
时间:2018-09-09 18:24:03

标签: go


type UserStruct struct {
    UserID      string            `bson:"user_id" json:"user_id"`
    Address     string            `bson:"address" json:"address"`
    Email       string            `bson:"email" json:"email"`
    CreatedAt   time.Time         `bson:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
    PhoneNumber string            `bson:"phone_number" json:"phone_number"`
    PanCard     string            `bson:"pancard" json:"pancard"`
    Details     map[string]string `json:"details"`

type SecretsStruct struct {
    UserID      string    `r:"user_id" json:"user_id"`
    Secrets     []string  `r:"secrets" json:secrets`
    Address     string    `r:"address" json:"address"`
    Email       string    `r:"email"json:"email"`
    CreatedAt   time.Time `r:"created_at"json:"created_at"`
    PhoneNumber string    `r:"phone_number" json:"phone_number"`
    PanCard     string    `r:"pancard" json:"pancard"`


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

Go是一种静态类型的语言(不是Python)。如果要在结构之间复制字段,则必须使代码在编译时提供(知道如何执行此操作),或者使用reflect >在运行时执行操作。





// Define your types - bodies elided for brevity

// NOTE TO MAINTAINERS: if editing the fields in these structs, ensure
// the methods defined in source file <filename>.go are updated to
// ensure common fields are copied between structs on instantiation.
type UserStruct struct { ... }
type SecretStruct struct { ... }

// NewSecretStructFromUserStruct populates and returns a SecretStruct
// from the elements common to the two types. This method must be
// updated if the set of fields common to both structs is changed in
// future.
func NewSecretStructFromUserStruct(us *UserStruct) *SecretStruct {
    // You should take care to deep copy where necessary,
    // e.g. for any maps shared between the structs (not
    // currently the case).
    ss := new(SecretStruct)
    ss.UserID = us.UserID
    ss.Address = us.Address
    ss.Email = us.Email
    ss.CreatedAt = us.CreatedAt
    ss.PhoneNumber = us.PhoneNumber
    ss.PanCard = us.PanCard
    return ss

// You may also consider this function to be better suited as
// a receiver method on UserStruct.