
时间:2012-05-13 11:34:01

标签: linux

我有一个大型CSV文件(7.3GB; 16,300,000行),如何将此文件拆分为两个文件?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:16)

您是否看过split命令?有关详细信息,请参阅this man 页面。



如果您不太确定具体命令是什么,man -k命令对于查找unix / linux命令非常有用。使用man -k命令指定关键字,系统将提取相关命令。如,

% man -k split


csplit (1)           - split a file into sections determined by context lines
dirsplit (1)         - splits directory into multiple with equal size
dpkg-split (1)       - Debian package archive split/join tool
gpgsplit (1)         - Split an OpenPGP message into packets
pnmsplit (1)         - split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-image files
ppmtoyuvsplit (1)    - convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw YUV files
split (1)            - split a file into pieces
splitdiff (1)        - separate out incremental patches
splitfont (1)        - extract characters from an ISO-type font.
URI::Split (3pm)     - Parse and compose URI strings
wcstok (3)           - split wide-character string into tokens
yuvsplittoppm (1)    - convert a Y- and a U- and a V-file into a portable pixmap
zipsplit (1)         - split a zipfile into smaller zipfiles

答案 1 :(得分:1)

split -d -n l / N filename.csv tempfile.part。

