
时间:2015-10-20 11:31:52

标签: html css


Need Help Getting Page to Scroll

Need Help Formatting a HTML Page Layout

在这个版本中我使用的是相对div。问题在于我的顶部和底部页面导航div。封闭div中的数据显示在正确的位置,但边框没有正确显示。顶部导航div的边框显示在" major_revision"部分。底部导航div的边框在底部导航div上方显示为一行。


function search(){

var text = document.getElementById('search').value;
if (text == "Keyword"){
} else {

function passdata(){

	var x = document.title;
	var topic = get_meta_data("topic_area");
	if (x.substring(0,5) == "About" ||  x.substring(0,10) == "Contact Us" ||x.substring(0,3) == "FAQ")
		topic = "";
	} else {

      	topic = topic.replace("<topic>", "");
      	topic = topic.replace("</topic>", "");
      	topic = topic.replace("Topic Area: ", "");
	if (topic == x || topic == ""){
		topic = "";
		topic = ":" + topic;
	if (x == "Testing")//<!--Mandatory-->
		window.location = "improvement_request/improvement_request.html?" + x + topic;
		window.location = "../improvement_request/improvement_request.html?" +  x + topic;

function populate_topic_area()
	document.getElementById('topicarea').innerHTML = get_meta_data("topic_area");

function get_meta_data(the_meta_tag)
	var metas = document.getElementsByTagName('meta');

	var answer = "" 

   	for (i=0; i<metas.length; i++) 
      	if (metas[i].getAttribute("name") == the_meta_tag) 
      		answer = metas[i].getAttribute("content");
return answer;

var query = window.location.search;
// Skip the leading ?, which should always be there, 
// but be careful anyway
if (query.substring(0, 1) == '?') 
     query = query.substring(1);
var data = query.split(','); 
for (i = 0; (i < data.length); i++) 
     data[i] = unescape(data[i]);
function CreateURLArray()
urlarray= new Array(11)
urlarray [0]= new Array(5)
urlarray [0]=["Testing","subpages/Previous_page.html","Previous","subpages/next_page.html","Next"] //The Page
urlarray [1]= new Array(5)
urlarray [1]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [2]= new Array(5)
urlarray [2]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [3]= new Array(5)
urlarray [3]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [4]= new Array(5)
urlarray [4]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [5]= new Array(5)
urlarray [5]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [6]= new Array(5)
urlarray [6]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [7]= new Array(5)
urlarray [7]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [8]= new Array(5)
urlarray [8]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [9]= new Array(5)
urlarray [9]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL
urlarray [10]= new Array(5)
urlarray [10]=["","","","",""] //The Page,The Previous URL,What is displayed for the previous URL,The Next URL,What is displayed for the next URL

function handlerFunctions() {

	var x = document.title;
	var previous_url = '';
	var previous_text = '';
	var next_url = '';
	var next_text = '';
	for (i=0; i<10; i++) 
      	if (urlarray [i][0]== x) 
      		previous_url = urlarray [i][1];
			previous_text = urlarray [i][2];
			next_url = urlarray [i][3];
			next_text = urlarray [i][4]; 
	function handlerFunctionPrev()
		location.href = previous_url;
	function handlerFunctionNext()
		location.href = next_url;
	if (previous_url == "")
		document.getElementById('previous_text').style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById('previous_text1').style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById('previous').style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById('previous1').style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById('previous_text').innerHTML = previous_text;
		document.getElementById('previous_text1').innerHTML = previous_text;
		document.getElementById('previous').addEventListener ('click',handlerFunctionPrev,false);
		document.getElementById('previous1').addEventListener ('click',handlerFunctionPrev,false);
	if (next_url == "")
		document.getElementById('next_text').style.display = "none";
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		document.getElementById('next').style.display = "none";
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		document.getElementById('next_text').innerHTML = next_text;
		document.getElementById('next_text1').innerHTML = next_text;	
		document.getElementById('next').addEventListener ('click',handlerFunctionNext,false);	
		document.getElementById('next1').addEventListener ('click',handlerFunctionNext,false);

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			<span  style="font-size:x-small">Major Revision: <revision>1.0</revision><!-- Format  is Major Revision: #.# -->
			&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Release Date: <release_date>7/1/2015</release_date></span></p><!-- Format  is Release Date: mm/dd/yyyy -->
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		<div class="topic_title h1b">TESTING</div>
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			<span class="h2b">Left Column</span>
T-bone kevin meatloaf brisket ground round capicola filet mignon porchetta short loin. Pork chop filet mignon frankfurter porchetta, spare ribs shankle pancetta biltong meatloaf turkey doner short loin. Sausage pig hamburger porchetta, beef ribs shoulder prosciutto ground round bresaola cow pork chop. Brisket turducken chicken, ribeye pork chop boudin ham hock.
Alcatra meatloaf sirloin pork chop cupim pancetta. Ground round tenderloin meatloaf alcatra, flank biltong leberkas pork bacon sausage tongue chicken beef jowl. Bresaola drumstick hamburger ground round meatloaf. Alcatra short ribs leberkas kielbasa, ground round ham hock shankle bacon filet mignon pastrami chicken flank bresaola jerky landjaeger.
Turducken filet mignon venison bresaola, swine picanha drumstick. Fatback pancetta porchetta pig biltong. Ribeye tenderloin jowl, kielbasa salami meatball cupim andouille. Meatloaf shankle tail porchetta ham shank hamburger bacon, jowl picanha pork ribeye turducken tongue. Ribeye sirloin meatloaf, pork chicken boudin frankfurter shank cupim spare ribs. Pork chop turkey flank drumstick chuck salami pig filet mignon kielbasa corned beef kevin capicola sausage.
Beef kevin ham hock, tenderloin hamburger beef ribs sausage. Doner kielbasa sausage frankfurter, jowl turkey sirloin strip steak chicken turducken pancetta tri-tip beef ribs. Shankle pastrami alcatra, jerky fatback prosciutto rump pork chop chicken filet mignon picanha pork t-bone. Ribeye tongue tail, bresaola jowl fatback pork loin corned beef.
<span class="h2b">Left Column</span>
T-bone kevin meatloaf brisket ground round capicola filet mignon porchetta short loin. Pork chop filet mignon frankfurter porchetta, spare ribs shankle pancetta biltong meatloaf turkey doner short loin. Sausage pig hamburger porchetta, beef ribs shoulder prosciutto ground round bresaola cow pork chop. Brisket turducken chicken, ribeye pork chop boudin ham hock.
Alcatra meatloaf sirloin pork chop cupim pancetta. Ground round tenderloin meatloaf alcatra, flank biltong leberkas pork bacon sausage tongue chicken beef jowl. Bresaola drumstick hamburger ground round meatloaf. Alcatra short ribs leberkas kielbasa, ground round ham hock shankle bacon filet mignon pastrami chicken flank bresaola jerky landjaeger.
Turducken filet mignon venison bresaola, swine picanha drumstick. Fatback pancetta porchetta pig biltong. Ribeye tenderloin jowl, kielbasa salami meatball cupim andouille. Meatloaf shankle tail porchetta ham shank hamburger bacon, jowl picanha pork ribeye turducken tongue. Ribeye sirloin meatloaf, pork chicken boudin frankfurter shank cupim spare ribs. Pork chop turkey flank drumstick chuck salami pig filet mignon kielbasa corned beef kevin capicola sausage.
Beef kevin ham hock, tenderloin hamburger beef ribs sausage. Doner kielbasa sausage frankfurter, jowl turkey sirloin strip steak chicken turducken pancetta tri-tip beef ribs. Shankle pastrami alcatra, jerky fatback prosciutto rump pork chop chicken filet mignon picanha pork t-bone. Ribeye tongue tail, bresaola jowl fatback pork loin corned beef.

		<!-- End Left Column -->
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		<span class="h2b">Right Column</span>
T-bone kevin meatloaf brisket ground round capicola filet mignon porchetta short loin. Pork chop filet mignon frankfurter porchetta, spare ribs shankle pancetta biltong meatloaf turkey doner short loin. Sausage pig hamburger porchetta, beef ribs shoulder prosciutto ground round bresaola cow pork chop. Brisket turducken chicken, ribeye pork chop boudin ham hock.
Alcatra meatloaf sirloin pork chop cupim pancetta. Ground round tenderloin meatloaf alcatra, flank biltong leberkas pork bacon sausage tongue chicken beef jowl. Bresaola drumstick hamburger ground round meatloaf. Alcatra short ribs leberkas kielbasa, ground round ham hock shankle bacon filet mignon pastrami chicken flank bresaola jerky landjaeger.
Turducken filet mignon venison bresaola, swine picanha drumstick. Fatback pancetta porchetta pig biltong. Ribeye tenderloin jowl, kielbasa salami meatball cupim andouille. Meatloaf shankle tail porchetta ham shank hamburger bacon, jowl picanha pork ribeye turducken tongue. Ribeye sirloin meatloaf, pork chicken boudin frankfurter shank cupim spare ribs. Pork chop turkey flank drumstick chuck salami pig filet mignon kielbasa corned beef kevin capicola sausage.
Beef kevin ham hock, tenderloin hamburger beef ribs sausage. Doner kielbasa sausage frankfurter, jowl turkey sirloin strip steak chicken turducken pancetta tri-tip beef ribs. Shankle pastrami alcatra, jerky fatback prosciutto rump pork chop chicken filet mignon picanha pork t-bone. Ribeye tongue tail, bresaola jowl fatback pork loin corned beef.
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2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您需要将clear: both添加到top-nav-butbottom-nav-but类:

    margin:0 0 0 2%;
    border:thin red solid;
    clear: both;
    margin:0 0 0 2%;
    border:thin green solid
    clear: both;

clear: both与您使用的clearfix类之间的区别在于clear: both确保元素清除任何浮动元素,并且clearfix类确保在父框中清除任何内部浮动元素(从而确保边框等按预期工作)。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我需要添加一个clearfix类。 Makshh指出我正确的方向。我发现以下帖子有帮助:

CSS Layout - float and clear

Clearing Floats: An Overview of Different Methods