
时间:2016-11-14 13:04:12

标签: jquery asp.net-mvc-4 controller partial-views


现在,我想在弹出窗口中显示来自服务器端的警报消息,例如,播放消息。现在请告诉我朋友如何在弹出窗口打开警报消息当我点击警报好的按钮我的警报应该关闭我的  在服务器端验证失败的情况下,不应关闭对话框并保留对话框中的数据。


  $("body").on("click", "#modal2", function (e) {

                var url = $(this).attr('href');
                    title: 'Add Ticket',
                    autoOpen: true,
                    resizable: false,
                    width: '65%',
                    height: 400,
                    modal: true,
                    draggable: false,
                    open: function (event, ui) {
                    close: function (event, ui) {



                return false;


    public ActionResult Ticket(int id)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                int suserid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"]);
                var Station = cn.usp_FlightsStatusGrid(suserid).Where(x => x.ID == id).ToList();
                //ViewBag.Station = new SelectList(Station, "StationID", "Station");
                ViewData["Employees"] = cn.usp_EditmodeFlightDetailInformation(id).FirstOrDefault();

                ViewBag.fhid = id;
                List<usp_ErrorRecordsList_Result> model = cn.usp_ErrorRecordsList(id).ToList();

                int a = cn.usp_ErrorRecordsList(id).Where(x => x.POI == "").ToList().Count;
                return PartialView("_AddTicket", model);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string sActionName = this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
            string sControllerName = this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
            cn.usp_ErrorLogDetails(sControllerName + "/" + sActionName, ex.Message);
            Session["ErrorMsg"] = ex.Message;
            return RedirectToAction("Error", "Error");

        return View();



   $("#btnSave").click(function () {

                    var retval = ISVALID();
                    if (retval == true)


                    else {

                        return false;



public ActionResult Ticket(List<UCR.Models.usp_ErrorRecordsList_Result> lstmissingrecord,int Id)
    int ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["IDmissingticket"]);
    List<usp_ErrorRecordsList_Result> model = cn.usp_ErrorRecordsList(ID).Where(x => x.POI != null).ToList();
    var updatedticket = lstmissingrecord.Where(x => x.TicketCurrency != null && x.POI != null && x.AdultInfant != null && x.TransitPax != null).ToList();

    int suserid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"]);
    int count = 0;
    string scurrencymsg = "Please provide correct information for Ticket No.";
    foreach (var ticket in updatedticket)

        if (!(cn.tblCountries.Any(x => x.CurrencyCode == ticket.TicketCurrency.ToUpper().Trim()) && cn.tblCities.Any(x => x.CityCode == ticket.POI.ToUpper().Trim())))
            scurrencymsg += ticket.TicketNo + ",";
            string SuccessTickeMsg = scurrencymsg.Substring(0, scurrencymsg.Length - 1);

            TempData["TickeMsg"] = SuccessTickeMsg; // Validation Gets Failed.And I want to have a alert message Here and I click on  alert ok button my alrert box should get closed but Dialog box should not get closed.And Data should get retained in Dialog Box.
            return RedirectToAction("Uploadpassengers", "Home");



    foreach (var ticket in updatedticket)

        //if (cn.tblCountries.Any(x => x.CurrencyCode == ticket.TicketCurrency.ToUpper().Trim()) == true && cn.tblCities.Any(x => x.CityCode == ticket.POI.ToUpper().Trim()))

        cn.usp_InsertTicketmissingdetailInformationsbyuser(Convert.ToInt32(ticket.PaxID), ticket.TicketNo, ticket.PaxName, ticket.TicketCurrency.ToUpper().Trim(), ticket.AdultInfant.ToUpper().Trim(), ticket.TransitPax.ToUpper().Trim(), suserid, ticket.POI.ToUpper().Trim(), ticket.DateOfIssue);

        count = count + 1;
        //   else

        //    scurrencymsg += ticket.TicketNo + ",";

    if (lstmissingrecord.Count == count)

    if (scurrencymsg == "Please provide correct information for Ticket No.")
        string SuccessTickeMsg = ConstantMsg.C1009;

        TempData["TickeMsg"] = SuccessTickeMsg;
        return RedirectToAction("Uploadpassengers", "Home");
    return RedirectToAction("Uploadpassengers", "Home");
    //else {
    //    string SuccessTickeMsg = scurrencymsg.Substring(0, scurrencymsg.Length - 1);
    //    var response = new Response(true, SuccessTickeMsg);
    //    return Json(response.v2);

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