
时间:2009-07-28 00:26:53

标签: class haskell functional-programming




所以,我想做一个“Set”课(我不应该自己动手,我知道)。由于Chris Okasaki的书,我已经设置了一个漂亮漂亮的红黑树,现在剩下的只是制作Set类并宣布RBT等等作为它的实例。 / p>


(注意:代码经过大量更新 - 例如,包含现在不调用辅助函数,但是类函数本身!)

data Color = Red | Black
data (Ord a) => RBT a = Leaf | Tree Color (RBT a) a (RBT a)

instance Show Color where
    show Red = "r"
    show Black = "b"

class Set t where
    contains :: (Ord a) => t-> a-> Bool

-- I know this is nonesense, just showing it can compile.
instance (Ord a) => Eq (RBT a) where
    Leaf == Leaf = True
    (Tree _ _ x _) == (Tree _ _ y _) = x == y

instance (Ord a) => Set (RBT a) where
    contains Leaf b = False
    contains t@(Tree c l x r) b
        | b == x    = True
        | b < x     = contains l b
        | otherwise = contains r b

请注意我有一个非常愚蠢定义的RBT Eq实例。这是故意的 - 我从the gentle tutorial复制了它(但是偷工减料)。

基本上,我的问题归结为:如果我注释掉Set(RBT a)的实例化语句,那么一切都会编译。如果我重新添加它,我会收到以下错误:

    Couldn't match expected type `a' against inferred type `a1'
      `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
          the type signature for `contains' at RBTree.hs:11:21
      `a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
           the instance declaration at RBTree.hs:18:14
    In the second argument of `(==)', namely `x'
    In a pattern guard for
       the definition of `contains':
          b == x
    In the definition of `contains':
        contains (t@(Tree c l x r)) b
                   | b == x = True
                   | b < x = contains l b
                   | otherwise = contains r b

我根本不能,为了我的生活,弄清楚为什么那不起作用。 (作为旁注,“包含”函数在别处定义,并且基本上具有RBT数据类型的实际set_contains逻辑。)

谢谢! - Agor


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

您需要一个多参数类型类。您当前对Set t的定义未提及类定义中包含的类型,因此成员contains必须适用于任何a。试试这个:

class Set t a | t -> a where
    contains :: (Ord a) => t-> a-> Bool

instance (Ord a) => Set (RBT a) a where
    contains Leaf b = False
    contains t@(Tree c l x r) b
        | b == x    = True
        | b < x     = contains l b
        | otherwise = contains r b

定义的| t -> a位是功能依赖,表示对于任何给定的t,只有一个可能的a。它有用(当它有意义时),因为它有助于编译器找出类型并减少多参数类型类通常会产生的模糊类型问题的数量。


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}

答案 1 :(得分:4)

您也可以使用higher-kinded polyphormism。定义类的方式,它需要一个具有kind *的类型t。你可能想要的是你的Set类采用容器类型,就像你的RBT有类型* - &gt; *。

您可以轻松修改您的课程,为您的类型提供类型* - &gt; *将t应用于类型变量,如下所示:

class Set t where
    contains :: (Ord a) => t a -> a -> Bool


instance Set RBT where
    contains Leaf b = False
    contains t@(Tree c l x r) b
        | b == x    = True
        | b < x     = contains l b
        | otherwise = contains r b


data Color = Red | Black
data (Ord a) => RBT a = Leaf | Tree Color (RBT a) a (RBT a)

instance Show Color where
    show Red = "r"
    show Black = "b"

class Set t where
    contains :: (Ord a) => t a -> a -> Bool

-- I know this is nonesense, just showing it can compile.
instance (Ord a) => Eq (RBT a) where
    Leaf == Leaf = True
    (Tree _ _ x _) == (Tree _ _ y _) = x == y

instance Set RBT where
    contains Leaf b = False
    contains t@(Tree c l x r) b
        | b == x    = True
        | b < x     = contains l b
        | otherwise = contains r b

tree = Tree Black (Tree Red Leaf 3 Leaf) 5 (Tree Red Leaf 8 (Tree Black Leaf 12 Leaf))

main =
    putStrLn ("tree contains 3: " ++ test1) >>
    putStrLn ("tree contains 12: " ++ test2) >>
    putStrLn ("tree contains 7: " ++ test3)
    where test1 = f 3
          test2 = f 12
          test3 = f 7
          f = show . contains tree


tree contains 3: True
tree contains 12: True
tree contains 7: False

答案 2 :(得分:1)

错误表示类型不匹配。 contains的类型是什么? (如果它的类型不像t -> a -> Bool那样set_contains,那就错了。)

答案 3 :(得分:1)


Set (RBT a)编写实例时,只为特定类型a定义包含。即RBT Int是一组IntRBT Bool是一组Bools等。

但是您对Set t的定义要求t同时是一组所有订购的a


tree :: RBT Bool
tree = ...

foo = contains tree 1



  1. 使t成为类型构造函数变量:

    class Set t where   contains ::(ord a)=&gt; t a - &gt; A-&GT;布尔

    实例设置RBT在哪里   ......

  2. 这适用于RBT,但不适用于其他许多情况(例如,您可能希望将bitset用作Int的一组。

    1. 功能依赖:

      class(Ord a)=&gt;设置t a | t - &gt;在哪里   contains :: t - &gt; a - &gt;布尔

      instance(Ord a)=&gt;设置(RBT a)a在哪里   ......

    2. 有关详细信息,请参阅GHC User's Guide

      1. 相关类型:

        class Set t where   type element t :: *   contains :: t - &gt;元素t - &gt;布尔

        instance(Ord a)=&gt;设置(RBT a)在哪里   type元素(RBT a)= a   ...

      2. 有关详细信息,请参阅GHC User's Guide

答案 4 :(得分:1)

要扩展Ganesh的答案,您可以使用Type Families而不是Functional Dependencies。 Imho他们更好。而且他们也减少了你的代码。

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}

class Set t where
  type Elem t
  contains :: (Ord (Elem t)) => t -> Elem t -> Bool

instance (Ord a) => Set (RBT a) where
  type Elem (RBT a) = a
  contains Leaf b = False
  contains (Tree c l x r) b
    | b == x    = True
    | b < x     = contains l b
    | otherwise = contains r b