
时间:2012-09-30 00:03:05

标签: f#

我有一项非常简单的任务,但我无法弄清楚如何使解决方案更漂亮 目标是获取List并返回结果,具体取决于它们是否通过了谓词。结果应该分组。这是一个简化的例子:

Inp : [2; 4; 3; 7; 6; 10; 4; 5]
Out: [[^^^^]......[^^^^^^^^]..]


let f p ls =
        (fun el (xs, ys) -> if p el then (el::xs, ys) else ([], xs::ys))
        ls ([], [])
    |> List.Cons // (1)
    |> List.filter (not << List.isEmpty) // (2)

let even x = x % 2 = 0

let ret =
    [2; 4; 3; 7; 6; 10; 4; 5]
    |> f even
// expected [[2; 4]; [6; 10; 4]]


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


// active pattern to choose between even and odd intengers
let (|Even|Odd|) x = if (x % 2) = 0 then Even x else Odd x

// fold function to generate a state tupple of current values and accumulated values
let folder (current, result) x =
    match x, current with
    | Even x, _ -> x::current, result // even members a added to current list
    | Odd x, [] -> current, result    // odd members are ignored when current is empty
    | Odd x, _ -> [], current::result // odd members starts a new current

// test on data
[2; 4; 3; 7; 6; 10; 4; 5]
    |> List.rev                             // reverse list since numbers are added to start of current
    |> List.fold folder ([], [])            // perform fold over list
    |> function | [],x -> x | y,x -> y::x   // check that current is List.empty, otherwise add to result

答案 1 :(得分:2)


let folder p l = function
    | h::t when p(l) -> (l::h)::t
    | []::_ as a -> a
    | _ as a -> []::a

let f p ls =
    |> List.rev
    |> List.fold (fun a l -> folder p l a) [[]]
    |> List.filter ((<>) [])


答案 2 :(得分:0)


let rec _f p ls =
    match ls with
    |h::t -> if p(h) then 
                 match  f p t with
                 |rh::rt -> (h::rh)::rt
                 |[] -> (h::[])::[]
             else []::f p t
    |[] -> [[]]

let  f p ls = _f p ls |> List.filter (fun t -> t <> [])


答案 3 :(得分:0)


let f p ls = 
  let rec loop xs = 
    [ match xs with 
      | [] -> ()
      | x::xs when p x -> 
        let group, rest = collectGroup [x] xs
        yield group
        yield! loop rest
      | _::xs -> yield! loop xs ]
  and collectGroup acc = function
    | x::xs when p x -> collectGroup (x::acc) xs
    | xs -> List.rev acc, xs
  loop ls

答案 4 :(得分:0)


let groupedFilter (predicate : 'T -> bool) (list : 'T list) =
    (([], []), list)
    ||> List.fold (fun (currentGroup, finishedGroups) el ->
        if predicate el then
            (el :: currentGroup), finishedGroups
            match currentGroup with
            | [] ->
                [], finishedGroups
            | _ ->
                // This is the first non-matching element
                // following a matching element.
                // Finish processing the previous group then
                // add it to the finished groups list.
                [], ((List.rev currentGroup) :: finishedGroups))
    // Need to do a little clean-up after the fold.
    |> fun (currentGroup, finishedGroups) ->
        // If the current group is non-empty, finish it
        // and add it to the list of finished groups.
        let finishedGroups =
            match currentGroup with
            | [] -> finishedGroups
            | _ ->
                (List.rev currentGroup) :: finishedGroups

        // Reverse the finished groups list so the grouped
        // elements will be in their original order.
        List.rev finishedGroups;;

答案 5 :(得分:0)



let f p (ls) = seq {
    let l = System.Collections.Generic.List<'a>()
    for el in ls do
      if p el then 
        l.Add el
        if l.Count > 0 then yield l |> List.ofSeq
    if l.Count > 0 then yield l |> List.ofSeq