C ++类的初学者问题,可能是析构函数

时间:2012-07-09 01:08:30

标签: c++


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> 
#include <string>

using namespace std;

File Name: meal.cpp
Author: Neal Rodruck
Date: 7/8/12
Purpose: To provide intergallactic travelers a means of measuring their
         daily caloric intake.

class Meal
    string name;
    int calorie;
    //Class constructors
    Meal() : name("Meal 1"), calorie(0)
    Meal(string name, int calorie) : name(name), calorie(calorie)
        while (calorie < 1)
            cout << "Please enter a caloric value greater than 0!: ";
            cin >> calorie;

    //Class destructor

    //get functions
    string getName() { return name; }
    int getCalorie() { return calorie; }

    //set functions
    void setName(string n) { name = n; }
    void setCalorie(int c) { calorie = c; }

    //Overloaded operators
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Meal m);
    friend istream &operator>>(istream &in, Meal &m);
    friend Meal operator+(Meal a, Meal b);

//Calculate two or more meal objects to obtain daily total
Meal operator+(Meal a, Meal b)
    return Meal("Daily Total", a.calorie + b.calorie);

//Prompt user for name and calorie information 
//for Meal object as well as test for greater 
//than zero calorie total
istream &operator>>(istream &in, Meal &m)
    char name[21];
    int calorie = 0;

    cout << "Enter name: ";
    cin.getline(name, 21);  
    cout << "Enter calories: ";
    in >> calorie;

    while (calorie < 1)
        cout << "Please enter a caloric value greater than 0!: ";
        cin >> calorie;


    return in;

//Display object information
ostream &operator<<(ostream& out, Meal m)
    out << "Name: " << m.name << " Calories: " << m.calorie;
    return out;

//function prototypes
void makeNull(Meal& breakfast, Meal& lunch, Meal& dinner);
void introduction();
void display(Meal b, Meal l, Meal d, Meal t);
void end();
void enterMealInfo(Meal& breakfast, Meal& lunch, Meal& dinner);

int main()
    //Display introductory message

    //Meal Objects
    Meal breakfast;
    Meal lunch;
    Meal dinner;

    //Capture user response
    char response = ' ';

    //Use loop to allow user to enter information for 
    //more than one day
    while (response != 'n')

        //Prompt user for meal information
        enterMealInfo(breakfast, lunch, dinner);

        //Use information captured to create Daily Total meal object
        Meal total(breakfast + lunch + dinner);

        //Display results
        display(breakfast, lunch, dinner, total);

        //Prompt user for more input
        cout << "Would you like to check again? Please selct \"y\" or \"n\": ";
        cin >> response;
        response = tolower(response);

    //Display exit message

    return 0;

//Display introductory message
void introduction()
    cout << "Welcome to The Voyager Trek!";
    cout << "\nPlease use this app to keep track of your daily caloric intake!\r\n";

//Display meal and summary information
void display(Meal b, Meal l, Meal d, Meal t)
    cout << "\n" << left << setw(20) << "Meal" << right << setw(20) << "Calories";
    cout << "\n" << left << setw(20) << b.getName();
    cout << right << setw(20) << b.getCalorie();
    cout << "\n" << left << setw(20) << l.getName();
    cout << right << setw(20) << l.getCalorie();
    cout << "\n" << left << setw(20) << d.getName();
    cout << right << setw(20) << d.getCalorie();
    cout << "\n" << "----------------------------------------";
    cout << "\n" << left << setw(20) << t.getName();
    cout << right << setw(20) << t.getCalorie() << "\n";

//Display exit message
void end()
    cout << "\r\nThank you for using our app, goodbye!\r\n";

//Using meal objects passed by reference this function 
//will populate appropriate objects with name and calorie
void enterMealInfo(Meal& breakfast, Meal& lunch, Meal& dinner)
    cout << "\r\nWhat did you have for breakfast?\r\n";
    cin >> breakfast;
    cout << "What did you have for lunch?\r\n";
    cin >> lunch;
    cout << "What did you have for dinner?\r\n";
    cin >> dinner;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


cin >> response;




另一方面,正如Mr.Ree在下面的评论中提到的那样,你的输入操作符有点奇怪。您将istream作为第一个参数,但不使用它。相反,您只需使用cin。你应该使用传入的istream,如in.getline(name, 21);in >> calorie;等......

答案 1 :(得分:0)



while (response != 'n')
    //Sync the input stream 

    //Prompt user for meal information
    enterMealInfo(breakfast, lunch, dinner);