Center element "Perfect Woocommerce Brands" (PWB) on mobile

时间:2019-04-08 13:43:47

标签: css mobile woocommerce center

I have a woocommerce eshop and I use the "Perfect woocommerce brands" plugin.

I use the item PWB All brands to display all the brands and it works fine but on the smartphone it is not centered.

I think I found the correct place to add custom css to center this but I have no luck trying to do this.

This is found in styles-frontend.css from the plugin.

@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
.pwb-all-brands .pwb-brands-cols-outer .pwb-brands-col3{
    width: 100%;
    float: none;
.pwb-all-brands .pwb-brands-cols-outer .pwb-brands-col3 > p:first-child{
    height: auto;
.pwb-columns-3, .pwb-columns-4, .pwb-columns-5, .pwb-columns-6{
  width: 50%;

Can someone help please?

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