
时间:2012-06-13 00:46:29

标签: python


我写了另一个几乎解决问题的程序。您不必使用循环来比较所有值,而是必须使用函数has_key来查看该特定键是否存在。对此的回答将使您无需通过字典查找匹配值,因为您可以知道它们是否匹配。 再次,charCount只是一个函数,它将自身的常量输入字典并返回字典。

def sumPair(theList, n):
    for a, b in level5.charCount(theList).iteritems():    
        x = n - a     
        if level5.charCount(theList).get(a):
            if a == x:
                if b > 1: #this checks that the frequency of the number is greater then one so the program wouldn't try to multiply a single possibility by itself and use it (example is 6+6=12. there could be a single 6 but it will return 6+6
                    return a, x
                if level5.charCount(theList).get(a) != x:
                    return a, x           
print sumPair([6,3,8,3,2,8,3,2], 9)  


1 个答案:

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我不知道为什么你需要检查if level5.charCount(theList).get(a):。我认为没有必要。 a是您从level5.charCount(theList)



form collections import Counter

def sumPair(the_list, n):
    for a, b in Counter(the_list).iteritems():
        x = n - a
        if a == x and b >1:
            return a, x
        if a != x and b != x:
            return a, x

print sumPair([6, 3, 8, 3, 2, 8, 3, 2], 9)   #output>>> (8, 1)

也可以像这样使用List Comprehension

>>>result = [(a, n-a) for a, b in Counter(the_list).iteritems() if a==n-a and b>1 or (a != n-a and b != n-a)]
>>>print result
[(8, 1), (2, 7), (3, 6), (6, 3)]
>>>print result[0]   #this is the result you want
(8, 1)