使用boost asio的线程池

时间:2012-08-31 12:27:02

标签: c++ threadpool boost-asio

我正在尝试使用boost :: asio创建一个有限的线程池类。但有一点我可能会帮助我。




#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <stack>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

class ThreadPool
    static int count;
    int NoOfThread;
    thread_group grp;
    mutex mutex_;
    asio::io_service io_service;
    int counter;
    stack<thread*> thStk ;

    ThreadPool(int num)
        NoOfThread = num;
        counter = 0;
        mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);

        if(count == 0)

        for(int i=0 ; i<num ; ++i)
            thStk.push(grp.create_thread(boost::bind(&asio::io_service::run, &io_service)));

    thread* getThread()
        if(counter > NoOfThread)
            cout<<"run out of threads \n";
            return NULL;

        thread* ptr = thStk.top();
        return ptr;
int ThreadPool::count = 0;

struct callable
    void operator()()
        cout<<"some task for thread \n";

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )

    callable x;
    ThreadPool pool(10);
    thread* p = pool.getThread();

    //how i can assign some function to thread pointer ?
    //how i can return thread pointer after work done so i can add 
//it back to stack?

    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:34)


  • 调用用户函数或可调用对象。
  • 锁定互斥锁并减少计数器。


  • 池管理线程的生命周期。用户不应该删除驻留在池中的线​​程。
  • 用户可以以非侵入方式将任务分配给池。
  • 分配任务时,如果池中的所有线程当前正在运行其他任务,则该任务将被丢弃。


  • 一旦线程启动,它将一直运行直到完成,取消或终止。线程正在执行的函数无法重新分配。为了允许单个线程在其生命周期内执行多个函数,线程将希望使用将从队列中读取的函数(例如io_service::run())启动,并将可调用类型发布到事件队列中,例如来自io_service::post()
  • 如果io_service::run()中没有待处理的工作,io_service停止,或者从线程正在运行的处理程序抛出异常,则
  • io_service返回。为防止io_serivce::run()在没有未完成的工作时返回,可以使用io_service::work类。
  • 定义任务的类型要求(即任务的类型必须可以通过object()语法调用)而不是要求类型(即任务必须从process继承),为用户提供更大的灵活性。它允许用户将任务作为函数指针或提供nullary operator()的类型提供。


#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>

class thread_pool
  boost::asio::io_service io_service_;
  boost::asio::io_service::work work_;
  boost::thread_group threads_;
  std::size_t available_;
  boost::mutex mutex_;

  /// @brief Constructor.
  thread_pool( std::size_t pool_size )
    : work_( io_service_ ),
      available_( pool_size )
    for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < pool_size; ++i )
      threads_.create_thread( boost::bind( &boost::asio::io_service::run,
                                           &io_service_ ) );

  /// @brief Destructor.
    // Force all threads to return from io_service::run().

    // Suppress all exceptions.
    catch ( const std::exception& ) {}

  /// @brief Adds a task to the thread pool if a thread is currently available.
  template < typename Task >
  void run_task( Task task )
    boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > lock( mutex_ );

    // If no threads are available, then return.
    if ( 0 == available_ ) return;

    // Decrement count, indicating thread is no longer available.

    // Post a wrapped task into the queue.
    io_service_.post( boost::bind( &thread_pool::wrap_task, this,
                                   boost::function< void() >( task ) ) );

  /// @brief Wrap a task so that the available count can be increased once
  ///        the user provided task has completed.
  void wrap_task( boost::function< void() > task )
    // Run the user supplied task.
    // Suppress all exceptions.
    catch ( const std::exception& ) {}

    // Task has finished, so increment count of available threads.
    boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > lock( mutex_ );


  • 需要围绕用户的任务进行异常处理。如果用户的函数或可调用对象抛出的类型不是boost::thread_interrupted类型的异常,则调用std::terminate()。这是Boost.Thread的exceptions in thread functions行为的结果。它也值得阅读Boost.Asio的effect of exceptions thrown from handlers
  • 如果用户通过task提供boost::bind,则嵌套的boost::bind将无法编译。需要以下选项之一:
    • 不支持task创建的boost::bind
    • 进行编译时分支,根据用户的类型是否boost::bind的结果,以便boost::protect可以使用,boost::protect仅在task上正常运行某些功能对象。
    • 使用其他类型间接传递boost::function对象。我选择使用boost::tuple来提高可读性,但却失去了确切的类型。 thread_pool虽然可读性稍差,但也可用于保留确切的类型,如Boost.Asio的serialization示例所示。

应用程序代码现在可以使用void work() {}; struct worker { void operator()() {}; }; void more_work( int ) {}; int main() { thread_pool pool( 2 ); pool.run_task( work ); // Function pointer. pool.run_task( worker() ); // Callable object. pool.run_task( boost::bind( more_work, 5 ) ); // Callable object. } 类型非侵入式:


Boost.Asio可以在没有Boost.Asio的情况下创建,对于维护者来说可能稍微容易一些,因为他们不再需要了解io_service::run()行为,例如io_service::work何时返回什么是#include <queue> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> class thread_pool { private: std::queue< boost::function< void() > > tasks_; boost::thread_group threads_; std::size_t available_; boost::mutex mutex_; boost::condition_variable condition_; bool running_; public: /// @brief Constructor. thread_pool( std::size_t pool_size ) : available_( pool_size ), running_( true ) { for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < pool_size; ++i ) { threads_.create_thread( boost::bind( &thread_pool::pool_main, this ) ) ; } } /// @brief Destructor. ~thread_pool() { // Set running flag to false then notify all threads. { boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > lock( mutex_ ); running_ = false; condition_.notify_all(); } try { threads_.join_all(); } // Suppress all exceptions. catch ( const std::exception& ) {} } /// @brief Add task to the thread pool if a thread is currently available. template < typename Task > void run_task( Task task ) { boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > lock( mutex_ ); // If no threads are available, then return. if ( 0 == available_ ) return; // Decrement count, indicating thread is no longer available. --available_; // Set task and signal condition variable so that a worker thread will // wake up andl use the task. tasks_.push( boost::function< void() >( task ) ); condition_.notify_one(); } private: /// @brief Entry point for pool threads. void pool_main() { while( running_ ) { // Wait on condition variable while the task is empty and the pool is // still running. boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > lock( mutex_ ); while ( tasks_.empty() && running_ ) { condition_.wait( lock ); } // If pool is no longer running, break out. if ( !running_ ) break; // Copy task locally and remove from the queue. This is done within // its own scope so that the task object is destructed immediately // after running the task. This is useful in the event that the // function contains shared_ptr arguments bound via bind. { boost::function< void() > task = tasks_.front(); tasks_.pop(); lock.unlock(); // Run the task. try { task(); } // Suppress all exceptions. catch ( const std::exception& ) {} } // Task has finished, so increment count of available threads. lock.lock(); ++available_; } // while running_ } }; 对象:
