
时间:2017-04-05 03:22:25

标签: c

我想制作一个程序来对总分进行求和,并通过使用二维数组找到最高分。 我面对一些奇怪的事情没有任何错误。 我发现循环(带有cla,stu变量)似乎被跳过了。 我尝试在每个循环上打印一些东西,但我找不到原因。 我在Windows 7中使用Visual Studio 2017。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define makeScore() (rand() % 60 + 40);

int main() {

    int arScore[2][3];
    int cla, stu;
    int sum[2];
    int maxScore = 0;
    int maxc = 0, maxs = 0;
    int i = 0, j = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(arScore) / sizeof(arScore[0]); i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < sizeof(arScore[0]) / sizeof(arScore[0][0]); j++) {
            arScore[i][j] = makeScore();

    for (cla = 0; i < sizeof(arScore) / sizeof(arScore[0]); cla++) {
        sum[cla] = 0;

        for (stu = 0; j < sizeof(arScore[0]) / sizeof(arScore[0][0]); stu++) {
            sum[cla] += arScore[cla][stu];

            if (maxScore < arScore[cla][stu]) {
                maxScore = arScore[cla][stu];
                maxc = cla;
                maxs = stu;
        printf("the total score of %d class : %d\n", cla + 1, sum[cla]);

    puts("the student with the highest score");
    printf("%d class, %d student, %d score\n", maxc, maxs, maxScore);

    return 0;    

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


for (cla = 0; i < sizeof(arScore) / sizeof(arScore[0]); cla++) {  // i instead of cla
        sum[cla] = 0;

        for (stu = 0; j < sizeof(arScore[0]) / sizeof(arScore[0][0]); stu++) {
            sum[cla] += arScore[cla][stu];   //j instead of stu


for (cla = 0; cla < sizeof(arScore) / sizeof(arScore[0]); cla++) {
        sum[cla] = 0;

        for (stu = 0; stu < sizeof(arScore[0]) / sizeof(arScore[0][0]); stu++) {
            sum[cla] += arScore[cla][stu];