如何将bean属性绑定到另一个属性并观察Spring Framework中的更改

时间:2009-05-21 09:03:51

标签: spring javabeans

我想知道如果有一种方法可以将spring bean的属性绑定到另一个bean的属性,那么如果在运行时对绑定属性进行任何更改,我所期望的是引用bean的属性也会发生变化。我会用一些代码片段解释一下。

<bean id="johnHome" class="example.Contact">
    <property name="phone" value="5551333" />

<bean id="johnWork" class="example.Contact">
    <property name="phone">
        <util:property-path path="johnHome.phone" />


<bean id="johnHome" class="example.Contact">
    <property name="phone" value="5551333" />

<bean id="johnWork" class="example.Contact">
    <property name="phone">
        <util:bind path="johnHome.phone" />



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

最简单的方法 - 使该属性成为另外两个bean引用的bean,例如对于String值,有一个StringHolder类:

public class StringHolder {
     private String value;

     // setter and getter elided due to author's lazyness


答案 1 :(得分:1)




<bean id="johnFirstPhone" class="example.PhoneNumber">
  <constructor-arg value="5551333" />

<bean id="johnHome" class="example.Contact">
  <property name="phone" ref="johnFirstPhone" />

<bean id="johnWork" class="example.Contact">
  <property name="phone" ref="johnFirstPhone" />


答案 2 :(得分:0)

我不认为你在Spring 2.5中做了什么。使用新的表达式语法可以在Spring 3中实现 ,但我不这么认为。


答案 3 :(得分:0)


一个是(它有点像黑客),如果你没有很多需要像示例中那样链接的bean,你可以将johnWork注入johnHome bean,并在johnHome.setPhone中注入可以更新johnWork手机属性,如:

public class Contact {
    private Contact myWorkContact;
    private String phone;

    public void setPhone(String phone) {
        this.phone = phone;
        if (this.myWorkContact != null) {

    public void setWorkContact(Contact c) {
        this.myWorkContact = c;




public class Contact {

    private String phone;
    private String name;
    private Integer id;

    public Contact(Integer id, String name, String phone) {
        this.phone = phone;
        this.name = name;
        this.id = id;

    public void setPhone(String phone) {
        this.phone = phone.

    //Other getters, setters, etc


public class ContactPhoneSynchronizer {
    //there is probably a more efficient way to keep track of contact objects
    //but right now i can't think of one, because for things like a tree, we need to 
    //be able to identify objects with the same name (John Smith), but that
    //have different unique ids, since we only want one of each Contact object
    //in this cache.

    private List<Contact> contacts = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Contact>());

        This method will execute every time someone makes a new Contact object.
        If it already exists, return it from the cache in this.contacts.  Otherwise,
        proceed with the object construction and put that object in the cache.

    @Around("call(public Contact.new(Integer,String,String)) && args(id,name,phone)")
    public Object cacheNewContact(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Integer id, String name, String phone) {
        Contact contact = null;

        for (Contact c : contacts) {
            if (id.equals(c.getId()) {
                contact = c;

        if (contact == null) {
            contact = (Contact) joinPoint.proceed();

        return contact;

    /**This should execute every time a setPhone() method is executed on 
        a contact object.  The method looks for all Contacts of the same
        name in the cache and then sets their phone number to the one being passed
        into the original target class.

        Because objects are passed by reference until you do a reassociation, 
        calling c.setPhone on the object in the cache should update the actual
        instance of the object in memory, so whoever has that reference will
        get the updated information.

    @After("execution(example.Contact.setPhone(String) && args(phone)")
    public void syncContact(JoinPoint joinPoint, String phone) {
        Contact contact = joinPoint.getTarget();

        for (Contact c : this.contacts) {
            if (c.getName().equals(contact.getName()) {

