
时间:2012-07-23 11:00:35

标签: excel excel-vba excel-2000 vba



Range(Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(9, 1), Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(Endcolumn, Endrow + 2)).Select Selection.RowHeight = 20` when `Endcolumn = 0

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根据您的评论,当Application-defined or object-defined error变量为0时,您会看到Endcolumn。这种情况正在发生,因为Excel Range是基于1的,而不是基于0的,意味着永远不会有第0列。


Sub ErrorExample()

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler ' Set the Error Handling Condition
                             '  in this case, if an error occurs
                             '  goto the ErrHandler label

    ' do stuff
    Debug.Print "I am in `do stuff` code"

    Range(Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(9, 1), 
           Worksheets("Search Engine").Cells(Endcolumn, 
           Endrow + 2)).Select Selection.RowHeight = 20

    Exit Sub ' Exit from the Sub gracefully and do not run the
             '  following lines of code (if this is not
             '  included, the ErrHandler code will run in all
             '  cases, not just error cases

    Debug.Print "I will never run"

    Debug.Print "I am in the error code"
    ' Code to run in case of error
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Search Engine").Protect ' protect your sheet
    On Error GoTo 0 ' Reset the error handling condition
End Sub