Kohana 3.2 Auth ORM:我似乎无法使用“记住我”选项集保持登录状态

时间:2012-05-24 02:21:18

标签: remember-me kohana-auth kohana-3.2

我遇到了Auth / ORM和auto_login的问题。我将生命周期设置为两周,但无论浏览器是否关闭,我都会在大约一小时后退出。实际上,它是基于时间的,因为即使在浏览器关闭的情况下,会话也会保持不变。



Cookie::$salt = 'some random string here';

配置/ auth.php

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

return array(

'driver'       => 'ORM',
'hash_method'  => 'sha256',
'hash_key'     => '<another random string>',
'lifetime'     => 1209600, // TWO WEEKS, NO?
'session_type' => Session::$default,
'session_key'  => 'auth_user',

// Username/password combinations for the Auth File driver
'users' => array(


类/控制器/ auth.php

public function action_login() { // Check to make sure the user isn't already logged in... if (Auth::instance()->logged_in() || Auth::instance()->auto_login()) {
$this->request->redirect($this->request->referrer()); }

$referrer = base64_encode($this->request->referrer());

$post = $this->request->post();
if (!empty($post))
    $remember = isset($post['remember']); // <-- This value has been verified
    Auth::instance()->login(Arr::get($post, 'email'), Arr::get($post, 'password'), $remember);

    if (Auth::instance()->logged_in())
        $this->request->redirect(base64_decode(Arr::get($post, 'referrer')));
        $this->view->set('error', true);

    if (isset($post['referrer']))
        $referrer = Arr::get($post, 'referrer');

$this->view = Template::factory('auth/login');
$this->view->set('referrer', $referrer);


类/控制器/ website.php

class Controller_Website extends Controller { 
    public function before()
        $parent_before = parent::before();

        if (Auth::instance()->logged_in() || Auth::instance()->auto_login()) //<-- isn't this where the magic is supposed to be happening?!?!
            $this->user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
        elseif ($this->require_auth && !in_array($this->request->action(), $this->auth_allow_actions))

        return $parent_before;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

尝试设置$ remember,如下所示:

$remember = array_key_exists('remember', $this->request->post()) ? (bool) $this->request->post('remember') : FALSE;