
时间:2010-12-14 17:36:51

标签: vb.net multithreading class performance

所以在我试图建立一个利用yahoo messenger SDK的CMS系统。这个想法是让自助机器人能够引导客户解决某些问题。对话由两种方法运行。存在一个脚本以回应通用响应。在客户收到的每条消息中,程序将查找将触发XML文件响应的certan关键字和问题。如果它找到一个它继续脚本。该计划有效,但需要付出代价。它是一个巨大的资源猪。在程序中,我有一个类来处理所有的yahoo信使功能,如登录,注销,接收和发送消息。我也有一个课程,我称之为对话。这样就可以保留消息来源的位置,信息的来源以及脚本对话中的位置。在我的主程序中,我根据有多少不同的站点帮助我正在使用的帐户来初始化客户端类的X数量。每次收到一条消息时,它都会创建一个新的会话类,因为它存在或者它会检查现有的会话并找到sripted的位置。它显然也会对传入消息中的关键字进行所有检查。这是我收到消息的共享事件处理程序的代码。我的问题是,无论如何都要提高效率。

    Private Sub yahooclients_OnRec(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal buddy As String, ByVal message As String)
    TotalRec = TotalRec + 1


        Dim c As YahooClient = CType(sender, YahooClient) 'Yahoo Client To Send Message From 
        showLog("From:" & buddy & " To:" & c.Account & " Message:" & message)
        Dim msgSplit As String()
        Dim retmsg As String
        Dim smsg As String()
        Dim n1 As XmlNode
        Dim sran As New Random 'Random SPlit Message
        Dim domran As New Random 'Random Domain ID
        Dim Found1 As Boolean = False
        Dim FoundIt As Integer = 0
        Dim i As Integer = 0 'Keyword Counter
        'Check Message For KeyWords By Splitting Each phrase by spaces
        msgSplit = Split(message, " ")
        For Each word In msgSplit
            For Each value In KeywordInd
                If value = word Then
                    n1 = m_nodelist.Item(i)
                    retmsg = n1.InnerText
                    GoTo ScrubMessage
                End If
                i = i + 1
            i = 0

        'Check For Conversations
        If convos.Count = 0 Then
            convos.Add(New Conversation(c.Account, buddy, 0))
            retmsg = Script(0)
            GoTo ScrubMessage
            For A As Integer = 0 To (convos.Count - 1)
                If InStr(convos(A).TUser, c.Account) > 0 And InStr(convos(A).FUser, buddy) > 0 Then
                    Found1 = True
                    Exit For
                End If
                FoundIt = FoundIt + 1
            If Found1 = True Then
                convos(FoundIt).SPosition = convos(FoundIt).SPosition + 1
                'Send Next Position In Script
                If convos(FoundIt).SPosition > (Script.Length - 1) Then
                    If convos(FoundIt).SPosition = Script.Length Then
                        TotalScript = TotalScript + 1
                        ToolStripStatusLabel10.Text = TotalScript
                    End If
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                retmsg = Script(convos(FoundIt).SPosition)
                GoTo ScrubMessage
                convos.Add(New Conversation(c.Account, buddy, 0))
                retmsg = Script(0)
                GoTo ScrubMessage
            End If
        End If

ScrubMessage:             '剥离|             smsg =分裂(retmsg,“|”)

        'Pull A Random Response
        If smsg.Length > 1 Then
            retmsg = smsg(sran.Next(0, (smsg.Length) - 1))
            retmsg = smsg(0)
        End If

        'Check For Domain Indicator
        If InStr(retmsg, "%") > 0 Then
            TotalLink = TotalLink + 1
        End If
        retmsg = Replace(retmsg, "%s", Domains(domran.Next(0, (Domains.Length - 1))))

        If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then 'send Message With Font and Color
            retmsg = "<font face=" & """" & fname & """" & ">" & "[#FF80C0m" & retmsg & "</font>"
        End If

        showLog(("Sending Message: " & retmsg & " To: " & buddy & " From: " & c.Account))
        c.SendMessage(buddy, retmsg)
        TotalSent = TotalSent + 1
        ToolStripStatusLabel4.Text = TotalSent 'Updates Sent Counter
        ToolStripStatusLabel6.Text = TotalRec 'Updates Rec Counter
        ToolStripStatusLabel8.Text = TotalLink 'Updates Links counter

    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

End Sub


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Sub ScrubAndSendMessage(response As String, client As YahooClient)
    'code after label here with needed local variables
End Sub


Dim KeywordInd As List(Of String)
Dim m_nodelist As List(Of XmlNode) 'or whatever type has the inner text


Dim wordResponse As New Dictionary(Of String, String)



3)尝试直接将对话与YahooClient对象相关联,这样您就不必每次都能查找对话。当您这样做时,您还可以确保在需要时与每个客户关联For Each word In msgSplit If wordResponse.ContainsKey(word) Then ScrubMessage(wordResponse(word)) Exit Sub End If Next
