
时间:2019-07-04 15:26:18

标签: html reactjs web-hosting


const Services = () => {

  return (
    <Container className='services' id='services'>
      <div className='container-fluid' style={textStyle}>
        <p>Do you need a website for your business?</p>
        <p>Do you have an app idea?</p>
        <p>Do you need advice on how to improve your website or app?</p>
        <p>Contact us!</p>

      <div className='container-fluid' id='workflow' style={workflowTextStyle}>
            <i className='fas fa-comments fa-3x' />
            <p>Plan - Tell us what you need</p>
            <i className='fas fa-pencil-alt fa-3x' />
            <p>Design - How do you want your website to look and function</p>

            <i className='fas fa-code fa-3x' />
            <p>Development - Regular updates after developments</p>

            <i className='fas fa-check-circle fa-3x' />
            <p>Review - Customer Review Sessions throughout development</p>

export default Services;

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如果您使用的是Apache HTTP Server,则需要在公用文件夹中创建一个.htaccess文件,如下所示:

Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.html [QSA,L]

当您运行npm run build时,它将被复制到build文件夹。

昆汀评论中的注释:如果您想使您的网站更具SEO可索引性和可访问性,则其他解决方案(例如NextJS)可能更适合您的项目。 https://nextjs.org/

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