
时间:2012-05-04 14:01:50

标签: algorithm compression lzw

我正在为一项必须实施LZW压缩/解压缩的作业编写程序。 我正在使用以下算法:


w = NIL;
   while ( read a character k )
         if wk exists in the dictionary
         w = wk;
         add wk to the dictionary;
         output the code for w;
         w = k;


read a character k;
   output k;
   w = k;
   while ( read a character k )    
  /* k could be a character or a code. */
         entry = dictionary entry for k;
         output entry;
         add w + entry[0] to dictionary;
         w = entry;

对于压缩阶段,我只是输出表示索引的int 字典条目,起始字典也包含ascii字符(0 - 255)。 但是当我进入减压阶段时,我得到了这个错误 例如,如果我压缩只包含“booop”的文本文件 它将通过这些步骤来生成输出文件:

w       k       Dictionary          Output

-       b       -                   -
b       o       bo (256)            98 (b)
o       o       oo (257)            111 (o)
o       o       -                   -
oo      p       oop (258)           257 (oo)
p       -       -                   112 (p)

output.txt的: 98 111 257 112


w       k          entry        output       Dictionary
        98 (b)                  b   
b       111 (o)    o            o             bo (256)
o       257 (error)

257(oo)尚未添加。任何人都可以看到我在哪里出错了因为我 难倒。算法错了吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)



read a character k;
   output k;
   w = k;
   while ( read a character k )    
  /* k could be a character or a code. */
         if k exists in the dictionary
         entry = dictionary entry for k;
         output entry;
         add w + entry[0] to dictionary;
         w = entry;
         output entry = w + firstCharacterOf(w);
         add entry to dictionary;
         w = entry;

然后当您解压缩文件并查看257时,您会发现它不在字典中。但是你知道前面的条目是'o',它的第一个字符也是'o',把它们放在一起,你得到“oo”。现在输出oo并将其添加到字典中。接下来你得到代码112并确定你知道它是p。 DONE!

w       k          entry        output       Dictionary
        98 (b)                  b   
b       111 (o)    o            o             bo (256)
o       257 (oo)                oo            oo(257)
oo      112(p)                  p

请参阅Steve Blackstock的this解释,了解更多信息。 better page,其中包含"icafe" Java图像库GIF编码器和解码器所基于的实际解码器和编码器实现的流程图。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



1) The decoder sees X and then Z.
2) It knows X codes the sequence χ and Z codes some unknown sequence ω.
3) It knows the encoder just added Z to code χ + some unknown character,
4) and it knows that the unknown character is the first letter z of ω.
5) But the first letter of ω (= χ + ?) must then also be the first letter of χ.
6) So ω must be χ + x, where x is the first letter of χ.
7) So the decoder figures out what Z codes even though it's not in the table,
8) and upon receiving Z, the decoder decodes it as χ + x, and adds χ + x to the table as the value of Z.



对于这个特定情况,维基百科的东西适合,你有X +?其中X是(o),Z是未知的,所以第一个字母是X给(oo)添加(oo)到表257.我只是继续我在维基百科上读到的,让我们知道这是怎么回事如果那不是解决方案。