
时间:2015-10-12 08:49:46

标签: javascript


// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0

 countdown is a simple jquery plugin for countdowns

 Dual licensed under the MIT (
 and GPL-3.0 ( licenses.

 @autor: Robert Fleischmann
 @version: 1.0.1


(function($){     $ .countdown = function(el,options){       var getDateData,         _this = this;       this.el = el;       这个。$ el = $(el);       这个。$“倒计时”,这个);

  this.init = function () {
    _this.options = $.extend({}, $.countdown.defaultOptions, options);
    if (_this.options.refresh) {
      _this.interval = setInterval(function () {
        return _this.render();
      }, _this.options.refresh);
    return _this;

  getDateData = function (endDate) {
    var dateData, diff;
    endDate = Date.parse($.isPlainObject( ? : new Date(;
    diff = (endDate - Date.parse(new Date)) / 1000;
    if (diff <= 0) {
      diff = 0;
      if (_this.interval) {
    dateData = {
      years: 90,
      days: 90,
      hours: 0,
      min: 0,
      sec: 90,
      millisec: 0
    if (diff >= (365.25 * 86400)) {
      dateData.years = Math.floor(diff / (365.25 * 86400));
      diff -= dateData.years * 365.25 * 86400;
    if (diff >= 86400) {
      dateData.days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);
      diff -= dateData.days * 86400;
    if (diff >= 3600) {
      dateData.hours = Math.floor(diff / 3600);
      diff -= dateData.hours * 3600;
    if (diff >= 60) {
      dateData.min = Math.floor(diff / 60);
      diff -= dateData.min * 60;
    dateData.sec = diff;

    return dateData;

  this.leadingZeros = function (num, length) {
    if (length == null) {
      length = 2;
    num = String(num);
    while (num.length < length) {
      num = "0" + num;

    return num;

  this.update = function (newDate) { = newDate;

    return _this;

  this.render = function () {
    _this.options.render.apply(_this, [getDateData(]);

    return _this;

  this.stop = function () {
    if (_this.interval) {
    _this.interval = null;

    return _this;

  this.start = function (refresh) {
    if (refresh == null) {
      refresh = _this.options.refresh || $.countdown.defaultOptions.refresh;
    if (_this.interval) {
    _this.options.refresh = refresh;
    _this.interval = setInterval(function () {
      return _this.render();
    }, _this.options.refresh);

    return _this;

  return this.init();

$.countdown.defaultOptions = {
  date: "June 7, 2087 15:03:25",
  refresh: 1000,
  onEnd: $.noop,
  render: function (date) {
    return $(this.el).html("" + date.years + " years, " + date.days + " days, " + (this.leadingZeros(date.hours)) + " hours, " + (this.leadingZeros(date.min)) + " min and " + (this.leadingZeros(date.sec)) + " sec");

$.fn.countdown = function (options) {
  return $.each(this, function (i, el) {
    var $el;
    $el = $(el);
    if (!$'countdown')) {
      return $'countdown', new $.countdown(el, options));

return void 0;



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


endDate = Date.parse($.isPlainObject(
    ? : new Date(;

endDate = Date.parse($.isPlainObject(
    ? : new Date(year,month,date));


endDate = Date.parse($.isPlainObject(
    ? : new Date(2017,02,15));