”或“取消”,中间一个总是命名为“选择”或“查询”类似的动作名称) screen.QAction有这个方法:

void    setSoftKeyRole ( SoftKeyRole softKeyRole )


QAction::NoSoftKey  0   This action should not be used as a softkey
QAction::PositiveSoftKey    1   This action is used to describe a softkey with a positive or non-destructive role such as Ok, Select, or Options.
QAction::NegativeSoftKey    2   This action is used to describe a softkey with a negative or destructive role role such as Cancel, Discard, or Close.
QAction::SelectSoftKey  3   This action is used to describe a role that selects a particular item or widget in the application.

我使用PositiveSoftKeysNegativeSoftKey来设置左右软键,但我永远不能SelectSoftKey到中间的软键?我在qt bug存储库中找不到与此相关的内容我想做的是充分利用大多数智能手机上的三个软键。任何人都可以搞清楚发生了什么事?总是感谢。

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