
时间:2012-04-19 18:13:07

标签: c# .net embedded-resource csharpcodeprovider


public static bool CompileExecutable(String sourceName)
    //Source file that you are compliling 
    FileInfo sourceFile = new FileInfo(sourceName);
    //Create a C# code provider 
    CodeDomProvider provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
    //Create a bool variable for to to use after the complie proccess to see if there are any erros
    bool compileOk = false;
     //Make a name for the exe
     String exeName = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}.exe",
     System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, sourceFile.Name.Replace(".", "_"));
     //Creates a variable, cp, to set the complier parameters
     CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters();
     //You can generate a dll or a exe file, in this case we'll make an exe so we set this to true
     cp.GenerateExecutable = true;
     //Set the name
     cp.OutputAssembly = exeName;
     //Save the exe as a physical file
     cp.GenerateInMemory = false;
     //Set the compliere to not treat warranings as erros
     cp.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;
     //Make it compile 
     CompilerResults cr = provider.CompileAssemblyFromFile(cp, sourceName);
     //if there are more then 0 erros...
     if (cr.Errors.Count > 0)
         //A message box shows the erros that occured 
         MessageBox.Show("Errors building {0} into {1}" +
             sourceName + cr.PathToAssembly);
         //for each error that occured in the code make a separete message box
         foreach (CompilerError ce in cr.Errors)
             MessageBox.Show("  {0}" + ce.ToString());
     //if there are no erros...
         //a message box shows compliere results and a success message
         MessageBox.Show("Source {0} built into {1} successfully." +
             sourceName + cr.PathToAssembly);
     //if there are erros...
     if (cr.Errors.Count > 0)
         //the bool variable that we made in the beggining is set to flase so the functions returns a false
         compileOk = false;
     //if there are no erros...
         //we are returning a true (success)
         compileOk = true;
     //return the result
     return compileOk;



1 个答案:

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您需要create a .resources file包含要嵌入资源的文件,然后使用EmbeddedResources属性在CompilerParameter的实例中引用生成的资源文件。< / p>

按照上面第一个链接(引用System.Resources.ResourceWriter的部分)中 Resources inresress Files 部分中的说明进行操作,这将产生一个临时文件。然后根据您问题中的代码(以及EmbeddedResources文档中的示例),您将使用以下内容引用它:

if (provider.Supports(GeneratorSupport.Resources))