将ATTR {idVendor}作为udev脚本中的参数传递

时间:2012-10-10 12:08:15

标签: linux shell usb udev


SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1004", RUN+="/var/www/beta/trigger.php"

现在,我想在连接任何USB设备时运行此脚本,并将供应商ID作为参数传递。 (因此脚本可以决定是否必须运行。)


SUBSYSTEM=="usb", RUN+="/var/www/beta/trigger.php myparam"

有人可以告诉我如何用ATTR {idVendor}的值替换“myparam”吗?我尝试了各种组合,但我从未得到预期的结果......


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:20)



   The NAME, SYMLINK, PROGRAM, OWNER, GROUP, MODE and RUN fields support simple
   printf-like string substitutions. The RUN format chars gets applied after
   all rules have been processed, right before the program is executed. It
   allows the use of device properties set by earlier matching rules. For all
   other fields, substitutions are applied while the individual rule is being


# Passes major, minor and serial number as parameters to script.
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", RUN+="/tmp/test.sh %M %m $attr{serial}"


    $kernel, %k
       The kernel name for this device.

   $number, %n
       The kernel number for this device. For example, ´sda3´ has kernel number
       of ´3´

   $devpath, %p
       The devpath of the device.

   $id, %b
       The name of the device matched while searching the devpath upwards for

       The driver name of the device matched while searching the devpath
       upwards for SUBSYSTEMS, KERNELS, DRIVERS and ATTRS.

   $attr{file}, %s{file}
       The value of a sysfs attribute found at the device, where all keys of
       the rule have matched. If the matching device does not have such an
       attribute, follow the chain of parent devices and use the value of the
       first attribute that matches. If the attribute is a symlink, the last
       element of the symlink target is returned as the value.

   $env{key}, %E{key}
       A device property value.

   $major, %M
       The kernel major number for the device.

   $minor, %m
       The kernel minor number for the device.

   $result, %c
       The string returned by the external program requested with PROGRAM. A
       single part of the string, separated by a space character may be
       selected by specifying the part number as an attribute: %c{N}. If
       the number is followed by the ´+´ char this part plus all remaining
       parts of the result string are substituted: %c{N+}

   $parent, %P
       The node name of the parent device.

       The current name of the device node. If not changed by a rule, it
       is the name of the kernel device.

       The current list of symlinks, separated by a space character. The
       value is only set if an earlier rule assigned a value, or during a
       remove events.

   $root, %r
       The udev_root value.

   $sys, %S
       The sysfs mount point.

   $tempnode, %N
       The name of a created temporary device node to provide access to the
       device from a external program before the real node is created.

       The ´%´ character itself.

       The ´$´ character itself.

答案 1 :(得分:10)



echo "Called by udev" >> /tmp/testenv
env >> /tmp/testenv
echo "Vendor id is $ID_VENDOR" >> /tmp/testenv

