
时间:2008-12-10 17:11:15

标签: java floating-point currency

我写了一个类来测试相等,小于和大于Java中的两个双重。我的一般情况是比较可以具有半分精度的价格。 59.005比59.395。我选择的epsilon是否适合这些情况?

private final static double EPSILON = 0.00001;

 * Returns true if two doubles are considered equal.  Tests if the absolute
 * difference between two doubles has a difference less then .00001.   This
 * should be fine when comparing prices, because prices have a precision of
 * .001.
 * @param a double to compare.
 * @param b double to compare.
 * @return true true if two doubles are considered equal.
public static boolean equals(double a, double b){
    return a == b ? true : Math.abs(a - b) < EPSILON;

 * Returns true if two doubles are considered equal. Tests if the absolute
 * difference between the two doubles has a difference less then a given
 * double (epsilon). Determining the given epsilon is highly dependant on the
 * precision of the doubles that are being compared.
 * @param a double to compare.
 * @param b double to compare
 * @param epsilon double which is compared to the absolute difference of two
 * doubles to determine if they are equal.
 * @return true if a is considered equal to b.
public static boolean equals(double a, double b, double epsilon){
    return a == b ? true : Math.abs(a - b) < epsilon;

 * Returns true if the first double is considered greater than the second
 * double.  Test if the difference of first minus second is greater then
 * .00001.  This should be fine when comparing prices, because prices have a
 * precision of .001.
 * @param a first double
 * @param b second double
 * @return true if the first double is considered greater than the second
 *              double
public static boolean greaterThan(double a, double b){
    return greaterThan(a, b, EPSILON);

 * Returns true if the first double is considered greater than the second
 * double.  Test if the difference of first minus second is greater then
 * a given double (epsilon).  Determining the given epsilon is highly
 * dependant on the precision of the doubles that are being compared.
 * @param a first double
 * @param b second double
 * @return true if the first double is considered greater than the second
 *              double
public static boolean greaterThan(double a, double b, double epsilon){
    return a - b > epsilon;

 * Returns true if the first double is considered less than the second
 * double.  Test if the difference of second minus first is greater then
 * .00001.  This should be fine when comparing prices, because prices have a
 * precision of .001.
 * @param a first double
 * @param b second double
 * @return true if the first double is considered less than the second
 *              double
public static boolean lessThan(double a, double b){
    return lessThan(a, b, EPSILON);

 * Returns true if the first double is considered less than the second
 * double.  Test if the difference of second minus first is greater then
 * a given double (epsilon).  Determining the given epsilon is highly
 * dependant on the precision of the doubles that are being compared.
 * @param a first double
 * @param b second double
 * @return true if the first double is considered less than the second
 *              double
public static boolean lessThan(double a, double b, double epsilon){
    return b - a > epsilon;

9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:101)




答案 1 :(得分:10)

是。 Java双精度将比你给出的0.00001的epsil更好。


在相关的说明中,我喜欢epsilon = 1E-5;的格式,因为我觉得它更具可读性(Java中的1E-5 = 1 x 10 ^ -5)。读取代码时,1E-6很容易与1E-5区分,而当看到代码时,0.00001和0.000001看起来非常相似,我认为它们是相同的值。

答案 2 :(得分:8)

哇哇哇哇哇是否有一个特定的原因,你使用浮点货币,或者arbitrary-precision, fixed-point number format会更好吗?我不知道你要解决的具体问题是什么,但你应该考虑半分钱是否真的是你想要使用的东西,或者它只是一个使用不精确数字格式的工件。

答案 3 :(得分:6)


  *@param precision number of decimal digits
public static boolean areEqualDouble(double a, double b, int precision) {
   return Math.abs(a - b) <= Math.pow(10, -precision);

答案 4 :(得分:5)

如果您正在处理资金,我建议您查看Money设计模式(最初来自Martin Fowler's book on enterprise architectural design)。


答案 5 :(得分:2)


boolean equal(double d1, double d2) {
  double d = d1 / d2;
  return (Math.abs(d - 1.0) < 0.001);

答案 6 :(得分:1)


0.001 + 0.001 = 0.002 但 12,345,678,900,000,000,000,000 + 1 = 12,345,678,900,000,000,000,000 如果你使用浮点和双。这不是一个很好的金钱代表,除非你确定你永远不会在这个系统中处理超过一百万美元。

答案 7 :(得分:1)



答案 8 :(得分:0)


为了说明您的方法根本不起作用,这里有一些简单的测试代码。我只是将您的EPSILON添加到10.0并查看结果是否等于10.0 - 它不应该是,因为差异显然不是 less < / em>而不是EPSILON

    double a = 10.0;
    double b = 10.0 + EPSILON;
    if (!equals(a, b)) {
        System.out.println("OK: " + a + " != " + b);
    } else {
        System.out.println("ERROR: " + a + " == " + b);


    ERROR: 10.0 == 10.00001


如果您考虑应用更高级的相对差异&#34;根据其他评论者的建议,你应该阅读Bruce Dawson的优秀文章Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition,这表明这种方法有类似的缺点,实际上没有故障安全近似浮动点比较适用于所有浮点数范围。

简而言之:从货币值double开始,并使用BigDecimal之类的确切数字表示。为了提高效率,您还可以使用longs解释为&#34; millis&#34; (十分之一美分),只要您可靠地防止过量和下溢。这会产生9'223'372'036'854'775.807的最大可表示值,这对于大多数实际应用程序来说应该足够了。