
时间:2012-04-20 11:02:13

标签: c# .net linq group-by


我有一个A类型的对象列表,每个对象都有一个属性(让我们称之为ListProp),这也是一个列表。 ListProp包含B类型的元素。 A类型中有多个元素具有相同的B - ListProp中的对象,但ListProp属性引用因元素而异。如何以最快的方式对这些A - 对象进行分组,B - ListProp中的对象相同?


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var exampleList = new List<A>
            // Should be in first group
            new A { ListProp = new List<B>
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 0 }},
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 1 }}
            // Should be in first group
            new A { ListProp = new List<B>
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 0 }},
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 1 }}
            // Should be in second group
            new A { ListProp = new List<B>
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 0 }},
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 1 }},
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 1 }}
            // Should be in third group
            new A { ListProp = new List<B>
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 0 }},
                new B { Prop = new C { Number = 0 }}

        // Doesn't work because the reference of ListProp is always different
        var groupedExampleList = exampleList.GroupBy(x => x.ListProp);

class C
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public override bool Equals(object o)
        if (o is C)
            return Number.Equals(((C)o).Number);
            return false;

class B
    public C Prop { get; set; }

class A
    public IList<B> ListProp { get; set; }

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


public class ListOfBEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<List<B>>
    public bool Equals(List<B> x, List<B> y)
        // you can also implement IEqualityComparer<B> and use the overload
        return x.SequenceEqual(y);

    public int GetHashCode(List<B> obj)
        //implementation of List<T> may not work for your situation
        return obj.GetHashCode();


var groupedExampleList = exampleList.GroupBy(x => x.ListProp, 
                                             new ListOfBEqualityComparer());

答案 1 :(得分:4)


GroupBy(x => String.Join(",", x.ListProp));

它会相应地按0,1; 0,1; 0,1; 0,1,1; 0,1进行分组。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


  1. 将每个子元素(在ListProp属性中)与其父元素
  2. 相关联
  3. 按孩子分组父母
  4. 投射结果

  5. var data = exampleList.SelectMany(a=>a.ListProp.Select(x=>new{Key = x.Prop.Number, Value = a}))
               .Select(g=>new {Number = g.Key, Items = g.ToList()});