
时间:2016-12-08 01:45:51

标签: c++ vector switch-statement

我是c ++的初学者,对c ++没有任何了解。我正在为学生和模块编写代码。要求是需要显示模块和学生的最终分数,也需要重复。当我编写案例5和案例6时,在编译之后它会显示以下错误。

错误C2360:初始化'代码'被' case'跳过标签 看到'代码的声明' 错误C2361:初始化'代码'被'默认'跳过标签 请参阅'代码'


错误C2039:' getId' :不是' std :: vector< _Ty>'的成员 与[_Ty =学生]

错误C2039:' getModule' :不是' std :: vector< _Ty>'的成员 与[_Ty =学生]


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "Student.h"
#include "Module.h"
using namespace std;

void printMenu();
vector<Student> readFile();
void liststudentRecord(vector<Student>);
string trim(string);
bool isValidClasscode(string s);
bool isvalidStudentid(string s);
bool test1Ascending(Student s1, Student s2);
bool test1Desscending(Student s1, Student s2);
bool test1finalScoreAscending(Student s1, Student s2);
vector<Module> readFile2();
void listmoduleRecord(vector<Module>);
bool moduleName (Module m1, Module m2);
vector<Student> getStudentByModule(vector<Student>,string);
bool isDuplicateStudentRecord(vector<Student>, Student);

//gloval variable
vector<Student> duplicates;

int main() {

    int choice;
    vector<Student> students;//list of student
    vector<Module> modules;
    vector<Student> list;

    do {
        cin >> choice;

        switch(choice) {
        case 1: 
            cout << "Read Student file ... " << endl; 
            students =readFile();
            cout<<"Number of records read: " <<students.size() <<endl;
        case 2:
        case 3: 
            cout << "Read Module file ... " << endl; 
            modules =readFile2();
            cout<<"Number of records read: " <<modules.size() <<endl;
        case 4:

        case 5:
        case 6:
            cout << "Enter Module Code: ";
            string code;
            cin >> code;
            list = getStudentByModule(students, code);
            for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++ ){
                Student s = list.at(i);
                cout << s.toString() << endl;
            cout<<"List Student by Module Code"<<endl;
        case 7:
            //sort(students.begin(), students.end(), test1finalScoreAscending);
            sort(students.begin(), students.end(),test1finalScoreAscending); //finalScoreAcending
        case 8:
        case 9: cout << "Exiting program... " << endl; break;
            cout << "Invalid option specified. Please try again" << endl;
    } while(choice != 9);

    return 0;

void printMenu() {
    cout << "Menu" << endl;
    cout << "----" << endl;
    cout << "[1] Read student file" << endl;
    cout << "[2] List student records" << endl;
    cout << "[3] Read module file" << endl;
    cout << "[4] List module records" << endl;
    cout << "[5] List Duplicate Record" << endl;
    cout << "[6] Display Student by Module" << endl;
    cout << "[7] Sort by Final Score" <<endl;
    cout << "[8] Write to file" << endl;
    cout << "[9] Exit" << endl;
    cout << "Choice: ";

    string filename;
    ifstream inputFile;

    cout << "Enter filename: ";
    cin >> filename;

    inputFile.open(filename, ios::in);//open file, read only
        while (inputFile.good()){
            string line;
            getline(inputFile, line);

            Student s; //create a new student

            //extract id
            int i = line.find(",");
            string id = trim(line.substr(0, i));// extract id
            s.setId(id); // set student id
            line = line.substr(i+1);// remove id form line
                string s = id.substr(0,1);
                const char* s = id.substr(1,7);

            //extract name
            i = line.find(","); 
            string name = trim(line.substr(0, i)); // extract name
            s.setName(name); //set student name
            line = line.substr(i+1); //remove name from line

            //extract classcode
            i = line.find(",");
            string classcode = trim(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);
                string module = classcode.substr(0,6);
                string status =  classcode.substr(7,9);
                char *ft ="FT";
                string classnumber = classcode.substr(9,11);

            //to use a for-loop for attendance
            for (int j =0; j < 10 ; j++){
                i = line.find(",");
                string attendance = trim(line.substr(0, i));
                s.setAttendance(j, attendance);
                line = line.substr(i+1);

            //to extreact test1
            i = line.find(",");
            int test1 = stoi(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);

            //to extreact test2
            i = line.find(",");
            int test2 = stoi(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);

            //to extreact tutorial
            i = line.find(",");
            int tutorial = stoi(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);

            //to extreact exam
            i = line.find(",");
            int exam = stoi(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);

            //need to do validationfirst
            //to only add the valid student

            if(isDuplicateStudentRecord(students, s) == false){
            students.push_back(s); //add student to list
            } else {
            //cout<< line << endl;
        cout << "Invalid file" << endl;

    return students;

void liststudentRecord(vector<Student> list){
    int numberStudents = list.size();

    if (numberStudents > 0){
        for (int i = 0; i < numberStudents; i++){
            Student s = list.at(i);
            cout << s.toString() << endl;
            cout << "Empty list" <<endl;


bool test1Ascending(Student s1, Student s2){
    return s1.getTest1() < s2.getTest1();

bool test1Descending(Student s1, Student s2){
    return s1.getTest1() < s2.getTest1();

bool finalScoreAscending(Student s1, Student s2){
    return s1.getFinalScore() < s2.getFinalScore();

bool isvalidStudentid(string s){
    int i;

    if(s.length() !=8){
        return false;} //first check th length is 8

    if (s.at(i) != 'S') {
        return false;} //start with s

    for (i =1 ; i<8; i++){ //7 digit 

            return false;

    return false;

bool isValidClasscode(string s){
    int i;

    if(s.length() !=11){
    return false;} //first check th length is 8

    for (i =0 ; i<3; i++){ // first 3 char are letters
        return false;}

    for (i =3 ; i<6; i++){ //next 3 char are number
        if(isdigit(s.at(i)) == 0){
        return false;}

        if (s.at(6) != '-') {
        return false;} //has a hyphen

        if (s.at(7) != 'F' && s.at(7) != 'P') {
        return false;}

        if (s.at(8) != 'T' ) {
        return false;} // T

        if (isdigit(s.at(9)) == 0 || isdigit(s.at(10)) == 0){
        return false;}

    return false;

vector<Module> readFile2(){
    string filename;
    ifstream inputFile;

    cout << "Enter filename: ";
    cin >> filename;

    inputFile.open(filename, ios::in);//open file, read only
        while (inputFile.good()){
            string line;
            getline(inputFile, line);

            Module m; //create a new student

            //extract name
            int i = line.find(",");
            string modulecode = trim(line.substr(0, i));// extract id
            m.setModulecode(modulecode); // set student id
            //cout << id<< endl;
            line = line.substr(i+1);// remove id form line
            //cout << line << endl;

            //extract id
            i = line.find(","); 
            string modulename = trim(line.substr(0, i)); // extract name
            m.setModulename(modulename); //set student name
            line = line.substr(i+1); //remove name from line

            //to extreact test1
            i = line.find(",");
            int test1 = stoi(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);

            //to extreact test2
            i = line.find(",");
            int test2 = stoi(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);

            //to extreact tutorial
            i = line.find(",");
            int tutorial = stoi(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);

            //to extreact exam
            i = line.find(",");
            int exam = stoi(line.substr(0, i));
            line = line.substr(i+1);

            modules.push_back(m); //add student to list

            //cout<< line << endl;
        cout << "Invalid file" << endl;

    return modules;


void listmoduleRecord(vector<Module> list){
    int numberModules = list.size();

    if (numberModules > 0){
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
            Module m = list.at(i);
            cout << m.toString() << endl;
            cout << "Empty list" <<endl;


vector<Student> getStudentByModule(vector<Student> students,string code){
    vector<Student> list;
    for (int i=0; i< students.size(); i++){
        Student s = students.at(i);
        if (code.compare(current_module) == 0){
    return list;

bool isDuplicateStudentRecord(vector<Student> student, Student s){
    string id = student.getId();
    string name = student.getName();
    string module = student.getModule();
    for(int i=0; i< student.size(); i++){
        Student  s = student.at(i);
        string current_id = s.getId();
        string current_name =  s.getName();
        string current_module = s.getModule();
        if(id.compare)(current_id) == 0 &&
            name.compare(current_name) == 0 &&
            (module.compare(current_module) == 0);{
            return true;
    return false;

string trim(string s){
    s.erase(0, s.find_first_not_of(' ')); //prefixing spaces
    s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(' ')+1); //surfixing spaces
    return s;


#include "Module.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;


    string Module:: getModulecode(){
        return modulecode;

    void Module::setModulecode(string modulecode){
        this->modulecode = modulecode;

    string Module:: getModulename(){
        return modulename;

    void Module:: setModulename(string modulename){
        this->modulename = modulename;

    int Module:: getTest1(){
        return test1;
    void Module:: setTest1(int value1){
        test1 =  value1;

    int Module:: getTest2(){
        return test2;
    void Module:: setTest2(int value2){
        test2 =  value2;

    int Module:: getTutorial(){
        return tutorial;
    void Module:: setTutorial(int value3){
        tutorial = value3;

    int Module:: getExam(){
        return exam;
    void Module:: setExam(int value4){
        exam = value4;

    string Module::toString(){
        stringstream ss;

        ss<<"Module Code: " << modulecode<< "-"<< modulename <<endl;
        ss << "Test 1: " << getTest1Percentage() << "%" << endl;
        ss << "Test 2: " << getTest2Percentage() << "%" << endl;
        ss << "Tutorial: " << getTutorialPercentage() << "%" << endl;
        ss << "Exam: " << getExamPercentage() << "%" << endl;
        //ss<< "Score percentage: " << getScorePercentage() << "%"<< endl;
        ss<< "Final score: " << getFinalScore() << "%" <<endl;
        return ss.str();

    int Module::getTest1Percentage(){
        int result;
        result =  (getTest1() * 100) / 100;
        return result;

    int Module::getTest2Percentage(){
        int result;
        result =  (getTest2() * 100) / 100;
        return result;

    int Module::getTutorialPercentage(){
        int result;
        result =  (getTutorial() * 100) / 100;
        return result;

    int Module::getExamPercentage(){
        int result;
        result =  (getExam() * 100) / 100;
        return result;

    int  Module::getFinalScore(){
        int final = getTest1Percentage()+getTest2Percentage()+getTutorialPercentage()+getExamPercentage();
        return final;

    /*int  Module::getFinalScore(){
        int final = test1+test2+tutorial+exam;
        return final;


#include "Student.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;


    string Student:: getId(){
        return id;
    void Student:: setId(string newid){
        id = newid;

    string Student:: getName(){
        return name;
    void Student:: setName(string name){
        this->name = name;

    string Student:: getClasscode(){
        return classcode;
    void Student::setClasscode(string classcode){
        this->classcode = classcode;

    string Student:: getAttendance(int i){
        return attendance[i];
    void Student:: setAttendance(int i, string value){
        attendance[i] = value;

    int Student:: getTest1(){
        return test1;
    void Student:: setTest1(int value1){
        test1 =  value1;

    int Student:: getTest2(){
        return test2;
    void Student:: setTest2(int value2){
        test2 =  value2;

    int Student:: getTutorial(){
        return tutorial;
    void Student:: setTutorial(int value3){
        tutorial = value3;

    int Student:: getExam(){
        return exam;
    void Student:: setExam(int value4){
        exam = value4;

    string Student::toString(){
        stringstream ss;

        ss << name << "(" <<id  << ")" << endl;
        ss << classcode << endl;
        for(int  i=0; i<10; i++){
            ss << getAttendance(i) << " ";
        ss << endl;
        ss << "Test 1: " << test1 << endl;
        ss << "Test 2: " << test2 << endl;
        ss << "Tutorial: " << tutorial << endl;
        ss << "Exam: " << exam << endl;
        ss<< "Attendance percentage: " << getAttendancePercentage() << "%"<< endl;
        ss<< "Final score: " << getFinalScore() <<endl;
        return ss.str();

    double Student::getAttendancePercentage(){
        int n =0 ; // n will be the total number of "yes"
        for (int i=1; i<10; i++){
            string s = getAttendance(i);
            char*yes = "yes";
            if(s.compare(yes)== 0){
        double percentage = n/10.0 * 100; //avoud interger division
        return percentage;

    int  Student::getFinalScore(){
        int final = test1+test2+tutorial+exam;
        return final;

    /*string Student::getModule() { return module; }
    void Student::setModule(string m) { module = m;}
    bool Student::getFulltime() { return fulltime; }
    void Student::setFulltime(bool v) { fulltime = v;}
    string Student::getClassnumber() { return classnumber; }
    void Student::setClassnumber(string v) { classnumber = v;} */

    string Student:: getModule(){
        return module;
    void Student:: setModule(string m){
        module =m;

    bool Student:: getFulltime(){
        return fulltime;
    void Student:: setFulltime(bool v){
        fulltime = v;

    string Student:: getClassnumber(){
        return classnumber;

    void Student:: setClassnumber(string c){
        classnumber = c;


#ifndef MODULE_H
#define MODULE_H

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Module {


    string getModulecode();
    void setModulecode(string);

    string getModulename();
    void setModulename(string);

    int getTest1();
    void setTest1(int);

    int getTest2();
    void setTest2(int);

    int getTutorial();
    void setTutorial(int);

    int getExam();
    void setExam(int);

    string toString(); //to displayed info
    int getTest1Percentage();
    int getTest2Percentage();
    int getTutorialPercentage();
    int getExamPercentage();

    int getFinalScore();

    string modulecode;
    string modulename;
    int test1;
    int test2;
    int tutorial;
    int exam;


#endif //MODULE_H


#ifndef STUDENT_H
#define STUDENT_H

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Student {

    string getId();
    string getName();
    string getClasscode();
    string getAttendance(int);
    int getTest1();
    int getTest2();
    int getTutorial();
    int getExam();

    void setId(string);
    void setName(string);
    void setClasscode(string);
    void setAttendance(int, string);
    void setTest1(int);
    void setTest2(int);
    void setTutorial(int);
    void setExam(int);

    string toString(); //to displayed info
    double getAttendancePercentage();

    int getFinalScore();

    string getModule();
    void setModule(string);

    bool getFulltime();
    void setFulltime(bool);

    string getClassnumber();
    void setClassnumber(string);
    //to create the get and set methods for all the attributes

    string id;
    string name;
    string classcode;
    string module;
    bool fulltime;
    string classnumber;
    string attendance[10];
    int test1;
    int test2;
    int tutorial;
    int exam;

#endif //STUDENT_Hs

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

从您提到的第一个错误看来,您的编译器抱怨您创建的字符串变量&#39; code&#39;在案例内部6.尝试将变量的创建移动到上面创建其他变量的位置。这应该可以解决您遇到的第一个错误。

至于第二个和第三个错误,它告诉你功能&#39; getId&#39;和&#39; getModule&#39;是你的&#39;模块的功能&#39; class,意思是你只能在&#39;模块的实例上调用它们。类。但是,您试图在学生对象的矢量上调用它们。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


switch(i) {
case 1:
  int foo = 42;
case 2:
  // aargh `foo` is in scope but uninitialised if we jump to here

要解决此问题,请将int foo置于switch语句之外,或将其放在switch语句中的本地范围内:

switch(i) {
case 1:
    int foo = 42;
  } // foo is destroyed
case 2:
  // there is no foo, there is no problem


prog.cc:69:27: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'size_type' (aka 'unsigned long') [-Wsign-compare]
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                        ~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~
prog.cc:151:20: warning: ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to 'char *' [-Wwritable-strings]
        char *ft = "FT";
prog.cc:243:12: warning: variable 'i' is uninitialized when used here [-Wuninitialized]
  if (s.at(i) != 'S') {
prog.cc:237:8: note: initialize the variable 'i' to silence this warning
  int i;
        = 0
prog.cc:364:23: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'size_type' (aka 'unsigned long') [-Wsign-compare]
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                    ~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~
prog.cc:377:22: error: use of undeclared identifier 'current_module'
    if (code.compare(current_module) == 0) {
prog.cc:375:21: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'size_type' (aka 'unsigned long') [-Wsign-compare]
  for (int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) {
                  ~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
prog.cc:385:23: error: no member named 'getId' in 'std::__1::vector<Student, std::__1::allocator<Student> >'
  string id = student.getId();
              ~~~~~~~ ^
prog.cc:386:25: error: no member named 'getName' in 'std::__1::vector<Student, std::__1::allocator<Student> >'
  string name = student.getName();
                ~~~~~~~ ^
prog.cc:387:27: error: no member named 'getModule' in 'std::__1::vector<Student, std::__1::allocator<Student> >'
  string module = student.getModule();
                  ~~~~~~~ ^
prog.cc:393:12: error: reference to non-static member function must be called
    if (id.compare)

    ( snipped: a lot of suggestions for what you might have meant instead )

prog.cc:394:20: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('string' (aka 'basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char> >') and 'int')
      (current_id) == 0 && name.compare(current_name) == 0 &&
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~
prog.cc:384:64: warning: unused parameter 's' [-Wunused-parameter]
bool isDuplicateStudentRecord(vector<Student> student, Student s) {
prog.cc:388:21: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'size_type' (aka 'unsigned long') [-Wsign-compare]
  for (int i = 0; i < student.size(); i++) {
                  ~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7 warnings and 6 errors generated.

其中一些是次要的(但值得修复,例如for(size_t i = 0...而不是int),但标记为“错误”的是更重要的是。将编译器设置为对所有内容发出警告,然后使所有警告都消失,这通常是一种很好的做法。



bool isDuplicateStudentRecord(vector<Student> student, Student s) {
  string id = student.getId();
  string name = student.getName();
  string module = student.getModule();

您试图getID() vector<Student>而不是Student。您的意思是string id = s.getID();吗?

答案 2 :(得分:1)


case 6:{
            cout << "Enter Module Code: ";
            string code;
            cin >> code;
            list = getStudentByModule(students, code);
            for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++ ){
                Student s = list.at(i);
                cout << s.toString() << endl;
            cout<<"List Student by Module Code"<<endl;

vector<Student> getStudentByModule(vector<Student> students,string code){
    vector<Student> list;
    for (int i=0; i< students.size(); i++){
        Student s = students.at(i);
        if (code.compare(current_module) == 0){
    return list;


bool isDuplicateStudentRecord(vector<Student> student, Student s){
    string id = s.getId();
    string name = s.getName();
    string module = s.getModule();
    for(int i=0; i< student.size(); i++){
        Student  s = student.at(i);
        string current_id = s.getId();
        string current_name =  s.getName();
        string current_module = s.getModule();
        if(id.compare)(current_id) == 0 &&
            name.compare(current_name) == 0 &&
            (module.compare(current_module) == 0);{
            return true;


1&gt; c:\ users \ cry83 \ documents \ visual studio 2010 \ projects \ partb \ partb \ partb.cpp(378):错误C2065:&#39; current_module&#39; :未声明的标识符

1&gt; c:\ users \ cry83 \ documents \ visual studio 2010 \ projects \ partb \ partb \ partb.cpp(391):警告C4018:&#39;&lt;&#39; :签名/未签名不匹配

1&gt; c:\ users \ cry83 \ documents \ visual studio 2010 \ projects \ partb \ partb \ partb.cpp(396):错误C3867:&#39; std :: basic_string&lt; _Elem,_Traits,_Ax&gt;: :比较&#39;:函数调用缺少参数列表;使用&#39;&amp; std :: basic_string&lt; _Elem,_Traits,_Ax&gt; :: compare&#39;使用[_Elem = char,_Traits = std :: char_traits,_Ax = std :: allocator]


1&gt; partb.cpp(396):错误C2678:二进制&#39; ==&#39; :找不到哪个运算符采用了类型为&#39; std :: string&#39;的左手操作数。 (或者没有可接受的转换)

1&GT; c:\ program files(x86)\ microsoft visual studio 10.0 \ vc \ include \ exception(470):可能是&#39; bool std :: operator ==(const std :: _ Exception_ptr&amp;,const std :: _ Exception_ptr &安培;)&#39;

1&GT; c:\ program files(x86)\ microsoft visual studio 10.0 \ vc \ include \ exception(475):或&#39; bool std :: operator ==(std :: _ Null_type,const std :: _ Exception_ptr&amp;)& #39;

1&GT; c:\ program files(x86)\ microsoft visual studio 10.0 \ vc \ include \ exception(481):或&#39; bool std :: operator ==(const std :: _ Exception_ptr&amp;,std :: _ Null_type)& #39;

1&GT; c:\ program files(x86)\ microsoft visual studio 10.0 \ vc \ include \ system_error(408):或者&#39; bool std :: operator ==(const std :: error_code&amp;,const std :: error_condition&amp; ;)&#39;

1&GT; c:\ program files(x86)\ microsoft visual studio 10.0 \ vc \ include \ system_error(416):或&#39; bool std :: operator ==(const std :: error_condition&amp;,const std :: error_code&amp; ;)&#39;

1&GT;尝试匹配参数列表&#39;(std :: string,int)&#39;