
时间:2012-10-10 11:55:21

标签: android time

我开发了一个发送短信的应用程序。 Iam通过从数据库中检索时间来存储当前时间并显示在发送的历史记录页面中。在发送的历史记录页面中,我想显示发送消息的时间。在这里,我想检查消息是在今天或昨天或昨天之前发送的。如果昨天发送的消息意味着我需要显示"昨天20:00"就像那样,甚至消息是在昨天20:00"周日之前发送的。我不知道该怎么做。如果有人知道,请帮助我。

17 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:188)

要检查日期是否为今天,请使用Android utils库

DateUtils.isToday(long timeInMilliseconds)


DateUtils.getRelativeTimeSpanString(long timeInMilliseconds) -> "42 minutes ago"



答案 1 :(得分:40)


public String getFormattedDate(Context context, long smsTimeInMilis) {
    Calendar smsTime = Calendar.getInstance();

    Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();

    final String timeFormatString = "h:mm aa";
    final String dateTimeFormatString = "EEEE, MMMM d, h:mm aa";
    final long HOURS = 60 * 60 * 60;
    if (now.get(Calendar.DATE) == smsTime.get(Calendar.DATE) ) {
        return "Today " + DateFormat.format(timeFormatString, smsTime);
    } else if (now.get(Calendar.DATE) - smsTime.get(Calendar.DATE) == 1  ){
        return "Yesterday " + DateFormat.format(timeFormatString, smsTime);
    } else if (now.get(Calendar.YEAR) == smsTime.get(Calendar.YEAR)) {
        return DateFormat.format(dateTimeFormatString, smsTime).toString();
    } else {
        return DateFormat.format("MMMM dd yyyy, h:mm aa", smsTime).toString();


答案 2 :(得分:40)

如上所述,DateUtils.isToday(d.getTime())将用于确定今天是否Date d。但是,这里的一些回答实际上并没有回答如何确定日期是否是昨天。您也可以使用DateUtils轻松完成此操作:

public static boolean isYesterday(Date d) {
    return DateUtils.isToday(d.getTime() + DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS);


public static boolean isTomorrow(Date d) {
    return DateUtils.isToday(d.getTime() - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS);

答案 3 :(得分:21)

今天,您可以使用android API中的DateUtils.isToday


public static boolean isYesterday(long date) {
    Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
    Calendar cdate = Calendar.getInstance();


    return now.get(Calendar.YEAR) == cdate.get(Calendar.YEAR)
        && now.get(Calendar.MONTH) == cdate.get(Calendar.MONTH)
        && now.get(Calendar.DATE) == cdate.get(Calendar.DATE);

答案 4 :(得分:9)


Calendar mDate = Calendar.getInstance(); // just for example
if (DateUtils.isToday(mDate.getTimeInMillis())) {
  //format one way
} else {
  //format in other way

答案 5 :(得分:8)


fun isToday(whenInMillis: Long): Boolean {
    return LocalDate.now().compareTo(LocalDate(whenInMillis)) == 0

fun isTomorrow(whenInMillis: Long): Boolean {
    return LocalDate.now().plusDays(1).compareTo(LocalDate(whenInMillis)) == 0

fun isYesterday(whenInMillis: Long): Boolean {
    return LocalDate.now().minusDays(1).compareTo(LocalDate(whenInMillis)) == 0


fun isToday(whenInMillis: Long): Boolean {
    return DateUtils.isToday(whenInMillis)

fun isTomorrow(whenInMillis: Long): Boolean {
    return DateUtils.isToday(whenInMillis - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS)

fun isYesterday(whenInMillis: Long): Boolean {
    return DateUtils.isToday(whenInMillis + DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS)

答案 6 :(得分:4)



 fun getMyPrettyDate(neededTimeMilis: Long): String? {
        val nowTime = Calendar.getInstance()
        val neededTime = Calendar.getInstance()
        neededTime.timeInMillis = neededTimeMilis
        return if (neededTime[Calendar.YEAR] == nowTime[Calendar.YEAR]) {
            if (neededTime[Calendar.MONTH] == nowTime[Calendar.MONTH]) {
                if (neededTime[Calendar.DATE] - nowTime[Calendar.DATE] == 1) {
                    //here return like "Tomorrow at 12:00"
                    "Tomorrow at " + DateFormat.format("HH:mm:ss", neededTime)
                } else if (nowTime[Calendar.DATE] == neededTime[Calendar.DATE]) {
                    //here return like "Today at 12:00"
                    "Today at " + DateFormat.format("HH:mm:ss", neededTime)
                } else if (nowTime[Calendar.DATE] - neededTime[Calendar.DATE] == 1) {
                    //here return like "Yesterday at 12:00"
                    "Yesterday at " + DateFormat.format("HH:mm:ss", neededTime)
                } else {
                    //here return like "May 31, 12:00"
                    DateFormat.format("MMMM d, HH:mm:ss", neededTime).toString()
            } else {
                //here return like "May 31, 12:00"
                DateFormat.format("MMMM d, HH:mm:ss", neededTime).toString()
        } else {
            //here return like "May 31 2010, 12:00" - it's a different year we need to show it
            DateFormat.format("MMMM dd yyyy, HH:mm:ss", neededTime).toString()


Today at 18:34:45
Yesterday at 12:30:00
Tomorrow at 09:04:05

答案 7 :(得分:3)







 public static String getMyPrettyDate(long neededTimeMilis) {
    Calendar nowTime = Calendar.getInstance();
    Calendar neededTime = Calendar.getInstance();

    if ((neededTime.get(Calendar.YEAR) == nowTime.get(Calendar.YEAR))) {

        if ((neededTime.get(Calendar.MONTH) == nowTime.get(Calendar.MONTH))) {

            if (neededTime.get(Calendar.DATE) - nowTime.get(Calendar.DATE) == 1) {
                //here return like "Tomorrow at 12:00"
                return "Tomorrow at " + DateFormat.format("HH:mm", neededTime);

            } else if (nowTime.get(Calendar.DATE) == neededTime.get(Calendar.DATE)) {
                //here return like "Today at 12:00"
                return "Today at " + DateFormat.format("HH:mm", neededTime);

            } else if (nowTime.get(Calendar.DATE) - neededTime.get(Calendar.DATE) == 1) {
                //here return like "Yesterday at 12:00"
                return "Yesterday at " + DateFormat.format("HH:mm", neededTime);

            } else {
                //here return like "May 31, 12:00"
                return DateFormat.format("MMMM d, HH:mm", neededTime).toString();

        } else {
            //here return like "May 31, 12:00"
            return DateFormat.format("MMMM d, HH:mm", neededTime).toString();

    } else {
        //here return like "May 31 2010, 12:00" - it's a different year we need to show it
        return DateFormat.format("MMMM dd yyyy, HH:mm", neededTime).toString();

答案 8 :(得分:1)

    Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
    long secs = (dateToCompare - now.getTime().getTime()) / 1000;
    if (secs > 0) {
        int hours = (int) secs / 3600;
        if (hours <= 24) {
            return today + "," + "a formatted day or empty";
        } else if (hours <= 48) {
            return yesterday + "," + "a formatted day or empty";
    } else {
        int hours = (int) Math.abs(secs) / 3600;

        if (hours <= 24) {
            return tommorow + "," + "a formatted day or empty";
    return "a formatted day or empty";

答案 9 :(得分:1)


public String getSmsTodayYestFromMilli(long msgTimeMillis) {

        Calendar messageTime = Calendar.getInstance();
        // get Currunt time
        Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();

        final String strTimeFormate = "h:mm aa";
        final String strDateFormate = "dd/MM/yyyy h:mm aa";

        if (now.get(Calendar.DATE) == messageTime.get(Calendar.DATE)
                ((now.get(Calendar.MONTH) == messageTime.get(Calendar.MONTH)))
                ((now.get(Calendar.YEAR) == messageTime.get(Calendar.YEAR)))
                ) {

            return "today at " + DateFormat.format(strTimeFormate, messageTime);

        } else if (
                ((now.get(Calendar.DATE) - messageTime.get(Calendar.DATE)) == 1)
                        ((now.get(Calendar.MONTH) == messageTime.get(Calendar.MONTH)))
                        ((now.get(Calendar.YEAR) == messageTime.get(Calendar.YEAR)))
                ) {
            return "yesterday at " + DateFormat.format(strTimeFormate, messageTime);
        } else {
            return "date : " + DateFormat.format(strDateFormate, messageTime);



答案 10 :(得分:0)

DateUtils.isToday()应被视为已弃用,因为android.text.format.Time现已弃用。 在他们更新isToday的源代码之前,这里没有解决方案今天检测到,昨天处理转换到夏令时的转换,并且不使用弃用的代码。这是在Kotlin,使用today字段,必须定期更新(例如onResume等):

fun dateString(ctx: Context, epochTime: Long): String {
    val epochMS = 1000*epochTime
    val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
    cal.timeInMillis = epochMS
    val yearDiff = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) - today.get(Calendar.YEAR)
    if (yearDiff == 0) {
        if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) >= today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR))
            return ctx.getString(R.string.today)
    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1)
    if (cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == today.get(Calendar.YEAR)) {
        if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR))
            return ctx.getString(R.string.yesterday)
    val flags = if (yearDiff == 0) DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH else DateUtils.FORMAT_NUMERIC_DATE
    return DateUtils.formatDateTime(ctx, epochMS, flags)


答案 11 :(得分:0)


答案 12 :(得分:0)

另一种方法。在 kotlin 中,建议使用lib ThreeTen

  1. 添加ThreeTen

    implementation 'com.jakewharton.threetenabp:threetenabp:1.1.0'
  2. 添加kotlin扩展名。

    fun LocalDate.isYesterday(): Boolean = this.isEqual(LocalDate.now().minusDays(1L))
    fun LocalDate.isToday(): Boolean = this.isEqual(LocalDate.now())

答案 13 :(得分:0)


import android.text.format.DateFormat

fun java.util.Date.asPrettyTime(context: Context): String {
    val nowTime = Calendar.getInstance()

    val dateTime = Calendar.getInstance().also { calendar ->
        calendar.timeInMillis = this.time

    if (dateTime[Calendar.YEAR] != nowTime[Calendar.YEAR]) { // different year
        return DateFormat.format("MM.dd.yyyy.  ·  HH:mm", dateTime).toString()

    if (dateTime[Calendar.MONTH] != nowTime[Calendar.MONTH]) { // different month
        return DateFormat.format("MM.dd.  ·  HH:mm", dateTime).toString()

    return when {
        nowTime[Calendar.DATE] == dateTime[Calendar.DATE] -> { // today
            "${context.getString(R.string.today)}  ·  ${DateFormat.format("HH:mm", dateTime)}"
        nowTime[Calendar.DATE] - dateTime[Calendar.DATE] == 1 -> { // yesterday
            "${context.getString(R.string.yesterday)}  ·  ${DateFormat.format("HH:mm", dateTime)}"
        nowTime[Calendar.DATE] - dateTime[Calendar.DATE] == -1 -> { // tomorrow
            "${context.getString(R.string.tomorrow)}  ·  ${DateFormat.format("HH:mm", dateTime)}"
        else -> { // other date this month
            DateFormat.format("MM.dd.  ·  HH:mm", dateTime).toString()

答案 14 :(得分:0)


public static boolean isTomorrow(Calendar c) {
    Calendar tomorrow = Calendar.getInstance();
    return (tomorrow.get(Calendar.YEAR) == c.get(Calendar.YEAR)) && (tomorrow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == (c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)));

public static boolean isToday(Calendar c) {
    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
    return (today.get(Calendar.YEAR) == c.get(Calendar.YEAR)) && (today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR));


答案 15 :(得分:0)

作为 kotlin 扩展也很漂亮:

fun Calendar.isToday() : Boolean {
    val today = Calendar.getInstance()
    return today[Calendar.YEAR] == get(Calendar.YEAR) && today[Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR] == get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)


if (calendar.isToday()) {
    Log.d("Calendar", "isToday")

答案 16 :(得分:-1)


//Simple date format of the day
val sdfDate = SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy")

//Create this 2 extensions of Date
fun Date.isToday() = sdfDate.format(this) == sdfDate.format(Date())
fun Date.isYesterday() =
    sdfDate.format(this) == sdfDate.format(Calendar.getInstance().apply { 
          add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1) }.time)
//And after everwhere in your code you can do
else if(myDate.isYesterday()) {