
时间:2012-10-11 18:44:30

标签: wix wix3.6 bootstrapper burn

查看Wix Standard Bootstrapper应用程序的来源,似乎每个包都有 DisplayName 属性:


但是,WiX安装项目中使用的BootstrapperCore dll没有此属性。有没有办法从托管代码中的包中提取此属性?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

我将Bal代码移植到C#中,尝试使其与C ++代码完全相同:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;

public class BootstrapperApplicationData
    public const string defaultFileName = "BootstrapperApplicationData.xml";
    public const string xmlNamespace = 

    private static DirectoryInfo defaultFolder;
    public static DirectoryInfo DefaultFolder
            if (defaultFolder == null)
                defaultFolder = (new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)).Directory;
            return defaultFolder;

    private static FileInfo defaultFile;
    public static FileInfo DefaultFile
            if (defaultFile == null)
                defaultFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(DefaultFolder.FullName, defaultFileName));
            return defaultFile;

    public FileInfo DataFile { get; protected set; }
    public Bundle Data { get; protected set; }

    public BootstrapperApplicationData() : this(DefaultFile) { }

    public BootstrapperApplicationData(FileInfo fiBootstrapperApplicationData)
        DataFile = fiBootstrapperApplicationData;
        using (FileStream fs = DataFile.OpenRead())
            Data = ParseBundleFromStream(fs);

    public static Bundle ParseBundleFromStream(Stream stream)
        XPathDocument manifest = new XPathDocument(stream);
        XPathNavigator root = manifest.CreateNavigator();
        return ParseBundleFromXml(root);

    public static Bundle ParseBundleFromXml(XPathNavigator root)
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();

        XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(root.NameTable);
        namespaceManager.AddNamespace("p", xmlNamespace);
        XPathNavigator bundleNode = root.SelectSingleNode("/p:BootstrapperApplicationData/p:WixBundleProperties", namespaceManager);

        if (bundleNode == null)
            throw new Exception("Failed to select bundle information");

        bool? perMachine = GetYesNoAttribute(bundleNode, "PerMachine");
        if (perMachine.HasValue)
            bundle.PerMachine = perMachine.Value;

        string name = GetAttribute(bundleNode, "DisplayName");
        if (name != null)
            bundle.Name = name;

        string logVariable = GetAttribute(bundleNode, "LogPathVariable");
        if (logVariable != null)
            bundle.LogVariable = logVariable;
            //wix would actually debug "Failed to select bundle information" and return with E_NOTFOUND, but I think it's a (harmless) bug

        Package[] packages = ParsePackagesFromXml(root);
        bundle.Packages = packages;

        return bundle;

    public static Package[] ParsePackagesFromXml(XPathNavigator root)
        List<Package> packages = new List<Package>();

        XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(root.NameTable);
        namespaceManager.AddNamespace("p", xmlNamespace);
        XPathNodeIterator nodes = root.Select("/p:BootstrapperApplicationData/p:WixPackageProperties", namespaceManager);

        foreach (XPathNavigator node in nodes)
            Package package = new Package();

            string id = GetAttribute(node, "Package");
            if (id == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to get package identifier for package");
            package.Id = id;

            string displayName = GetAttribute(node, "DisplayName");
            if (displayName != null)
                package.DisplayName = displayName;

            string description = GetAttribute(node, "Description");
            if (description != null)
                package.Description = description;

            PackageType? packageType = GetPackageTypeAttribute(node, "PackageType");
            if (!packageType.HasValue)
                throw new Exception("Failed to get package type for package");
            package.Type = packageType.Value;

            bool? permanent = GetYesNoAttribute(node, "Permanent");
            if (!permanent.HasValue)
                throw new Exception("Failed to get permanent settings for package");
            package.Permanent = permanent.Value;

            bool? vital = GetYesNoAttribute(node, "Vital");
            if (!vital.HasValue)
                throw new Exception("Failed to get vital setting for package");
            package.Vital = vital.Value;

            bool? displayInternalUI = GetYesNoAttribute(node, "DisplayInternalUI");
            if (!displayInternalUI.HasValue)
                throw new Exception("Failed to get DisplayInternalUI setting for package");
            package.DisplayInternalUI = displayInternalUI.Value;

            string productCode = GetAttribute(node, "ProductCode");
            if (productCode != null)
                package.ProductCode = productCode;

            string upgradeCode = GetAttribute(node, "UpgradeCode");
            if (upgradeCode != null)
                package.UpgradeCode = upgradeCode;

            string version = GetAttribute(node, "Version");
            if (version != null)
                package.Version = version;


        return packages.ToArray();

    public static string GetAttribute(XPathNavigator node, string attributeName)
        XPathNavigator attribute = node.SelectSingleNode("@" + attributeName);

        if (attribute == null)
            return null;

        return attribute.Value;

    public static bool? GetYesNoAttribute(XPathNavigator node, string attributeName)
        string attributeValue = GetAttribute(node, attributeName);

        if (attributeValue == null)
            return null;

        return attributeValue.Equals("yes", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);

    public static PackageType? GetPackageTypeAttribute(XPathNavigator node, string attributeName)
        string attributeValue = GetAttribute(node, attributeName);

        if (attributeValue == null)
            return null;

        if (attributeValue.Equals("Exe", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
            return PackageType.EXE;
        else if (attributeValue.Equals("Msi", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
            return PackageType.MSI;
        else if (attributeValue.Equals("Msp", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
            return PackageType.MSP;
        else if (attributeValue.Equals("Msu", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
            return PackageType.MSU;
            return 0;

    public enum PackageType

    public class Package
        public string Id;
        public string DisplayName;
        public string Description;
        public PackageType Type;
        public bool Permanent;
        public bool Vital;
        public bool DisplayInternalUI;

        //not available until WiX 3.9.421.0
        public string ProductCode;
        public string UpgradeCode;
        public string Version;

    public class Bundle
        public bool PerMachine;
        public string Name;
        public string LogVariable;
        public Package[] Packages;

答案 1 :(得分:5)

在构建过程中生成的BootstrapperApplicationData.xml文件放在BA .dll旁边。您可以加载该XML文件以获取有关捆绑包和捆绑包中的大量信息。

