
时间:2012-06-05 13:58:30

标签: scala exception-handling validation playframework-2.0


  def addIngredient() = Action { implicit request =>
    val boundForm = ingredientForm.bindFromRequest
      formWithErrors => BadRequest(views.html.Admin.index(formWithErrors)),
      value => {
        Async {
          val created = Service.addIngredient(value.name, value.description)
          created map { ingredient =>
            Redirect(routes.Admin.index()).flashing("success" -> "Ingredient '%s' added".format(ingredient.name))

          // TODO on exception do the following
          // BadRequest(views.html.Admin.index(boundForm.copy(errors = Seq(FormError("", ex.getMessage())))))

我的Service.addIngredient(...)返回Promise [Ingredient],但也可以抛出自定义的ValidationException。抛出此异常时,我想返回注释代码。



play - 等待承诺,但收到错误:有名字的成分   'test'已经存在。 services.ValidationException:具有名称的成分   'test'已经存在。


  • 从我的服务中返回此异常是一个坏主意,是否有更好/更多的scala方法来处理这种情况?
  • 如何捕捉异常?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



但是如果不需要scalaz(你会^^),你可以使用一个非常简单的东西,使用Promise[Either[String, Ingredient]]作为结果,并在异步块中使用fold方法。也就是说,map转换兑换承诺时的值,并fold转换兑换的内容。

好点=>没有例外=>每件事都是打字检查: - )


它可能需要更多信息,这里有两个选项:try catch,感谢@kheraud)和Either。没有放Validation,如果需要请问我。     object应用程序扩展Controller {

  def index = Action {
    Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))

  //Using Try Catch
  //  What was missing was the wrapping of the BadRequest into a Promise since the Async
  //    is requiring such result. That's done using Promise.pure
  def test1 = Async {
    try {
      val created = Promise.pure(new {val name:String = "myname"})
      created map { stuff =>
        Redirect(routes.Application.index()).flashing("success" -> "Stuff '%s' show".format(stuff.name))
    } catch {
      case _ => {
        Promise.pure(Redirect(routes.Application.index()).flashing("error" -> "an error occurred man"))

  //Using Either (kind of Validation)
  //  on the Left side => a success value with a name
  val success = Left(new {val name:String = "myname"})
  //  on the Right side the exception message (could be an Exception instance however => to keep the stack)
  val fail = Right("Bang bang!")

  // How to use that
  //   I simulate your service using Promise.pure that wraps the Either result
  //    so the return type of service should be Promise[Either[{val name:String}, String]] in this exemple
  //   Then while mapping (that is create a Promise around the convert content), we folds to create the right Result (Redirect in this case).
  // the good point => completely compiled time checked ! and no wrapping with pure for the error case.
  def test2(trySuccess:Boolean) = Async {
      val created = Promise.pure(if (trySuccess) success else fail)
      created map { stuff /* the either */ =>
          /*success case*/s => Redirect(routes.Application.index()).flashing("success" -> "Stuff '%s' show".format(s.name)),
          /*the error case*/f => Redirect(routes.Application.index()).flashing("error" -> f)




答案 1 :(得分:0)


Async {
    try {
        val created = Service.addIngredient(value.name, value.description)
        created map { ingredient =>
            Redirect(routes.Admin.index()).flashing("success" -> "Ingredient '%s' added".format(ingredient.name))
     } catch {
         case _ => {
             Promise.pure(Redirect(routes.Admin.index()).flashing("error" -> "Error while addin ingrdient"))