
时间:2011-01-07 00:51:21

标签: c++ multithreading memory-management

我在多线程应用程序中为std :: list对象使用池化内存分配器时遇到了一些问题。




/* The thread functor - one instance of MAKE_QUADTREE created for each thread
class make_quadtree

/* A non-thread-safe memory pool for int linked list items, let's say that it's 
 * something along the lines of BOOST::OBJECT_POOL
    pooled_allocator<int> item_pool;

/* The problem! - a local class that would be constructed within each std::list as the
 * allocator but really just delegates to ITEM_POOL
    class local_alloc
    public :
    //!! I understand that I can't access ITEM_POOL from within a nested class like
    //!! this, that's really my question - can I get something along these lines to
    //!! work??
        pointer allocate (size_t n) { return ( item_pool.allocate(n) ); }

public :
    make_quadtree (): item_pool()    // only construct 1 instance of ITEM_POOL per
                                     // MAKE_QUADTREE object
    /* The kind of data structures - vectors of linked lists
     * The idea is that all of the linked lists should share a local pooled allocator
        std::vector<std::list<int, local_alloc>> lists;

    /* The actual operations - too complicated to show, but in general:
     * - The vector LISTS is grown as a quadtree is built, it's size is the number of
     *   quadtree "boxes"
     * - Each element of LISTS (each linked list) represents the ID's of items
     *   contained within each quadtree box (say they're xy points), as the quadtree
     *   is grown a lot of ID pop/push-ing between lists occurs, hence the memory pool
     *   is important for performance

所以我的问题是我希望每个线程的functor实例都有一个内存池实例,但是在每个线程中,functor在多个std :: list对象之间共享池。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)



  • 我在测试期间遇到了一些崩溃
  • 商业许可是 昂贵
  • 它'挂钩'系统调用 malloc,一种我认为狡猾的技术。

所以我决定基于boost :: pool和boost :: threadspecificptr来推送我自己的特定于线程的内存分配器。这需要少量的恕我直言,非常先进的C ++代码,但现在似乎运作良好。



然而,所有这些理论都很有趣,但我认为我们应该继续实践。我相信我们需要一个小型的仪表化独立程序来演示您需要解决的问题。我有一个与std :: multiset分配非常相似的问题并编写了你可以在这里看到的程序:Parallel reads from STL containers
