
时间:2012-10-03 11:15:01

标签: javascript jquery html ajaxform

我正在使用AjaxForm plugin


<form class='frmAppList'>
    <input type='hidden' name='deviceid' value='<deviceId>'>
    <input type='hidden' name='operationtype' value='<Coming from server>'>
    <input type='hidden' name='type' value='command'>
    <button type="submit" class='btnAppsList button'>
         APPS LIST

这是 jsp 中的循环,因此表单会多次生成 - &gt;的 frmAppList

我正在使用这个类来应用 ajaxform

   url : 'urltoserver',
   dataType : 'json',
   type : 'post',
   beforeSubmit : function() {
     return false;
     //something here that gives me the device id that is passed
     //since the form is not one I cant use id, also every form has **deviceid**
     //i need to get that deviceid so that i can pass it in **success** ajax call
     //at ***Label->(A)*** 
   success : function(response) {
      if (response.status) {
        //***Label*** ->(A)
        //have to call other ajax call to take the data 
        //for that i need the device id that is going in this ajax call
   error : function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
   timeout :10000

我怎样才能获得该设备ID,PLZ帮助我...... 非常感谢.....

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来自ajaxForm doc:

Callback function to be invoked after the form has been submitted. If a 'success' callback function is provided it is invoked after the response has been returned from the server. It is passed the following arguments:
1.) responseText or responseXML value (depending on the value of the dataType option).
2.) statusText
3.) xhr (or the jQuery-wrapped form element if using jQuery < 1.4)
4.) jQuery-wrapped form element (or undefined if using jQuery < 1.4)
Default value: null


success : function(response,status,request,form) {