
时间:2012-07-24 16:42:58

标签: resharper

我有一些这样的C#代码(类文件= Status.cs):

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructs a status entity with the text specified
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="someParameter">Some parameter.</param>
    public Status(string someParameter)
        SomeProperty = someParameter;

    /// <summary>
    /// An example of a virtual property.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual string SomeProperty { get; private set; }


  1. 执行Resharper“到具有支持字段的财产”
  2. 摆脱“私人套装”并将其替换为常规“套装”
  3. 更改构造函数,以便初始化私有字段而不是属性
  4. 所以最终结果如下:

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a status entity with the text specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="someParameter">Some parameter.</param>
        public Status(string someParameter)
            _someProperty = someParameter;
        private string _someProperty;
        /// <summary>
        /// An example of a virtual property.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual string SomeProperty
            get { return _someProperty; }
            set { _someProperty = value; }

    我的问题是:有没有办法使用Resharper API自动化这种类型的重构?



    1. 我正在升级NHibernate(old =,new =和Fluent NHibernate(old =,new =。

    2. 我已经摆脱了旧的NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll和配置文件中的相应行,所以我现在可以使用内置于最新NHibernate中的默认代理。

      < / LI>
    3. 在NHibernate的新实现和Fluent的新版本之间,当我尝试构建和运行单元测试时,似乎存在两个问题(部分原因是FxCop抱怨,但无论如何):

    4. a)由于“私人集”而抛出异常,并且 b)抛出异常,因为虚拟属性正在构造函数中初始化。





      - 回答答案说“只需将其更改为受保护的设置即可完成”:



      测试方法抛出异常: NHibernate.InvalidProxyTypeException:以下类型不能用作代理: .Status:方法set_StatusText应该是'public / protected virtual'或'protected internal virtual' ..Status:方法set_Location应该是'public / protected virtual'或'protected internal virtual'


      错误2 CA2214:Microsoft.Usage:'Status.Status(string,StatusLocation)'包含一个调用链,该调用链导致调用该类定义的虚方法。检查以下调用堆栈是否存在意外后果: Status..ctor(String,StatusLocation) Status.set_Location(StatusLocation):Void C:\\ Status.cs 28





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我继续编写了一个C#实用程序来解析这样的类文件。 “受保护的集合”的想法是有效的(感谢Hazzik),但它仍然需要一个支持领域。下面的代码生成我上面描述的输出(除了使用“受保护的集合”)。问候,-Dave

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication3
// TODO:  write recursive algorithm to loop through directories
// TODO:  handle generic collections as Fluent NHibernate treats those differently

class Program
    public static string ConvertInitialCapitalToUnderscoreAndLowerCase(string input)
        var firstChar = input.Substring(0, 1);
        var restOfStmt = input.Substring(1);
        var newFirst = "_" + firstChar.ToLower();
        var output = newFirst + restOfStmt;
        return output;

    // this gets any tabs or spaces at the beginning of the line of code as a string,
    // so as to preserve the indentation (and/or add deeper levels of indentation)
    public static string GetCodeLineIndentation(string input)
        var charArray = input.ToCharArray();

        var sbPrefix = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (var c in charArray)
            // if it's a tab or a space, add it to the "prefix"
            if (c == 9 || c == ' ')
                // get out as soon as we hit the first ascii character (those with a value up to 127)

        return sbPrefix.ToString();

    static void Main(string[] args)

        const string path = @"C:\pathToFile\Status.cs";

        Console.WriteLine("Examining file:  " + path);

        if (!File.Exists(path))
            Console.WriteLine("File does not exist:  " + path);
            throw new FileNotFoundException(path);

        // Read the file.
        var arrayOfLines = File.ReadAllLines(path);

        // Convert to List<string>
        var inputFileAsListOfStrings = new List<string>(arrayOfLines);

        // See if there are any virtual properties.
        var virtualProps = inputFileAsListOfStrings.Where(s => s.Contains("public virtual")).ToList();

        // See if there are any "private set" strings.
        var privateSets = inputFileAsListOfStrings.Where(s => s.Contains("private set")).ToList();

        if (virtualProps.Count > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Found " + virtualProps.Count + " virtual properties in the class...");

        if (privateSets.Count > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Found " + privateSets.Count + " private set statements in the class...");

        // Get a list of names of the virtual properties
        // (the 4th "word", i.e. index = 3, in the string, will be the property name, 
        // e.g. "public virtual string SomePropertyName"
        var virtualPropNames = virtualProps.Select(vp => vp.Trim().Split(' ')).Select(words => words[3]).ToList();

        if (virtualPropNames.Count() != virtualProps.Count())
            throw new Exception("Error:  the list of virtual property names does not equal the number of virtual property statements!");

        // Find all instances of the virtual properties being initialized.

        // By examining the overall file for instances of the virtual property name followed by an equal sign,
        // we can identify those lines which are statements initializing the virtual property.
        var initializeStatements = (from vpName in virtualPropNames
                                    from stmt in inputFileAsListOfStrings
                                    let stmtNoSpaces = stmt.Trim().Replace(" ", "")
                                    where stmtNoSpaces.StartsWith(vpName + "=")
                                    select stmt).ToList();

        if (initializeStatements.Count() > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Found " + initializeStatements.Count + " initialize statements in the class...");

        // now process the input based on the found strings and write the output
        var outputFileAsListOfStrings = new List<string>();

        foreach (var inputLineBeingProcessed in inputFileAsListOfStrings)
            // is the input line one of the initialize statements identified previously?
            // if so, rewrite the line.

            // e.g.  
            // old line:  StatusText = statusText;  
            // becomes:  _statusText = statusText;

            var isInitStmt = false;
            foreach (var initStmt in initializeStatements)
                if (inputLineBeingProcessed != initStmt) continue;

                // we've found our statement; it is an initialize statement;
                // now rewrite the format of the line as desired
                var prefix = GetCodeLineIndentation(inputLineBeingProcessed);

                var tabAndSpaceArray = new[] {' ', '\t'};

                var inputLineWithoutPrefix = inputLineBeingProcessed.TrimStart(tabAndSpaceArray);

                var outputLine = prefix + ConvertInitialCapitalToUnderscoreAndLowerCase(inputLineWithoutPrefix);

                // write the line (preceded by its prefix) to the output file

                Console.WriteLine("Rewrote INPUT: " + initStmt + " to OUTPUT:  " + outputLine);
                isInitStmt = true;

                // we have now processed the input line; no need to loop through the initialize statements any further

            // if we've already determined the current input line is an initialize statement, no need to proceed further;
            // go on to the next input line
            if (isInitStmt)

            // is the input line one of the "public virtual SomeType SomePropertyName" statements identified previously?
            // if so, rewrite the single line as multiple lines of output.

            // the input will look like this:


            public virtual SomeType SomePropertyName { get; set; }


            // first, we'll need a private variable which corresponds to the original statement in terms of name and type.

            // what we'll do is, write the private field AFTER the public property, so as not to interfere with the XML
            // comments above the "public virtual" statement.

            // the output will be SIX LINES, as follows:


            public virtual SomeType SomePropertyName
                get { return _somePropertyName; }
                protected set { _someProperty = value; }
            private SomeType _somePropertyName;


            var isPublicVirtualStatement = false;

            foreach (var vp in virtualProps)
                if (inputLineBeingProcessed != vp) continue;

                // the input line being processed is a "public virtual" statement;
                // convert it into the six line output format
                var thisOutputList = new List<string>();

                // first separate any indentation "prefix" that may exist (i.e. tabs and/or spaces),
                // from the actual string of text representing the line of code
                var prefix = GetCodeLineIndentation(inputLineBeingProcessed);

                var tabAndSpaceArray = new[] { ' ', '\t' };

                var inputLineWithoutPrefix = inputLineBeingProcessed.TrimStart(tabAndSpaceArray);

                var originalVpStmt = inputLineWithoutPrefix.Split(' ');

                // first output line (preceded by its original prefix)
                var firstOutputLine =   prefix + 
                                        originalVpStmt[0] + ' ' + 
                                        originalVpStmt[1] + ' ' + 
                                        originalVpStmt[2] + ' ' +

                // second output line (indented to the same level as the original prefix)
                thisOutputList.Add(prefix + "{");

                // get field name from property name
                var fieldName = ConvertInitialCapitalToUnderscoreAndLowerCase(originalVpStmt[3]);

                // third output line (indented with the prefix, plus one more tab)
                var thirdOutputLine = prefix + "\t" + "get { return " + fieldName + "; }";

                // fourth output line (indented with the prefix, plus one more tab)
                var fourthOutputLine = prefix + "\t" + "protected set { " + fieldName + " = value; }";

                // fifth output line (indented to the same level as the first curly bracket)
                thisOutputList.Add(prefix + "}");

                // sixth output line (the "index 2" value of the original statement will be the string representing the .Net type)
                // (indentation is the same as the "public virtual" statement above)

                var sixthOutputLine =   prefix + 
                                        "private" + ' ' +
                                        originalVpStmt[2] + ' ' +
                                        fieldName + ";";

                // now write the six new lines to the master output list

                isPublicVirtualStatement = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Rewrote INPUT: " + inputLineBeingProcessed + " to OUTPUT:  <multi-line block>");


            // if we've already determined the current input line is a "public virtual" statement, no need to proceed further;
            // go on to the next input line
            if (isPublicVirtualStatement)

            // if we've gotten this far, the input statement is neither an "initialize" statement, nor a "public virtual" statement;
            // So just write the output.  Don't bother logging this as most lines will not be ones we'll process.


        // write the output file
        var newPath = path.Replace(".cs", "-NEW.cs");
        File.WriteAllLines(newPath, outputFileAsListOfStrings);
