
时间:2016-02-25 03:09:48

标签: java


这是一个应该是什么样子的例子 RandomWalking


public class RandomWalk {

// DrawingPanel will have dimensions DIM by DIM
public static final int DIM = 400;

// Start the random walk in the center of the screen
public static final int CENTER = DIM / 2;

// how big should the cursor appear?
public static final int CURSOR_DIM = 10;

// how long should the cursor saty in one place?
public static final int SLEEP_TIME = 5; // milliseconds

public static void main( String[] args ) {
    DrawingPanel panel = new DrawingPanel( DIM, DIM );
    Random rand = new Random();
    walkRandomly( panel, rand );

 * Draw a random walk on the panel.
 * Stop as soon as you walk off the panel.
 * Each random step should go only in one
 * of these directions: left, right, up, down.
 * @param panel a DrawingPanel to draw the
 *        random walk on
 * @param rand a Java Random object to be
 *        used to generate random steps
public static void walkRandomly( DrawingPanel panel, Random rand ) {
    Graphics g = panel.getGraphics();
    // start in center of panel
    int x = CENTER;
    int y = CENTER;
    // Randomly step left, right, up, or down
    // until cursor goes off screen.
    while ( onScreen( x, y ) ) {
        // Draw the cursor in BLACK
        g.fillRect(x, y, CURSOR_DIM, CURSOR_DIM);
        // Wait a bit.
        panel.sleep( SLEEP_TIME );
        // Show a shadow version of the cursor
        g.fillRect(x, y, CURSOR_DIM, CURSOR_DIM);
        // Choose a new location for the cursor
        if (rand.nextInt() < DIM - 300){
        } else if (rand.nextInt() < DIM / 2){
        } else if (rand.nextInt() < DIM - 100){
        } else if (rand.nextInt() < DIM) {
        // draw the cursor at its new location
        g.fillRect(x, y, CURSOR_DIM, CURSOR_DIM);

 * determine whether (x, y) is a point on the panel.
 * @param x the x-coord of the cursor
 * @param y the y-coord of the cursor
 * @return true if (x,y) is on the screen,
 *         false if (x,y) is off the screen
public static boolean onScreen( int x, int y ) {
    // x/y high = 400, x/y low = 0
    return (x <= DIM && x >= 0 || y <= DIM && y >= 0);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  • 所有方向应具有相同的发生概率
  • 光标只能移动&#34;完整步骤&#34;即它必须一次移动CURSOR_DIM,而不是更少(这是你的例子中似乎发生的事情)


// Choose a new location for the cursor
    int direction = rand.nextInt(4);  //0=left, 1=right, 2=up, 3=down
    if (direction == 0){
        x -= CURSOR_DIM; //The step should be equal to the cursor width, not 1
    } else if (direction == 1){
        x += CURSOR_DIM;
    } else if (direction == 2){
        //you usually subtract to go up, the origin being the upper-left corner
        y -= CURSOR_DIM;
    } else if (direction == 3) {
        y += CURSOR_DIM;


  1. 您在循环的开头和结尾处将光标绘制为黑色,这是多余的。您可以删除其中一个并获得相同的结果。

  2. onScreen方法中,等于x的{​​{1}}和y值应返回false,因为通常图像/数组的边界为0到{ {1}} 独家。此外,您应该用AND替换DIM,因为光标应该在x和y范围内,而不是OR。 DIM

  3. 希望有所帮助