
时间:2012-07-02 09:27:31

标签: excel vba vbscript excel-vba





因此,我的问题: 编写此程序的最佳语言是什么?



  • 访问Excel电子表格
  • 阅读电子表格并复制单元格数组中的值
  • 在电子表格中查找值
  • 使用我在Excel电子表格搜索中获得的值发送电子邮件?
  • 阅读电子邮件,如果值= =是,请执行...否则执行...
  • 最后,向xxx人发送包含xxxxx信息的电子邮件



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


展望未来,我设想需要一个名为 HumanActionRequired.txt 的文本文件。第十行代码是一个常量,指定将在其中创建此文件的文件夹。您必须将“C:\ DataArea \ Play”替换为系统上文件夹的名称。您可能希望重命名该文件:请参阅第六行。



  1. 打开Outlook。
  2. 选择工具,宏和安全。您需要将安全级别设置为“中”。稍后您可以与IT部门讨论获取宏的可信任状态,但现在这样做。
  3. 选择“工具”,“宏”和“Visual Basic编辑器”,或单击“Alt + F11”。
  4. 您可能会在左侧看到Project Explorer(如果没有,则显示Control + R)。如果您从未创建过Outlook宏,则右侧区域将为灰色。
  5. 选择“插入”,“模块”。灰色区域将变为白色,上方的代码区域和下方的立即窗口。
  6. 将以下代码复制到代码区域。
  7. 将光标定位在宏 LocateInterestingEmails()中,然后单击F5。您将收到警告,宏正在尝试访问您的电子邮件。勾选允许访问并选择时间限制,然后单击是。宏将把收件箱中电子邮件的选定属性写入文件 HumanActionRequired.txt

    Option Explicit
    Sub LocateInterestingEmails()
      Dim ErrorDescription As String
      Dim ErrorNumber As Long
      Static ErrorCount As Integer
      Const FileCrnt As String = "HumanActionRequired.txt"
      Dim FolderTgt As MAPIFolder
      Dim InxAttachCrnt As Long
      Dim InxItemCrnt As Long
      Dim OutputFileNum As Long
      Const PathCrnt As String = "C:\DataArea\Play"
      ErrorCount = 0
      OutputFileNum = 0
      ' On Error GoTo CloseDown
      Set FolderTgt = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"). _
      OutputFileNum = FreeFile
      Open PathCrnt & "\" & FileCrnt For Append Lock Write As #OutputFileNum
      For InxItemCrnt = 1 To FolderTgt.Items.Count
        With FolderTgt.Items.Item(InxItemCrnt)
          If .Class = olMail Then
            Print #OutputFileNum, "-----------------------------"
            Print #OutputFileNum, "Subject: " & .Subject
            Print #OutputFileNum, "Sender: " & .SenderEmailAddress
            Print #OutputFileNum, "Recipient: " & .To
            Print #OutputFileNum, "Date sent: " & .SentOn
            If .Attachments.Count > 0 Then
              Print #OutputFileNum, "Attachments:"
              For InxAttachCrnt = 1 To .Attachments.Count
                Print #OutputFileNum, "  " & .Attachments(InxAttachCrnt).DisplayName
            End If
          End If
        End With
      ErrorNumber = Err.Number
      ErrorDescription = Err.Description
      Set FolderTgt = Nothing
      If ErrorNumber <> 0 Then
        ' Here because of an error
        If OutputFileNum = 0 Then
          ' Output file not open
          OutputFileNum = FreeFile
          Open PathCrnt & "\" & FileCrnt For Append Lock Write As #OutputFileNum
        End If
        Print #OutputFileNum, "-----------------------------"
        Print #OutputFileNum, "Error at " & Now()
        Print #OutputFileNum, "Error number = " & ErrorNumber & _
                              "   description = " & ErrorDescription
      End If
      If OutputFileNum <> 0 Then
        ' File open
        Close OutputFileNum
        OutputFileNum = 0
      End If
    End Sub



    • 它会打开一个现有工作簿,并保存有关所找到的Excel附件的信息。
    • 它标识扩展名为xls?的附件,并根据收到的日期/时间和发件人姓名将其保存到光盘中。
    • 打开每个保存的附件。对于已保存附件中的每个工作表,它会在现有工作簿中创建一行,其中包含文件名,发件人姓名和电子邮件地址,工作表名称以及单元格A1的值。



    • 将已处理的电子邮件移至保存文件夹。
    • 生成回复电子邮件。




    Option Explicit
    Sub LocateInterestingEmails()
      ' I use constants to indentify columns in worksbooks because if I move the
      ' column I only need to update the constant to update the code.  I said the
      ' same in a previous answer and some one responded that they preferred
      ' Enumerations.  I use Enumerations a lot but I still prefer to use constants
      ' for column numbers.
      Const ColSumFileNameSaved As String = "A"
      Const ColSumFileNameOriginal As String = "B"
      Const ColSumSenderName As String = "C"
      Const ColSumSenderEmail As String = "D"
      Const ColSumSheet As String = "E"
      Const ColSumCellA1 As String = "F"
      ' You must change the value of this constant to the name of a folder on your
      ' computer.  All file created by this macro are written to this folder.
      Const PathCrnt As String = "C:\DataArea\Play"
      ' I suggest you change the values of these constants to
      ' something that you find helpful.
      Const FileNameHAR As String = "HumanActionRequired.txt"
      Const FileNameSummary As String = "Paolo.xls"
      Dim CellValueA1 As Variant
      Dim ErrorDescription As String
      Dim ErrorNumber As Long
      Dim FileNameReqDisplay As String
      Dim FileNameReqSaved As String
      Dim FolderTgt As MAPIFolder
      Dim InxAttachCrnt As Long
      Dim InxItemCrnt As Long
      Dim InxSheet As Long
      Dim OutputFileNum As Long
      Dim Pos As Long
      Dim ReceivedTime As Date
      Dim RowSummary As Long
      Dim SenderName As String
      Dim SenderEmail As String
      Dim SheetName As String
      Dim XlApp As Excel.Application
      Dim XlWkBkRequest As Excel.Workbook
      Dim XlWkBkSummary As Excel.Workbook
      ' Ensure resource controls are null before macro does anything that can cause
      ' an error so error handler knows if the resource is to be released.
      OutputFileNum = 0
      Set XlApp = Nothing
      Set XlWkBkRequest = Nothing
      Set XlWkBkSummary = Nothing
      ' Open own copy of Excel
      Set XlApp = Application.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
      With XlApp
        .Visible = True         ' This slows your macro but helps during debugging
        ' Open workbook to which a summary of workbooks extracted will be written
        Set XlWkBkSummary = .Workbooks.Open(PathCrnt & "\" & FileNameSummary)
        With XlWkBkSummary.Worksheets("Summary")
          ' Set RowSummary to one more than the last currently used row
          RowSummary = .Cells(.Rows.Count, ColSumFileNameSaved).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        End With
      End With
      ' I prefer to have my error handler switched off during development so the
      ' macro stops on the faulty statement.  If you remove the comment mark from
      ' the On Error statement then any error will cause the code to junp to label
      ' CloseDown which is at the bottom of this routine.
      ' On Error GoTo CloseDown
      ' Gain access to InBox
      Set FolderTgt = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"). _
      ' Open text file for output.  I envisage this file being used for error
      ' messages but for this version of the macro I write a summary of the
      ' contents of the InBox to it.
      OutputFileNum = FreeFile
      Open PathCrnt & "\" & FileNameHAR For Output Lock Write As #OutputFileNum
    For InxItemCrnt = 1 To FolderTgt.Items.Count
      With FolderTgt.Items.Item(InxItemCrnt)
        If .Class = olMail Then
          ' Only interested in mail items.  Most of the other items will be
          ' meeting requests.
          Print #OutputFileNum, "-----------------------------"
          Print #OutputFileNum, "Subject: " & .Subject
          ' Currently we are within With FolderTgt.Items.Item(InxItemCrnt).
          ' Values from this mail item are to be written to a workbook
          ' for which another With will be required.  Copy values to
          ' variables for they are accessable.
          ' Note: XlApp.XlWkBkSummary.Worksheets("Summary")
          '         .Cells(RowSummary, ColSumFileNameOriginal).Value = _
          '       FolderTgt.Items.Item(InxItemCrnt).Attachments(InxAttachCrnt) _
          '       .DisplayName
          ' is legal but is not very clear.  Code is much clearer will full use
          ' of With stateents even if it means values must be copied to variable.
          SenderName = .SenderName
          SenderEmail = .SenderEmailAddress
          ReceivedTime = .ReceivedTime
          Print #OutputFileNum, "SenderName: " & SenderName
          Print #OutputFileNum, "SenderAddr: " & SenderEmail
          Print #OutputFileNum, "Received: " & ReceivedTime
          Print #OutputFileNum, "Date sent: " & .SentOn
          If .Attachments.Count > 0 Then
            Print #OutputFileNum, "Attachments:"
            For InxAttachCrnt = 1 To .Attachments.Count
              With .Attachments(InxAttachCrnt)
                ' I cannot find an example for which the
                ' DisplayName and FileName are different
                FileNameReqDisplay = .DisplayName
                Print #OutputFileNum, "  " & FileNameReqDisplay & "|" & .FileName
                Pos = InStrRev(FileNameReqDisplay, ".")
                ' With ... End With and If ... End If must be properly nested.
                ' Within the If below I want access to the attachment and to the
                ' workbook.  Hence the need to terminate the current With and then
                ' immediately start it again within the If ... End If block.
              End With
              If LCase(Mid(FileNameReqDisplay, Pos + 1, 3)) = "xls" Then
                With .Attachments(InxAttachCrnt)
                  ' Save the attachment with a unique name.  Note this will only be
                  ' unique if you do not save the same attachment again.
                  FileNameReqSaved = _
                       Format(ReceivedTime, "yyyymmddhhmmss") & " " & SenderName
                  .SaveAsFile PathCrnt & "\" & FileNameReqSaved
                End With
                ' Open the saved attachment
                Set XlWkBkRequest = _
                             XlApp.Workbooks.Open(PathCrnt & "\" & FileNameReqSaved)
                With XlWkBkRequest
                  'Examine every worksheet in workbook
                  For InxSheet = 1 To .Worksheets.Count
                    With .Worksheets(InxSheet)
                      ' Save sheet name and a sample value
                      SheetName = .Name
                      CellValueA1 = .Cells(1, 1).Value
                    End With
                    ' Save information about this sheet and its workbook
                    With XlWkBkSummary.Worksheets("Summary")
                      .Cells(RowSummary, ColSumFileNameSaved).Value = _
                      .Cells(RowSummary, ColSumFileNameOriginal).Value = _
                      .Cells(RowSummary, ColSumSenderName).Value = SenderName
                      .Cells(RowSummary, ColSumSenderEmail).Value = SenderEmail
                      .Cells(RowSummary, ColSumSheet).Value = SheetName
                      .Cells(RowSummary, ColSumCellA1).Value = CellValueA1
                      RowSummary = RowSummary + 1
                    End With  ' XlWkBkSummary.Worksheets("Summary")
                  Next InxSheet
                  .Close SaveChanges:=False
                  Set XlWkBkRequest = Nothing
                End With  ' XlWkBkRequest
              End If
          End If
        End If
      End With
    ErrorNumber = Err.Number
    ErrorDescription = Err.Description
    Set FolderTgt = Nothing
    If ErrorNumber <> 0 Then
      ' Have reached here because of an error
      If OutputFileNum = 0 Then
        ' Output file not open
        OutputFileNum = FreeFile
        Open PathCrnt & "\" & FileNameHAR For Append Lock Write As #OutputFileNum
      End If
      Print #OutputFileNum, "-----------------------------"
      Print #OutputFileNum, "Error at " & Now()
      Print #OutputFileNum, "Error number = " & ErrorNumber & _
                            "   description = " & ErrorDescription
    End If
    ' Release resources
    If OutputFileNum <> 0 Then
      ' File open
      Close OutputFileNum
      OutputFileNum = 0
    End If
    If Not (XlWkBkRequest Is Nothing) Then
      XlWkBkRequest.Close SaveChanges:=False
      Set XlWkBkRequest = Nothing
    End If
    If Not (XlWkBkSummary Is Nothing) Then
      XlWkBkSummary.Close SaveChanges:=True
      Set XlWkBkSummary = Nothing
    End If
    If Not (XlApp Is Nothing) Then
      Set XlApp = Nothing
    End If
    End Sub