
时间:2012-06-13 20:00:38

标签: c++ vb.net geometry rotation

我的问题是关于计算2D中两个矢量之间最小角度的方向。我正在用C ++制作游戏,其中一个障碍是寻热导弹发射器。我通过计算目标和子弹之间的向量,对矢量进行标准化,然后将其乘以速度来实现它。但是,我现在回到本课程,以使其更好。不是立即锁定到玩家,我只希望它只在子弹矢量在某个角度(子弹矢量和矢量bulletloc->目标之间的角度)内时才这样做。否则我希望它慢慢向目标平移一度,从而给予玩家足够的空间来避开它。我已经做了所有这些(在一个vb.net项目中,所以我可以简化问题,解决它,然后用C ++重写)。然而,即使最快的路线是逆时针方向,子弹总是顺时针朝向目标旋转。所以问题在于确定应用旋转的方向,以便覆盖最小的角度。这是我的代码,所以你可以尝试看看我在描述什么:

    Function Rotate(ByVal a As Double, ByVal tp As Point, ByVal cp As Point, ByVal cv As Point)
    'params a = angle, tp = target point, cp = current point, cv = current vector of bullet'
    Dim dir As RotDir 'direction to turn in'
    Dim tv As Point 'target vector cp->tp'
    Dim d As Point 'destination point (d) = cp + vector'
    Dim normal As Point
    Dim x1 As Double
    Dim y1 As Double
    Dim VeritcleResolution As Integer = 600

    tp.Y = VeritcleResolution - tp.Y 'modify y parts to exist in plane with origin (0,0) in bottom left'
    cp.Y = VeritcleResolution - cp.Y
    cv.Y = cv.Y * -1

    tv.X = tp.X - cp.X 'work out cp -> tp'
    tv.Y = tp.Y - cp.Y

    'calculate angle between vertor to target and vecrot currntly engaed on'
    Dim tempx As Double
    Dim tempy As Double

    tempx = cv.X * tv.X
    tempy = cv.Y * tv.Y

    Dim DotProduct As Double

    DotProduct = tempx + tempy 'dot product of cp-> d and cp -> tp'

    Dim magCV As Double 'magnitude of current vector'
    Dim magTV As Double 'magnitude of target vector'

    magCV = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(cv.X, 2) + Math.Pow(cv.Y, 2))
    magTV = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tv.X, 2) + Math.Pow(tv.Y, 2))

    Dim VectorAngle As Double

    VectorAngle = Acos(DotProduct / (magCV * magTV))
    VectorAngle = VectorAngle * 180 / PI 'angle between cp->d and cp->tp'

    If VectorAngle < a Then 'if the angle is small enough translate directly towards target'
        cv = New Point(tp.X - cp.X, tp.Y - cp.Y)
        magCV = Math.Sqrt((cv.X ^ 2) + (cv.Y ^ 2))

        If magCV = 0 Then
            x1 = 0
            y1 = 0
            x1 = cv.X / magCV
            y1 = cv.Y / magCV
        End If

        normal = New Point(x1 * 35, y1 * 35)
        normal.Y = normal.Y * -1

        cv = normal
    ElseIf VectorAngle > a Then 'otherwise smootly translate towards the target'
        Dim x As Single
        d = New Point(cp.X + cv.X, cp.Y + cv.Y)

        a = (a * -1) * PI / 180 'THIS LINE CONTROL DIRECTION a = (a*-1) * PI / 180 would make the rotation counter clockwise'

        'rotate the point'
        d.X -= cp.X
        d.Y -= cp.Y

        d.X = (d.X * Cos(a)) - (d.Y * Sin(a))
        d.Y = (d.X * Sin(a)) + (d.Y * Cos(a))

        d.X += cp.X
        d.Y += cp.Y

        cv.X = d.X - cp.X
        cv.Y = d.Y - cp.Y

        cv.Y = cv.Y * -1
    End If

    Return cv

End Function



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


要获得签名的角度,您可以使用第三个向量来表示其他两个向量所在平面的法线 - 在2D情况下,这将是一个直指向的3D向量“起来”,说(0,0,1)。


在代码中(C#,抱歉) - 注意假设所有向量都被规范化:

public static double AngleTo(this Vector3 source, Vector3 dest)
    if (source == dest) {
        return 0;
    double dot; Vector3.Dot(ref source, ref dest, out dot);
    return Math.Acos(dot);

public static double SignedAngleTo(this Vector3 source, Vector3 dest, Vector3 planeNormal)
    var angle = source.AngleTo(dest);
    Vector3 cross; Vector3.Cross(ref source, ref dest, out cross);
    double dot; Vector3.Dot(ref cross, ref planeNormal, out dot);
    return dot < 0 ? -angle : angle;

这通过利用两个向量之间的叉积产生第三向量的事实来工作,该第三向量垂直于(正常)前两个定义的平面(因此它本身就是3D操作)。 a x b = -(b x a),因此向量将始终垂直于平面,但在另一侧取决于ab之间的(带符号)角度(有一些东西)称为right-hand rule)。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


    import math
    import numpy as np
    def angle_between_vectors(source, dest):
        if np.array_equal(source, dest):
            return 0
        dot = np.dot(source, dest)
        return np.arccos(dot)
    def signed_angle_from_to_vectors(source, dest, plane_normal):
        angle = angle_between_vectors(source, dest)
        cross = np.cross(source, dest)
        dot = np.dot(cross, plane_normal)
        return -angle if dot < 0 else angle
    def signed_angle_between_headings(source_heading, destination_heading):
        if source_heading == destination_heading:
            return 0
        RAD2DEGFACTOR = 180 / math.pi
        source_heading_rad = source_heading / RAD2DEGFACTOR
        dest_heading_rad = destination_heading / RAD2DEGFACTOR
        source_vector = np.array([np.cos(source_heading_rad), np.sin(source_heading_rad), 0])
        dest_vector = np.array([np.cos(dest_heading_rad), np.sin(dest_heading_rad), 0])
        signed_angle_rad = signed_angle_from_to_vectors(source_vector, dest_vector, np.array([0,0,1]))
        return signed_angle_rad * RAD2DEGFACTOR