应用程序关闭时保存NSInteger intScore

时间:2012-10-16 17:48:43

标签: iphone objective-c ios xcode cocoa-touch

我用xcode 4创建了一个应用程序,所有代码都在主代码文件中,所以我没有更多的类。 我有3个视图,但目前只使用一个。现在在游戏中我保存一个整数作为分数,并在游戏结束时显示你的分数是什么,但我想知道我如何让这个int出现在我的另外两个视图中的一个标签中,并且重启应用程序时如何将其保留在那里。我很抱歉我的英语不好,但我是这个目标C和iphone应用程序的新手。谢谢!



//  ViewController.m
//  Mundo Grafia
//  Created by Axel Lambregts on 2/10/12.
//  Copyright (c) 2012 AxelNiels. All rights reserved.

#import "ViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()

@implementation ViewController

// variabelen aanmaken
NSInteger intScore;
NSInteger intRandomMonument;
NSInteger intRandomAnswerPosition;
NSInteger intRandomAnswerA;
NSInteger intRandomAnswerB;
NSInteger intRandomAnswerC;
NSInteger intRandomAnswerD;
NSInteger intArrayEuropeLenght;
NSInteger intAmountOfQuestionsAsked;
NSString *scoreSpatie;
NSString *arrEurope[][2] =














        {@"ViewSanMarino.jpg",@"San Marino"},







NSArray *arrEurope = @[












@[@"ViewSanMarino.jpg",@"San Marino"],







//methode'start' wanneer er op de start-knop wordt gedrukt

    [self NewQuestionEurope];
    intAmountOfQuestionsAsked = 0;
    //reset and show score
    intScore = 0;
    score.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", intScore];

    //make buttons and labels visible
    Start.hidden = YES;
    question.hidden = NO;
    score.hidden = NO;
    scoretext.hidden = NO;
    imageContainer.hidden = NO;

    answerA.hidden = NO;
    answerB.hidden = NO;
    answerC.hidden = NO;
    answerD.hidden = NO;

    answerA.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
    answerB.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
    answerC.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
    answerD.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];

    clickButtonA.hidden = NO;
    clickButtonB.hidden = NO;
    clickButtonC.hidden = NO;
    clickButtonD.hidden = NO;

    GoodFalse.hidden = NO;
    GoodFalse.text=@"Press a button to answer";
    GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
   question.text = @"Where is this picture taken?";

}//einde start


score.text= @"gelukt";



  if(intAmountOfQuestionsAsked == 19){

      question.text = [@"Uw score is: "stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", intScore]];

      Start.hidden = NO;
      question.hidden = NO;
      score.hidden = YES;
      scoretext.hidden = YES;
      imageContainer.hidden = YES;

      answerA.hidden = YES;
      answerB.hidden = YES;
      answerC.hidden = YES;
      answerD.hidden = YES;

      clickButtonA.hidden = YES;
      clickButtonB.hidden = YES;
      clickButtonC.hidden = YES;
      clickButtonD.hidden = YES;
      GoodFalse.hidden = YES;

      Start.titleLabel.text = @"END";



    intAmountOfQuestionsAsked ++;

    //Deze lus geeft aan intArrayEuropeLenght de waarde van hoeveel rijen de array bevat//
    intArrayEuropeLenght = 0;

    while (arrEurope[intArrayEuropeLenght][0] != NULL)

   //score.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", intScore];

    scoreSpatie = [
                             [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", intScore]
    score.text = [
                  stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", intAmountOfQuestionsAsked]

  // Randoms genereren voor: 4 random antwoorden; 1 random afbeelding; een random positie om het juiste antwoord in te plaatsen
    intRandomMonument = arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght;            
    intRandomAnswerA = arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght;
    intRandomAnswerB = arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght;
    intRandomAnswerC = arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght;
    intRandomAnswerD = arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght;
    intRandomAnswerPosition = arc4random()%4;

    while(arrEurope[intRandomMonument][0] == @"removed"){

        intRandomMonument = arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght; 


  //Random antwoorden maken
    answerA.text = @"";
    answerB.text = @"";
    answerC.text = @"";
    answerD.text = @"";

    if(answerA.text = @""){
        answerA.text = arrEurope[intRandomAnswerA][1];

    if(answerB.text = @""){
        answerB.text = arrEurope[intRandomAnswerB][1];

    if(answerC.text = @""){
        answerC.text = arrEurope[intRandomAnswerC][1];

    if(answerD.text = @""){
        answerD.text = arrEurope[intRandomAnswerD][1];

        case 0: answerA.text = arrEurope[intRandomMonument][1];
        case 1: answerB.text = arrEurope[intRandomMonument][1];
        case 2: answerC.text = arrEurope[intRandomMonument][1];
        case 3: answerD.text = arrEurope[intRandomMonument][1];

    //als er antwoorden hetzelfde zijn, voor de gelijke een random blijven maken tot ze niet hetzelfde zijn
       [answerA.text isEqualToString: answerB.text]||
       [answerA.text isEqualToString: answerC.text]||
       [answerA.text isEqualToString: answerD.text]

        answerA.text = arrEurope[arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght][1];


       [answerB.text isEqualToString: answerA.text]||
       [answerB.text isEqualToString: answerC.text]||
       [answerB.text isEqualToString: answerD.text]

        answerB.text = arrEurope[arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght][1];


       [answerC.text isEqualToString: answerA.text]||
       [answerC.text isEqualToString: answerB.text]||
       [answerC.text isEqualToString: answerD.text]

        answerC.text = arrEurope[arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght][1];


       [answerD.text isEqualToString: answerA.text]||
       [answerD.text isEqualToString: answerB.text]||
       [answerD.text isEqualToString: answerC.text]

        answerD.text = arrEurope[arc4random()%intArrayEuropeLenght][1];


    //Laat de afbeelding zien van het gekozen monument (via random gekozen)
    imageContainer.image = [UIImage imageNamed: arrEurope[intRandomMonument][0]];



//hier onder zit ergens een fout want hij geeft precies random juist en fout :)
//kan zijn dat het opgelost is vanaf we niet 2x dezelfde vragen hebben maar ik denk het niet.

//press buttonA
-(IBAction)AnswerA {

    if([answerA.text isEqualToString: arrEurope[intRandomMonument][1]]){

        GoodFalse.text = @"Correct!";
        GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
        intScore ++;

    }else {

        GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor redColor];


    arrEurope[intRandomMonument][0] = @"removed";

    [self NewQuestionEurope];


//press buttonB
-(IBAction)AnswerB {

    if([answerB.text isEqualToString: arrEurope[intRandomMonument][1]]){

        GoodFalse.text = @"Correct!";
        GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
        intScore ++;

    }else {

        GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor redColor];

    arrEurope[intRandomMonument][0] = @"removed";
[self NewQuestionEurope];

//press buttonC (works)
-(IBAction)AnswerC {

    if([answerC.text isEqualToString: arrEurope[intRandomMonument][1]]){

        GoodFalse.text = @"Correct!";
        GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
        intScore ++;

    }else {

        GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor redColor];

arrEurope[intRandomMonument][0] = @"removed";
    [self NewQuestionEurope];

//press buttonD
-(IBAction)AnswerD {

    if([answerD.text isEqualToString: arrEurope[intRandomMonument][1]]){

        GoodFalse.text = @"Correct";
        GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor greenColor];
        intScore ++;

    }else {

        GoodFalse.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
   arrEurope[intRandomMonument][0] = @"removed";
    [self NewQuestionEurope];

//hier onder niets wijzigen

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.


- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

NSUserDefaults *scores = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if (_points>[scores integerForKey :@"highscore"]) {
    [_highScoresLabel setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",_points]];
    [scores setInteger:_points forKey:@"highscore"];



NSUserDefaults *scores = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *_points = [scores integerForKey :@"highscore"];
[_highScoresLabel setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",_points]];

答案 1 :(得分:0)


[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:intScore forKey:@"score"];

然后,为了在另一个视图控制器中显示得分整数,您需要在另一个viewController的viewDidLoad中读取磁盘中的值,然后在标签中设置它! 由于该值已存储在磁盘上,您甚至不需要将其作为参数传递或将其设置为另一个viewcontroller上的属性,只需从viewDidLoad中的NSUserDefaults读取它(或者您需要设置它的任何/ whereever方法) )。


- (void) viewDidLoad {
    self.anotherLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [defaults integerForKey:@"score"]];

答案 2 :(得分:0)


int highScore  = yourGameScore;
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:highScore]     forKey:@"HighScore"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];


int highScore = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"HighScore"] intValue ];

here is similar question in stack..

答案 3 :(得分:0)

Try using NSUserDefaults ,it will keep the value in memory until you forcefully remove it or you delete the app.

     int Score = HighScore;

    [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:Score forKey:@"anyKey"];

    currentScoreLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",Score];
    highScoreLabel.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"anyKey"]];