
时间:2012-10-03 06:10:07

标签: c++ c algorithm implementation boyer-moore

我正在尝试调整Boyer-Moore c(++)Wikipedia implementation来获取字符串中模式的所有匹配项。实际上,Wikipedia实现返回第一个匹配。主要代码如下:

char* boyer_moore (uint8_t *string, uint32_t stringlen, uint8_t *pat, uint32_t patlen) {
    int i;
    int delta1[ALPHABET_LEN];
    int *delta2 = malloc(patlen * sizeof(int));
    make_delta1(delta1, pat, patlen);
    make_delta2(delta2, pat, patlen);

    i = patlen-1;
    while (i < stringlen) {
        int j = patlen-1;
        while (j >= 0 && (string[i] == pat[j])) {
        if (j < 0) {
            return (string + i+1);

        i += max(delta1[string[i]], delta2[j]);
    return NULL;

我试图在if (j < 0)之后修改块以将索引添加到数组/向量并让外循环继续,但它似乎不起作用。在测试修改后的代码时,我仍然只得到一个匹配。也许这个实现不是为了返回所有匹配而设计的,它需要进行多次快速更改才能完成?我不太了解算法本身,所以我不确定如何使这项工作。如果有人能指出我正确的方向,我将不胜感激。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

Boyer-Moore的算法利用了这样一个事实:当你在一个较长的字符串中搜索“HELLO WORLD”时,你在给定位置找到的字母会限制在该位置找到的字符,如果要在所有,一种海战对战:如果你在边界的四个细胞处发现大海,你不需要测试其余四个细胞,以防有5个细胞载体隐藏在那里;不可能。

如果您在第11个位置找到“D”,那么它可能是HELLO WORLD的最后一个字母;但如果你发现'Q','Q'不在HELLO WORLD内的任何地方,这意味着搜索到的字符串不能出现在前11个字符中的任何位置,并且你可以避免在那里完全搜索。另一方面,'L'可能意味着HELLO WORLD在那里,从11-3位(HELLO WORLD的第三个字母是L),11-4或11-10开始。



if (j < 0)
    // Found a pattern from position i+1 to i+1+patlen
    // Add vector or whatever is needed; check we don't overflow it.
    if (index_size+1 >= index_counter)
        index[index_counter] = 0;
        return index_size;
    index[index_counter++] = i+1;

    // Reinitialize j to restart search
    j = patlen-1;

    // Reinitialize i to start at i+1+patlen
    i += patlen +1; // (not completely sure of that +1)

    // Do not free delta2
    // free(delta2);

    // Continue loop without altering i again
i += max(delta1[string[i]], delta2[j]);
index[index_counter] = 0;
return index_counter;

如果您将size_t *indexes之类的内容传递给函数,则应返回零终止的索引列表。


这允许例如添加额外的匹配而不必重复搜索已经找到的(index_size-1)子串;你通过new_num,num_indexes realloc数组增加indexes,然后将函数传递给偏移old_index_size-1的新数组,new_num作为新大小,并且干草堆字符串开始来自索引old_index_size-1的匹配偏移加上一个,正如我在之前的修订版中写的那样,加上针串的长度< / em>;见评论)。

此方法也会报告重叠匹配,例如在 banana 中搜索 ana 会找到b * ana * na和ban * ANA *



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

然后我修改了if (j < 0)以简单地输出它找到的内容

    if (j < 0) {
            printf("Found %s at offset %d: %s\n", pat, i+1, string+i+1);
            // return (string + i+1);
            i += patlen + 1;
            j = patlen - 1;


int main(void)
    char *s = "This is a string in which I am going to look for a string I will string along";
    char *p = "string";
    boyer_moore(s, strlen(s), p, strlen(p));
    return 0;


Found string at offset 10: string in which I am going to look for a string I will string along
Found string at offset 51: string I will string along
Found string at offset 65: string along


char *s = "This is an andean andeandean andean trouble";
char *p = "andean";

Found andean at offset 11: andean andeandean andean trouble
Found andean at offset 18: andeandean andean trouble
Found andean at offset 22: andean andean trouble
Found andean at offset 29: andean trouble


    if (j < 0) {
        // We have found a patlen match at i+1
        // Is it an overlap?
        if (index && (indexes[index] + patlen < i+1))
            // Yes, it is. So we don't store it.

            // We could store the last of several overlaps
            // It's not exactly trivial, though:
            // searching 'anana' in 'Bananananana'
            // finds FOUR matches, and the fourth is NOT overlapped
            // with the first. So in case of overlap, if we want to keep
            // the LAST of the bunch, we must save info somewhere else,
            // say last_conflicting_overlap, and check twice.
            // Then again, the third match (which is the last to overlap
            // with the first) would overlap with the fourth.

            // So the "return as many non overlapping matches as possible"
            // is actually accomplished by doing NOTHING in this branch of the IF.
            // Not an overlap, so store it.
            indexes[++index] = i+1;
            if (index == max_indexes) // Too many matches already found?
                break; // Stop searching and return found so far
        // Adapt i and j to keep searching
        i += patlen + 1;
        j = patlen - 1;