
时间:2015-11-28 04:37:58

标签: javascript


/*jshint multistr:true */

text = "Blah blah blah blah blah blah Eric \
blah blah blah Eric blah blah Eric blah blah \
blah blah blah blah blah Eric";

var myName = "Eric";
var hits = [];

for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    if (text[i] === "E") {
        for(var j = i; j < (myName.length + i); j++) {

if (hits.length === 0) {
    console.log("Your name wasn't found!");
} else {

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

高级别此代码会检查每个字符,以查找字符串&#39; Eric&#39;。特别是它正在寻找角色&#39; E&#39;然后是以下3个字符。如果它找到了角色&#39; E&#39;它会将它和以下3个字符添加到输出数组

// This is defining a test string
text = "Blah blah blah blah blah blah Eric \
blah blah blah Eric blah blah Eric blah blah \
blah blah blah blah blah Eric";

// A substring to search for
var myName = "Eric";

// An output array where the target string is stored once it is found
var hits = [];

// Look at every character inside the test string
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    // If the character is 'E'
    if (text[i] === "E") {
        // Add the character E and the following characters up to the length of the target string to the output
        for(var j = i; j < (myName.length + i); j++) {

// If the output has elements than we have found our target string
if (hits.length === 0) {
    console.log("Your name wasn't found!");
} else {

答案 1 :(得分:2)


/* The \ here is used for the text going to the next line to be the same line. */

text = "Blah blah blah blah blah blah Eric \
blah blah blah Eric blah blah Eric blah blah \
blah blah blah blah blah Eric";

/* Variable Declaration of to be found. */

var myName = "Eric";
var hits = [];

/* Going through each and every character. */

for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    /* Checking if the current character is E */
    if (text[i] === "E") {
        /* If so, start from there, and check the next character in my name, "r". */
        for(var j = i; j < (myName.length + i); j++) {

/* If this is empty, we didn't have your name in the text. */
if (hits.length === 0) {
    console.log("Your name wasn't found!");
} else {


答案 2 :(得分:1)

  1. for语句遍历text字符串(在每个字母上):

    for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++)
  2. 如果找到一封信&#39; E&#39;:

    if (text[i] === "E")
  3. 运行一个myNamefor(var j = i; j < (myName.length + i); j++) 的新循环来收集&#39; E&#39;之后的下一个字母:

  4. 将每个字母推入hits.push(text[j]); 数组:

    if (hits.length === 0) {
        console.log("Your name wasn't found!");
    } else {
  5. 最后检查是否找到了要在控制台上显示的名称:

    import org.junit.Test;
    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
    import org.mockito.Mock;
    import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
    @RunWith( MockitoJUnitRunner.class )
    public class c
        A a;
        B b;
        public void testMethodExample()