
时间:2012-08-13 23:19:09

标签: iphone ios

关于如何在类之间进行交互的一个非常基本的问题:如何通过单击链接到一个类的按钮(在我的情况下是图形用户界面 - 不包含任何绘图代码)触发一个调用的动作class(我的绘图类 - 以编程方式定义)?



//This class has a xib and contains the graphic user interface

- (void)ImageHasChanged
//do something on the GUI

//This class has no associated xib and contains the drawing code

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event 
 //I want to call ImageHasChanged from MainViewController.m here
 //How can I do this?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




#import "ClassA.h"
@implementation ClassA

// This is a class-level function (indicated by the '+'). It can't contain
// any instance variables of ClassA though!
+(void)publicDrawingFunction:(NSString *)aVariable { 
    // Your method here...

// This is a instance-level function (indicated by the '-'). It can contain
// instance variables of ClassA, but it requires you to create an instance
// of ClassA in ClassB before you can use the function!
-(NSString *)privateDrawingFunction:(NSString *)aVariable {
    // Your method here...


#import "ClassA.h"  // <---- THE IMPORTANT HEADER IMPORT!

@implementation ClassB

// The IBAction for handling a button click
-(IBAction)clickDrawButton:(id)sender {

    // Calling the class method is simple:
    [ClassA publicDrawingFunction:@"string to pass to function"];

    // Calling the instance method requires a class instance to be created first:
    ClassA *instanceOfClassA = [[ClassA alloc]init];
    NSString *result = [instanceOfClassA privateDrawingFunction:@"stringToPassAlong"];

    // If you no longer require the ClassA instance in this scope, release it (if not using ARC)! 
    [instanceOfClassA release];



最后,请考虑阅读Apple Docs on Objective-C classes(以及文档中与您尝试实现的内容相关的所有其他部分)。这有点耗时,但是从长远来看,我非常注重建立您作为Objective-C程序员的信心!

答案 1 :(得分:0)


MainViewController *instanceOfMainViewController = [[MainViewController alloc]init];
[instanceOfMainViewController ImageHasChanged];


答案 2 :(得分:0)

实际上你可以使用@protocol(Delegate)来交换两个类之间的消息这是标准的方法或者参考这个文档 http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/General/Conceptual/CocoaEncyclopedia/DelegatesandDataSources/DelegatesandDataSources.html了解更多信息