
时间:2012-04-13 15:13:29

标签: python list sorting design-patterns


list1 = ['3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001', '3DT1_S001', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001']
list2 = ['3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S002']

遵循模式[ '3DT1_S##', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S##', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S##', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S##']


list1 = [ '3DT1_S001', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001']
list2 = [ '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S002']



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您可以定义以所需顺序返回元组的键函数,然后将函数传递给key sorted参数。

>>> def key_fn(x):
...     tags = x.split('_')
...     if tags[1][0] == 'S':
...         return (0, int(tags[1][1:]))
...     elif tags[1] == 'noPN':
...         return (1, int(tags[3][1:]))
...     elif tags[1] == 'PN':
...         if tags[2] == 'noDIS3D':
...             return (2, int(tags[3][1:]))
...         else:
...             return (3, int(tags[3][1:]))
>>> list1 = ['3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001', '3DT1_S001', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001']
>>> sorted(list1, key=key_fn)
['3DT1_S001', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001']

答案 1 :(得分:2)


list1.sort(key = myKey)表示对于每个列表项myKey函数在排序之前执行。 myKey函数修改排序列表项仅用于排序目的,其方式是普通排序可以执行您想要的操作。在输出排序列表中,不使用原始列表项(不是myKey修改过的。)


list1 = ['3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001', '3DT1_S001', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001']
list2 = ['3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S003', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001']

def myKey(x):
    # create the 'order list' for starting pattern
    patternsList = [ '3DT1_S', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S']
    for i in range(len(patternsList)): # iterate patterns in order
        pattern = patternsList[i]
        if x.find(pattern) == 0: # check if x starts with pattern
            # return order value i and x without the pattern
            return (i, x.replace(pattern, '')) 

    # if undefined pattern is found, put it to first
    return (-1, x)

    # alternatively if you want undefind to be last
    # return (len(patternList)+1, x)

print list1
list1.sort(key = myKey)
print list1

print list2
list2.sort(key = myKey)
print list2

答案 2 :(得分:0)


>>> import re
>>> list1 = ['3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001', '3DT1_S001', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001']
>>> list2 = ['3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S002']
>>> patterns = [ '3DT1_S', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S']
>>> pattern = '|'.join('(%s)'%x for x in patterns)
>>> pattern #Creates a regex pattern with each pattern as a group in order
>>> def sort_key(x):
        return re.match(pattern,x).lastindex
>>> list1, list2 = [sorted(l, key=sort_key) for l in (list1,list2)]
>>> list1
['3DT1_S001', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001']
>>> list2
['3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S002']

答案 3 :(得分:-1)

这是一种方法,它采用一系列“前缀”,用于在排序之前对列表进行分组。每个项目都会添加到与 first 对应的组中,并且只会添加到匹配的第一个前缀。

list1 = ['3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001', '3DT1_S001', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001']
list2 = ['3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S002', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S002', '3DT1_S002']

prefixes = [ '3DT1_S', '3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S', '3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S', '3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S']

def f(l):
    result = []
    for p in prefixes:               # for each prefix, in order
        a = []                       # items in the group
        b = []                       # items not in the group
        for x in l:                  # for each item
            if x.startswith(p):      # does the item match the prefix?
                a.append(x)          # add it to the group
                b.append(x)          # add it to the "rest"
        result.append(sorted(a))     # sort the group and save it for the result
        l = b                        # continue with the non-group elements
    return result


>>> f(list1)
[['3DT1_S001'], ['3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S001'], ['3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S001'], ['3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S001']]
>>> f(list2)
[['3DT1_S002'], ['3DT1_noPN_DIS3D_S002'], ['3DT1_PN_noDIS3D_S002'], ['3DT1_PN_DIS3D_S002']]