
时间:2012-08-14 11:20:38

标签: c opengl graphics vertex-buffer

使用VertexBuffers的有效方法是什么?我正在绘制一个简单的多维数据集(link to code)。理想情况下,我应该将顶点加载到gpu上,然后我不必每次都将它们复制到gpu(这就是我在renderScene第115行中所做的)。我怎么做?这里也提供了代码(它来自教程):

// This code was created by Jeff Molofee '99 (ported to Linux/GLUT by Richard Campbell '99)
// If you've found this code useful, please let me know.
// Visit me at 
// (email Richard Campbell at
#include <GL/glut.h>    // Header File For The GLUT Library 
#include <GL/gl.h>  // Header File For The OpenGL32 Library
#include <GL/glu.h> // Header File For The GLu32 Library

//#include <unistd.h>     // Header File For sleeping.

/* ASCII code for the escape key. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>

// Location/Normals
#define X_POS 0
#define Y_POS 1
#define Z_POS 2

// Texture Coordinates
#define U_POS 0
#define V_POS 1

// Colours
#define R_POS 0
#define G_POS 1
#define B_POS 2
#define A_POS 3

// Vertex structure
typedef struct
    GLfloat location[3];
    GLfloat tex[2];
    GLfloat normal[3];
    GLfloat colour[4];
    GLubyte padding[16];
} Vertex;

// A helper macro to get a position
#define BUFFER_OFFSET(i) ((char *)NULL + (i))
#define INC_SCALE (1.00001)
// GLUT functions
void renderScene();
void changeSize(int w, int h);
void processNormalKeys(unsigned char key, int x, int y);

// VBO functions
void initVBO();

// Other functions
void buildCube();

// Globals - typically these would be in classes, 
// but in this simple example, I'm using globals
Vertex verts[24]; // We're making a cube, 6 faces * 4 verticies per face
GLubyte index[36]; // 2 Triangles per face (possible to use quads, but they're being phased out of OpenGL3, so we're using triangles instead)
GLuint vboID; // Vertex Buffer Object ID
GLuint indexVBOID; // Index Buffer Object ID
float angle = 0.0; // Just for display rotation

int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGBA);
    glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100);
    glutInitWindowSize(320, 320);
    glutCreateWindow("VBO Example");
    gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 5.0,
              0.0, 0.0, -1.0,
              0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    return 0;

void renderScene()
    glRotatef(angle, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    // Bind our buffers much like we would for texturing
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboID);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexVBOID);
    void* b= glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_READ_WRITE);
    for(int i=0;i<24;i++)
        Vertex* v= &verts[i];
    memcpy(b, verts, 24*sizeof(Vertex));
    // Set the state of what we are drawing (I don't think order matters here, but I like to do it in the same 
    // order I set the pointers
    // Resetup our pointers.  This doesn't reinitialise any data, only how we walk through it
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(12));
    glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(20));
    glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(32));
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(0));

    // Actually do our drawing, parameters are Primative (Triangles, Quads, Triangle Fans etc), Elements to 
    // draw, Type of each element, Start Offset

    // Disable our client state back to normal drawing

    angle += 0.01;

void changeSize(int w, int h)
    if (h == 0) // Prevent divide by zero
        h = 1;

    float ratio = 1.0 * w / h;

    glViewport(0, 0, w, h);

    gluPerspective(45, ratio, 1, 1000);
    gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 5.0,
              0.0, 0.0, -1.0,
              0.0, 1.0, 0.0);


void processNormalKeys(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
    if (key == 27)

void initVBO()
    glGenBuffers(1, &vboID); // Create the buffer ID, this is basically the same as generating texture ID's
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboID); // Bind the buffer (vertex array data)

    // Allocate space.  We could pass the mesh in here (where the NULL is), but it's actually faster to do it as a 
    // seperate step.  We also define it as GL_STATIC_DRAW which means we set the data once, and never 
    // update it.  This is not a strict rule code wise, but gives hints to the driver as to where to store the data 
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Vertex) * 24, NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
    //glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(Vertex) * 24, verts);

    // Set the pointers to our data.  Except for the normal value (which always has a size of 3), we must pass 
    // the size of the individual component.  ie. A vertex has 3 points (x, y, z), texture coordinates have 2 (u, v) etc.
    // Basically the arguments are (ignore the first one for the normal pointer), Size (many components to 
    // read), Type (what data type is it), Stride (how far to move forward - in bytes - per vertex) and Offset 
    // (where in the buffer to start reading the data - in bytes)

    // Make sure you put glVertexPointer at the end as there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes
    // with it, and if it's set at the start, it has to do all that work for each gl*Pointer call, rather than once at
    // the end. 
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(12));
    glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(20));
    glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(32));
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), BUFFER_OFFSET(0));

    // When we get here, all the vertex data is effectively on the card

    glGenBuffers(1, &indexVBOID); // Generate buffer
    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexVBOID); // Bind the element array buffer
    // Upload the index array, this can be done the same way as above (with NULL as the data, then a 
    // glBufferSubData call, but doing it all at once for convenience)  
    glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 36 * sizeof(GLubyte), index, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

void buildCube()
    // Ugh, ugly code this

    // Top

    verts[0].location[X_POS]    = 1;    verts[0].location[Y_POS]    = 1;    verts[0].location[Z_POS]    = -1;
    verts[0].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[0].normal[Y_POS]      = 1;    verts[0].normal[Z_POS]      = 0;
    verts[0].tex[U_POS]         = 0;    verts[0].tex[V_POS]         = 0; 

    verts[1].location[X_POS]    = -1;   verts[1].location[Y_POS]    = 1;    verts[1].location[Z_POS]    = -1;
    verts[1].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[1].normal[Y_POS]      = 1;    verts[1].normal[Z_POS]      = 0;
    verts[1].tex[U_POS]         = 0;    verts[1].tex[V_POS]         = 1; 

    verts[2].location[X_POS]    = -1;   verts[2].location[Y_POS]    = 1;    verts[2].location[Z_POS]    = 1;
    verts[2].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[2].normal[Y_POS]      = 1;    verts[2].normal[Z_POS]      = 0;
    verts[2].tex[U_POS]         = 1;    verts[2].tex[V_POS]         = 1; 

    verts[3].location[X_POS]    = 1;    verts[3].location[Y_POS]    = 1;    verts[3].location[Z_POS]    = 1;
    verts[3].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[3].normal[Y_POS]      = 1;    verts[3].normal[Z_POS]      = 0;
    verts[3].tex[U_POS]         = 1;    verts[3].tex[V_POS]         = 0;

    // Bottom
    verts[4].location[X_POS]    = 1;    verts[4].location[Y_POS]    = -1;   verts[4].location[Z_POS]    = 1;
    verts[4].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[4].normal[Y_POS]      = -1;   verts[4].normal[Z_POS]      = 0;
    verts[4].tex[U_POS]         = 0;    verts[4].tex[V_POS]         = 0; 

    verts[5].location[X_POS]    = -1;   verts[5].location[Y_POS]    = -1;   verts[5].location[Z_POS]    = 1;
    verts[5].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[5].normal[Y_POS]      = -1;   verts[5].normal[Z_POS]      = 0;
    verts[5].tex[U_POS]         = 0;    verts[5].tex[V_POS]         = 1; 

    verts[6].location[X_POS]    = -1;   verts[6].location[Y_POS]    = -1;   verts[6].location[Z_POS]    = -1;
    verts[6].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[6].normal[Y_POS]      = -1;   verts[6].normal[Z_POS]      = 0;
    verts[6].tex[U_POS]         = 1;    verts[6].tex[V_POS]         = 1; 

    verts[7].location[X_POS]    = 1;    verts[7].location[Y_POS]    = -1;   verts[7].location[Z_POS]    = -1;
    verts[7].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[7].normal[Y_POS]      = -1;   verts[7].normal[Z_POS]      = 0;
    verts[7].tex[U_POS]         = 1;    verts[7].tex[V_POS]         = 0;

    // Front
    verts[8].location[X_POS]    = 1;    verts[8].location[Y_POS]    = 1;    verts[8].location[Z_POS]    = 1;
    verts[8].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[8].normal[Y_POS]      = 0;    verts[8].normal[Z_POS]      = 1;
    verts[8].tex[U_POS]         = 0;    verts[8].tex[V_POS]         = 0; 

    verts[9].location[X_POS]    = -1;   verts[9].location[Y_POS]    = 1;    verts[9].location[Z_POS]    = 1;
    verts[9].normal[X_POS]      = 0;    verts[9].normal[Y_POS]      = 0;    verts[9].normal[Z_POS]      = 1;
    verts[9].tex[U_POS]         = 0;    verts[9].tex[V_POS]         = 1; 

    verts[10].location[X_POS]   = -1;   verts[10].location[Y_POS]   = -1;   verts[10].location[Z_POS]   = 1;
    verts[10].normal[X_POS]     = 0;    verts[10].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[10].normal[Z_POS]     = 1;
    verts[10].tex[U_POS]        = 1;    verts[10].tex[V_POS]        = 1; 

    verts[11].location[X_POS]   = 1;    verts[11].location[Y_POS]   = -1;   verts[11].location[Z_POS]   = 1;
    verts[11].normal[X_POS]     = 0;    verts[11].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[11].normal[Z_POS]     = 1;
    verts[11].tex[U_POS]        = 1;    verts[11].tex[V_POS]        = 0;

    // Back
    verts[12].location[X_POS]   = 1;    verts[12].location[Y_POS]   = -1;   verts[12].location[Z_POS]   = -1;
    verts[12].normal[X_POS]     = 0;    verts[12].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[12].normal[Z_POS]     = -1;
    verts[12].tex[U_POS]        = 0;    verts[12].tex[V_POS]        = 0; 

    verts[13].location[X_POS]   = -1;   verts[13].location[Y_POS]   = -1;   verts[13].location[Z_POS]   = -1;
    verts[13].normal[X_POS]     = 0;    verts[13].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[13].normal[Z_POS]     = -1;
    verts[13].tex[U_POS]        = 0;    verts[13].tex[V_POS]        = 1; 

    verts[14].location[X_POS]   = -1;   verts[14].location[Y_POS]   = 1;    verts[14].location[Z_POS]   = -1;
    verts[14].normal[X_POS]     = 0;    verts[14].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[14].normal[Z_POS]     = -1;
    verts[14].tex[U_POS]        = 1;    verts[14].tex[V_POS]        = 1; 

    verts[15].location[X_POS]   = 1;    verts[15].location[Y_POS]   = 1;    verts[15].location[Z_POS]   = -1;
    verts[15].normal[X_POS]     = 0;    verts[15].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[15].normal[Z_POS]     = -1;
    verts[15].tex[U_POS]        = 1;    verts[15].tex[V_POS]        = 0;

    // Left
    verts[16].location[X_POS]   = -1;   verts[16].location[Y_POS]   = 1;    verts[16].location[Z_POS]   = 1;
    verts[16].normal[X_POS]     = -1;   verts[16].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[16].normal[Z_POS]     = 0;
    verts[16].tex[U_POS]        = 0;    verts[16].tex[V_POS]        = 0; 

    verts[17].location[X_POS]   = -1;   verts[17].location[Y_POS]   = 1;    verts[17].location[Z_POS]   = -1;
    verts[17].normal[X_POS]     = -1;   verts[17].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[17].normal[Z_POS]     = 0;
    verts[17].tex[U_POS]        = 0;    verts[17].tex[V_POS]        = 1; 

    verts[18].location[X_POS]   = -1;   verts[18].location[Y_POS]   = -1;   verts[18].location[Z_POS]   = -1;
    verts[18].normal[X_POS]     = -1;   verts[18].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[18].normal[Z_POS]     = 0;
    verts[18].tex[U_POS]        = 1;    verts[18].tex[V_POS]        = 1; 

    verts[19].location[X_POS]   = -1;   verts[19].location[Y_POS]   = -1;   verts[19].location[Z_POS]   = 1;
    verts[19].normal[X_POS]     = -1;   verts[19].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[19].normal[Z_POS]     = 0;
    verts[19].tex[U_POS]        = 1;    verts[19].tex[V_POS]        = 0;

    // Right
    verts[20].location[X_POS]   = 1;    verts[20].location[Y_POS]   = 1;    verts[20].location[Z_POS]   = -1;
    verts[20].normal[X_POS]     = 1;    verts[20].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[20].normal[Z_POS]     = 0;
    verts[20].tex[U_POS]        = 0;    verts[20].tex[V_POS]        = 0; 

    verts[21].location[X_POS]   = 1;    verts[21].location[Y_POS]   = 1;    verts[21].location[Z_POS]   = 1;
    verts[21].normal[X_POS]     = 1;    verts[21].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[21].normal[Z_POS]     = 0;
    verts[21].tex[U_POS]        = 0;    verts[21].tex[V_POS]        = 1; 

    verts[22].location[X_POS]   = 1;    verts[22].location[Y_POS]   = -1;   verts[22].location[Z_POS]   = 1;
    verts[22].normal[X_POS]     = 1;    verts[22].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[22].normal[Z_POS]     = 0;
    verts[22].tex[U_POS]        = 1;    verts[22].tex[V_POS]        = 1; 

    verts[23].location[X_POS]   = 1;    verts[23].location[Y_POS]   = -1;   verts[23].location[Z_POS]   = -1;
    verts[23].normal[X_POS]     = 1;    verts[23].normal[Y_POS]     = 0;    verts[23].normal[Z_POS]     = 0;
    verts[23].tex[U_POS]        = 1;    verts[23].tex[V_POS]        = 0;

    // Colours
    for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        verts[i].colour[R_POS] = 1.0;
        verts[i].colour[G_POS] = 1.0;
    //  verts[i].colour[B_POS] = 1.0;
        verts[i].colour[A_POS] = 1.0;

    // Index Array (define our triangles)
    // A Face looks like (numbers are the array index number of the vertex)
    // 1      2
    // +------+
    // |      |
    // |      |
    // +------+
    // 0      3
    index[0] = 0;   index[1] = 1;   index[2] = 2;
    index[3] = 2;   index[4] = 3;   index[5] = 0;

    index[6] = 4;   index[7] = 5;   index[8] = 6;
    index[9] = 6;   index[10] = 7;  index[11] = 4;

    index[12] = 8;  index[13] = 9;  index[14] = 10;
    index[15] = 10; index[16] = 11; index[17] = 8;

    index[18] = 12; index[19] = 13; index[20] = 14;
    index[21] = 14; index[22] = 15; index[23] = 12;

    index[24] = 16; index[25] = 17; index[26] = 18;
    index[27] = 18; index[28] = 19; index[29] = 16;

    index[30] = 20; index[31] = 21; index[32] = 22;
    index[33] = 22; index[34] = 23; index[35] = 20;


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