
时间:2012-09-24 02:35:54

标签: c++ c ffmpeg video-processing libavcodec

我正在尝试使用ffmpeg从视频文件中捕获帧,但我甚至无法获得视频的持续时间。每次当我尝试用pFormatCtx->duration访问它时我都会得到0.我知道指针已经初始化并包含正确的持续时间,因为如果我使用av_dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, videoName, 0);那么我实际上得到的持续时间数据以及其他信息该视频。 这是我使用av_dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, videoName, 0);时得到的:




持续时间:00:21:36.28,开始:0.000000,比特率:1135 kb / s




[PAR 1:1 DAR 4:3],25 tbr,25 tbn,25 tbc


流#0.1:音频:ac3,48000 Hz,立体声,s16,192 kb / s

我不明白为什么av_dum_format可以显示持续时间而我不能。我查看了函数定义,为了显示持续时间,该函数还使用了pFormatCtx-> duration。当我在main.cpp中调用它们时,其他成员变量也不会显示正确的数据


extern "C" {

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx = NULL;

    const char videoName[] = "futurama.avi";

    // Register all formats and codecs.
    cout << "Opening the video file";
    // Open video file
    int ret = avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, videoName, NULL, NULL) != 0;
    if (ret != 0) {
        cout << "Couldn't open the video file." << ret ;
        return -1;
    if(avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, 0) < 0) {
        cout << "problem with stream info";
        return -1;

    av_dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, videoName, 0);
    cout << pFormatCtx->bit_rate << endl; // different value each time, not initialized properly.
    cout << pFormatCtx->duration << endl; // 0
    return 0;



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


double time_base =  (double)video_stream->time_base.num / (double)video_stream->time_base.den;
double duration = (double)video_stream->duration * time_base * 1000.0;


答案 1 :(得分:1)



马上,我看到的一个直接差异是我使用了 av_open_input_file 而不是 avformat_open_input 。我也没有使用 av_dump_format

计算持续时间可能很棘手,尤其是对于H.264和MPEG-2;看看 durationSec 的计算方法如下。

注意:此示例还使用JUCE C++ Utility Library

注意2:此代码是ffmpeg tutorial的修改版本。

void VideoCanvas::Open(const char* videoFileName)
    Logger::writeToLog(String(L"Opening video file ") + videoFileName);

    AVCodec *pCodec;

    // register all formats and codecs

    // open video file
    int ret = av_open_input_file(&pFormatCtx, videoFileName, NULL, 0, NULL);
    if (ret != 0) {
        Logger::writeToLog("Unable to open video file: " + String(videoFileName));

    // Retrieve stream information
    ret = av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx);
    jassert(ret >= 0);

    // Find the first video stream
    videoStream = -1;
    audioStream = -1;
    for(int i=0; i<pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++) {
        if (pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO && videoStream < 0) {
            videoStream = i;            
        if (pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO && audioStream < 0) {
            audioStream = i;
    } // end for i
    jassert(videoStream != -1);
    jassert(audioStream != -1);

    // Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream
    jassert(pCodecCtx != nullptr);

      * This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms
      * of which frame timestamps are represented. For fixed-fps content,
      * timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be
      * identically 1.
      * - encoding: MUST be set by user.
      * - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
    AVRational avr = pCodecCtx->time_base;
    Logger::writeToLog("time_base = " + String(avr.num) + "/" + String(avr.den));

     * For some codecs, the time base is closer to the field rate than the frame rate.
     * Most notably, H.264 and MPEG-2 specify time_base as half of frame duration
     * if no telecine is used ...
     * Set to time_base ticks per frame. Default 1, e.g., H.264/MPEG-2 set it to 2.
    ticksPerFrame = pCodecCtx->ticks_per_frame;
    Logger::writeToLog("ticks_per_frame = " + String(pCodecCtx->ticks_per_frame));

    durationSec = static_cast<double>(pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->duration) * static_cast<double>(ticksPerFrame) / static_cast<double>(avr.den);
    double fH = durationSec / 3600.;
    int     H = static_cast<int>(fH);
    double fM = (fH - H) * 60.;
    int     M = static_cast<int>(fM);
    double fS = (fM - M) * 60.;
    int     S = static_cast<int>(fS);

    Logger::writeToLog("Video stream duration = " + String(H) + "H " + String(M) + "M " + String(fS, 3) + "S");

    // calculate frame rate based on time_base and ticks_per_frame
    frameRate = static_cast<double>(avr.den) / static_cast<double>(avr.num * pCodecCtx->ticks_per_frame);
    Logger::writeToLog("Frame rate = " + String(frameRate) );

    // audio codec context
    if (audioStream != -1) {
        aCodecCtx = pFormatCtx->streams[audioStream]->codec;

        Logger::writeToLog("Audio sample rate = " + String(aCodecCtx->sample_rate));
        Logger::writeToLog("Audio channels    = " + String(aCodecCtx->channels));       
    jassert(aCodecCtx != nullptr);

    // format:
    // The "S" in "S16SYS" stands for "signed", the 16 says that each sample is 16 bits long, 
    // and "SYS" means that the endian-order will depend on the system you are on. This is the
    // format that avcodec_decode_audio2 will give us the audio in.

    // open the audio codec
    if (audioStream != -1) {
        aCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(aCodecCtx->codec_id);
        if (!aCodec) {
            Logger::writeToLog(L"Unsupported codec ID = " + String(aCodecCtx->codec_id) );
            return;  // TODO: should we just play video if audio codec doesn't work?
        avcodec_open(aCodecCtx, aCodec);

    // Find the decoder for the video stream
    if(pCodec == nullptr) {
        // fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec!\n");
        //return -1; // Codec not found

    // Open video codec
    ret = avcodec_open(pCodecCtx, pCodec);
    jassert(ret >= 0);

    // Allocate video frame
    jassert(pFrame != nullptr);

    // Allocate an AVFrame structure
    jassert(pFrameRGB != nullptr);

    int numBytes = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB32, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height);
    jassert(numBytes != 0);
    buffer=(uint8_t *)av_malloc(numBytes*sizeof(uint8_t));
    jassert(buffer != nullptr);

    // note: the pixel format here is RGB, but sws_getContext() needs to be PIX_FMT_BGR24 to match (BGR)
    // this might have to do w/ endian-ness....make sure this is platform independent
    if (m_image != nullptr) delete m_image;
    m_image = new Image(Image::ARGB, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, true);

    int dstW = pCodecCtx->width; // don't rescale
    int dstH = pCodecCtx->height;
    Logger::writeToLog(L"Video width = " + String(dstW));
    Logger::writeToLog(L"Video height = " + String(dstH));

    // this should only have to be done once
    img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, dstW, dstH, PIX_FMT_RGB32, SWS_FAST_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    jassert(img_convert_ctx != nullptr);  

    setSize(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height);

} // Open()

答案 2 :(得分:1)

av_open_input_file()avformat_open_input()之间的差异可能是后者不读取流信息 - 因此duration未初始化。致电avformat_find_stream_info()为我解决了这个问题。


#include <libavutil/avutil.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>

int main()
    const char const* file = "sample.mpg";
    AVFormatContext* formatContext = NULL;


    // Open video file
    avformat_open_input(&formatContext, file, NULL, NULL);
    avformat_find_stream_info(formatContext, NULL);

    // Lower log level since av_log() prints at AV_LOG_ERROR by default

    av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "  Duration: ");
    if (formatContext->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        int hours, mins, secs, us;
        int64_t duration = formatContext->duration + 5000;
        secs  = duration / AV_TIME_BASE;
        us    = duration % AV_TIME_BASE;
        mins  = secs / 60;   
        secs %= 60;          
        hours = mins / 60;   
        mins %= 60;
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n", hours, mins, secs, (100 * us) / AV_TIME_BASE);

    return 0;


gcc -o duration -lavutil -lavformat duration.c